JANUARY 25, 2013

The Sun is in the house of Aquarius as of January 20 - February 18. AQUARIUS is the Water-Man (Water Bearer), he is pouring out Living Waters. This signifies a time of refreshing, outpouring of Spirit, abundance, technology and wisdom in the Earth. Align yourself with the heavens to receive.

In yesterday's teaching, we shared that the tribe of Reuben was assigned to the Zodiac sign of Aquarius the Waterman. This is the sign declaring the Outpouring of Spirit upon all flesh and the revelation of the sons of God.

The 2nd decan/face or sub-constellation of Aquarius is PEGASUS the Winged Horse. The eternal stories are written out on the dark canvas of the heavens telling and re-telling what was, is and is to come. In each of the Zodiac signs we can find an aspect of the work of Christ and also a work of His character manifesting in us. As stated in Part 1 of this series, we will focus on how these heavenly signs declare the "good news". By no means are the language of the heavens limited to what we consider gospel.

In out May 25, 2012 posting, some of you might remember our prophetic message THE EVIL STAR - ALGOL. Algol is the most violent of stars, it means the head of Satan or the head of the demon. It is the severed head of Medusa, which was cut off by Perseus, the Breaker. In the heavenly constellations Perseus is seen holding the hissing serpent filled head of Medusa (a constellation with a blinking eye). Medusa-Algol conjunct in May and we read the stars accurately and prophesied of the extreme violence and killings which would soon follow and documented much of it. We also shared that Ketu (the tail of the demon) would join the head (Algol) in the Fall bringing us into another wave of murder and violence. It seems as every day or so we are hearing or reading about shootings, mass killings and unnecessary violence.

In Greek mythology, when Perseus cut off MedUSA's head, as the blood skirted from her neck, out of the blood something miraculous happened. Pegasus, the pure white winged horse was born fully mature and also his twin giant brother Chrysaor was born fully mature.

When Pegasus hoofs touched the earth, two springs of water were created. Pegasus flew to Mt Olympus where the gods lived, became of part of Zeus stables and was granted immortality. Pegasus carried the thunderbolts of Zeus.

Pegasus comes from the Greek word Pegai, which means springs, to spring forth; gushing. So we see that the 2nd decan of Aquarius the Waterman, Pegasus is also associated with the refreshing living waters. Jesus met a woman at the well and told her that he would give her living waters that she could drink of and never thirst again. He said, "I will be in you a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14

Pegasus the winged horse shows us our ability to live in 2 realms. We are physically attached to the earth realm, but also have the ability to soar in the heavenly realms as the flying horse with great speed and power. Where ever we go we should bring living waters, inspiration, refreshing and life - just as where ever Pegasus feet touched the earth, springs gushed forth.

Pegasus also shows us that it does not matter what type of background you came from. It does not matter how bad, evil or destructive it was - it does not have to dictate your future. Pegasus was conceived and birth out of violence. His mothers was a rape victim; cursed and banished to live in isolation, filled with hatred and bitterness, for the injustice done to her.

How often many feel that their past decisions, their family, social or economic situation disqualifies them from the commonwealth of Israel - the Kingdom of God? On the contrary, that makes one more qualified in many cases, if that's possible. Allow me to explain, he who has been forgiven much seems to have a greater passion for God-spirituality many times - they will wash his feet with their tears.

Pegasus matured quickly and ascended to Mt Olympus, the throne of God. He was used to inspire, bring refreshing and thunder the messages of God to others. On the star map, his head touches Aquarius the Waterman and also the Celestial Water Pot from which the outpouring comes. He is joined in mind with Aquarius-the Christ Man and is receiving the same life-giving force as Pisces Australis.

Some of the stars of Pegasus have these meanings; "the water", "the chief horse", "he who returns from afar".


The 3rd sub-constellation of Aquarius is Cygnus the Swan. Swans spend a lot of time in water. When looking on the star map of the constellations, Cygnus right wing touches Pegasus left hoof, while Pegasus head touches the celestial water pot and Aquarius head. This Zodiac sign house tells a wonderful story of unity, all the constellations are connected. It reminds me of after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts, there was unity and they had all things in common - they had no lack.

The mythology behind Cygnus is, his friend had died while swimming in the river of Eridanus (sub-constellation of Taurus). Cygnus searched and searched for him by sticking his head beneath the water and trying to retrieve his body. Zeus had mercy and turned his body into a swan.

The English word for Swan has a root word that means sound, as in singing. Swans are known to sing only once in their lifetime, before their death. "The 'Swan song' is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans (Cygnus) sing a beautiful song in the moment just before death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime.

Aristotle also noted that swans "are musical, and sing chiefly at the approach of death". By the third century BC the belief had become a proverb. In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Portia exclaims "Let music sound while he doth make his choice; Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end, Fading in music." Wikipedia

Cygnus is also called the Northern Cross, it's shape is like a giant cross in the northern heavens. The Cross speaks of death and metamorphosis. Just next to Cygnus is Lyra the Celestial Harp constellation.

Throughout our spiritual experience, we will sing our swan-song many times as the Most High brings each phase of our life to the cross. Apostle Paul said, "I die daily" We must be prepared to sing and worship our way through the thousand deaths, until there is nothing left to die. Complete metamorphosis... as we decrease that He might increase and swallow up everything of the false self. Cygnus the Swan is forever a citizen of the heavenly kingdom.

Cygnus also teaches us that we should live each day as if it was our last and make it a box office hit performance. This can only be accomplished by accepting the daily outpouring of Spirit from the celestial water pot of Aquarius.

Part 1 here: AQUARIUS


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