MAY 23, 2012

The Sun has now moved into Gemini, the Twins - can also be called the Twin Flames. In the Bible the tribe of Benjamin was assign the Zodiac sign of Gemini. Most people don't realize that Jacob's youngest son Benjamin had a twin, or shall we say another side of him. The story reads almost like a made for TV Reality Show. His mother Rachel, dying from child birth, breath out a name in her last words, probably while starring into Jacob's eyes.

She was remembering the unending competition between herself and her older sister Leah, how they competed for the affections of the one man, Jacob. Leah was having many sons for years and Jacob was busy with them at Leah's Tent, while Rachel was barren and all alone many times. She remembered all her schemes and manipulation that caused her great pain, but through it all, she had given the man she loved a second son.

As her breath was leaving her weary body, and she was bleeding profusely, she thought on a name. Knowing that she would no longer be with the man she loved and that her sister seemed to have won after all; the name had to mean something. It was not to only mean something for her, but for Jacob, each time he called him. She wanted Jacob to remember what great pain her love for him had caused her. Her dying breath she moaned, call him Benoni, son of my suffering, conflicts and sorrows.

But Jacob, having insight and foresight, would not allow his youngest son bear that type of burden. That name (nature) was attached to all the negativity and strife that had been created in his large family over the years. Jacob said, his name shall be Benjamin, son of my right hand, son of authority, prosperity. Genesis 35:16-29

Here we see the dual nature, opposites, or twin nature of the Gemini or Benjamite person born between May 21 - June 20. So it is with the Gemini, early in life there may be lots of challenges for many, but in the end Geminis always come out on top, if they stay balanced. The dark, suffering, and pains are transmuted into power, authority and abundance.

Jacob's blessing and prophecy for Benjamin: "Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil." Genesis 49:27

In the Zodiac sign of Gemini, there is the Dog star or Wolf star, Sirius (Canis Major). It is the brightest star in the night sky.

Benjamin, son of my right hand. You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16:11

On an expanded level of understanding the Benjamite anointing, it represents authority, power and abundance for all of us considered Sons and Daughters at the right hand of the Father. Out of our darkest hours will come our brightest moments, to shine as Sirius, the Prince star.

Prepare your mind to receive Abundance. Allow all the thoughts of lack, worry, fears and negativity to be absorbed into the feelings of abundance. The struggles, debt, drama and disappointments must be dissolved. Allow the death to the old competitive, scheming paradigm, as you give birth to the new. There's a Benjamin in you.

A few days ago I received this MP3 - Feeling Abundance Meditation from Jussi and Joycelyn (SoundLight & Twinflamelover). I have experienced it several times, it is wonderful. We want to share it with you.


Also, go to their website and check out the many other free meditation downloads.

The Primordial Sound

Share this with all you know.

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