(Web Blog)


NOVEMBER 28, 2011

A long time ago when I first heard what is called "the Sonship or Kingdom Message", I thought that one day in the future a select few humans would rise up and immediately change the world. Of course, they had to have the "right" doctrines and religious affiliation. The message was presented in that way and it was always based on some future event.

I yet believe and also know there will be a global event that will cause a major paradigm shift, but long ago I decided not to just sit back and wait for it. The Kingdom of God is here now, in us and all around us; waiting to be activated. Once we move beyond the ego, greed, pride and all the negative emotions; we will have the power to create heaven on earth and bring light, even if we are bare feet. (the feet ministry) The pure power of love and a real desire to Be The Change can transform your world and all those you come into contact with.

Here is a very inspirational video. In spite of all of what appears as evil and negativity in the world, the Kingdom of God is rising up and growing. People are being empowered, technology-knowledge is increasing, the poor are inheriting the earth, justice, righteousness and equality is prevailing even with bare feet.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080


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