DECEMBER 28, 2012

(We just learned today the President Obama's Inauguration is on January 21, 2013 - Today the news is reporting General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Dies at 78, Served under George H W Bush)

We are watching the health conditions of former President George H W Bush and former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. There conditions seem to be worsening. If they make it through the 3rd week of January 2013, they might be alright... for a while. Why would we say that?

July 5, 2012 - we posted a powerful prophetic message called THE HYADES. Here's an excerpt from one of the prophetic words Eye released - information from the star angels:

"Eye see the Hyades coming into our attention at this time with Venus is showing us that over the next 6 months there will be weeping and grieving for the lost of world leaders. World leaders that shall suddenly be taken from off the scene.

Eye am sensing very strongly an incident while there is rain fall - The rain will be seen in the background of the Breaking News - with a strong possibility of reporting on more than one incident or more than one person involved."

The 6 month period ends in January 2013. As a Watcher name Titus pointed out, "the burning Bush seems to be burning up with a fever."

Mubarak's condition is also failing. We are not saying for sure these are the (2) or the Only (2) that will fulfill this prophetic word Eye gave. The Spirit did say "leaders" and the only thing that can reverse it would be a massive change in consciousness.


We will leave this for other Watchers to report on. Here's some food for thoughts:

Moses met Yahweh in the Burning BUSH. George H W Bush is Burning with a fever. What was the message from the Burning Bush? LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! The Pharaoh of Egypt was overthrown and all the "Debt Slaves" were freed. Can you hear the Spirit saying that?? ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!

Moses the Burning Bush guy did not make it to the Promised Land, nor could he bring the people in. Most of the people died with a debtor mentality in the Wilderness, they were not prepared to handle success, abundance - they became greedy and complaining.

Sorry to say this: The Wealth that's about to be released, it will actually destroy many that have waited for a change. They will choke on success. THEY SIMPLY ARE NOT PREPARED MENTALLY & SPIRITUALLY FOR IT. They yet have a slave, or debtor mentality. The Egypt in them will consume them.

Moses administration was an administration of DEATH. (So was the administration of both BUSH, father and son - the unnecessary slaughtering of millions of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, etc).

Joshua, a younger man, with a different spirit, brought the people into their inheritance. So if Mubarak dies between now and the 3rd week of January 2013 - would that be another sign of our liberation from house of bondage ie Banking System, Federal Reserve, etc? If Bush dies, would that signify the end of an administration of Fear, Death, Condemnation and a release of Grace?

(We are not plotting or praying for anyone's death. We are only looking at prophecy scenarios in the news. However, some bushes must be cut down and uprooted, so they never grow again).





Thanks to all of you sending news about this. Thanks also to our Whale brethren that chose to fulfill the prophetic sign Eye gave May 18 & 20 regarding a Portal that was opened by CERN.

The latest Whale beachings were in Texas and New York. The Whale on the Beach in New York is directly tied to the Hurricane Sandy sign Eye gave.


(Let's send out a signal for No More Whale Beaching to fulfill the sign of 21 days that would end January 7, 2013)



You'll have to realize, there exist technology beyond your highly creative imagination. There exist advance civilizations with beings over 80 feet tall - These are what astrophysicists would call Level 3 & 4 Galactic beings. They actually have the power, ability and technology to move planets, moons, stars as easy as someone is moving furniture in a house.

Using Biblical terminology, they would be called Elohim(s) - they create worlds and civilizations. Their Starships are as big as continents or small planets. They come in many different sizes and shapes (pyramid, cigar or as the prophet Zechariah described it, "flying scroll," starship enterprise, classic saucer and even cube shaped, etc).

Sounds like something out of Hollywood, ay? How about out of your Bible, that's where Hollywood gets a lot of their ideas from. Ok, here's something that will blow your minds and I'll shut up...for now. First of all, I totally agree with the spiritual revelation, metaphysical aspect, etc of the Word. I teach/preach it all the time. But, there is this literal part from which all the deep spiritual truth is derived from.

Question. What do you think John on the Isle of Patmos literally saw and described?

Clues: It was descending from the sky/heaven. It was 1500 miles long by 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high. This crystal and gem covered craft was so huge, it looked like a massive city. The size is half the length of the North American continent. Revelation 21 Think about it.

So what are those guys/gods working on now in space? They got long cables connecting. Just try to imagine how long this would have to be and how thick. Is something about to fall in the space construct? Are these actually Space Elevators? Why have there been so many planet size UFO's/Starships hanging around the Sun over the past few years? Is our "modern" science telling us the truth about the Sun? Could the Sun be a portal to others universes or worlds? Watch this - recorded a few days ago:

Share this with all you know.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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