JULY 11, 2013

We often state in our gatherings the importance of what we call worship in spirit and truth; singing with our whole heart and being. I normally tell the gathering where ever we are, that we are calling forth the Christ in each other. "With joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3

Out of this inChristed experience we call praise, worship or celebration, we realize that each of us are individual wells creating and generating living waters salvation (healing, wholeness, soundness, safety, etc) for ourselves and each other. This created atmosphere in unison becomes pregnant with glory and what we call the supernatural.

The ancient art of coming into agreement through singing has the ability to release unlimited potential. We find throughout the Bible where the prophetic Levitical choir chanted and fire fell from heaven, or their adversaries self destruct. We find during the dedication of Solomon's Temple that the glory manifested and the people were "slain in the Spirit". They all fell down and could no longer stand, due to the weight of His glory.

The Presence is always present, for He is Yahweh (Jehovah) Shammah, the LORD God that's Present-Here Now. However, to invoke, activate or excite that Presence, if you will, Scripture gives us basic things to do. Joyful noises in unison, and singing seems to be a few ways through which this Presence can be focused or channeled to manifest in specific ways. This Presence is energy that's waiting to be programmed by thoughts, intents, prayers and declarations to Become or Manifest as healing, miracles, encouragement, joy, peace, etc. We sometime call this Presence the Holy Spirit.

There is some science behind what happens when a group of people come together, clapping their hands, making loud noises, moving in a rhythmic way and singing. For those who are participating, it is a corporate experience. The brain cells actually expand in preparation to receive more data. The brain moves into the Beta state of 12-23 hz. This is the fully awaken, alert, hyper mind state that allows more access to the right brain hemisphere. Christ sits at the right hand or right brain hemisphere of God. Whatever commands or teaching given afterwards are more likely to be believed and adhered to. Our ability to receive and act has become greatly enlarged and clearer at this state.

(This is sort of like a universal principle, in the sense that all human brains respond basically the same way. This exercise also works for football pep rallies, sales meetings and as a form of brain washing.)

I was inspired by the article below and began thinking about some of the wonderful song services I have had the privilege to be in. This article shows more scientific facts of some of the things that happen when a choir sings in harmony. I am sure this would also happen with a congregation singing in harmony. Their heart beat becomes synchronized. Besides the health benefits, that's unlimited power waiting to be directed.

"A new study shows choir singers don't just harmonize, but they also synchronize their heartbeats when they sing...When we inhale and exhale it stimulates the vagus nerve that is part of the sympathetic nervous system that also controls our blood pressure and heart rate. The sympathetic nervous system is what is responsible for "fight or flight".

Singing has an overall beneficial effect of lowering the heart rate and might be useful to improve health, pending more studies.


Dennis Grimes in California sent me this wonderful song we used to often sing many years ago in our conferences. May you have an experience while you singing this song.

Share this with all you know.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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