APRIL 26, 2014

I had heard bits and pieces of news over the past week about the government stand off or stand down with a Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy. It seemed like a lot of people were rallying around him for the wrong reasons from the very little news I heard.

It was not until around 3:00 am this morning when I was about the fall asleep that the light came on and a noise. It was the light on my cell phone and several vibrating noises indicating someone was texting me or Face Booking me. I haven't had or taken the time yet to figure out how to disconnect some of the functions of this very smart phone.

I reached over to check to see if it was something important, it was a laughing face with tears and a link to Stephen Colbert sent to me by John Glazier. I decided to check out the link and follow up on America's folk hero, Cliven Bundy. I laughed so hard after watching the Stephen Colbert report, I could not get back to sleep. I laid here wondering for a moment if there could be something in the water, air or food that's circumventing their common sense. Then I decided this was too good to keep to myself, it is after 4:00 am and I am still laughing at the fear and ignorance that's yet so prevalent in our society. At 1 minute and 55 seconds Richard Mack, a former Arizona Sheriff revealed their strategy as armed misguided patriots with misplaced patriotism were ready to defend Cliven Bundy's rights to continue to commit a federal crime. Watch the Video link below.


Jonathan Chait wrote yesterday, "it's not exactly a coincidence that Bundy also turns out to be a gigantic racist … Why do all these people with strong antipathy toward the federal government turn out to be racists?"

And then there's the hypocrisy: Bundy's entire claim to fame is refusing to pay for the public land he's using — freeloading, you could say — while then claiming black people are "dangerously dependent" on the government. "How are you not sort of a welfare queen in a cowboy hat?" Weir asked on CNN. (One of Bundy's lonely defenders, racism aside, is the National Review's Kevin Williamson, who maintains that Bundy's fight against tyranny makes like Gandhi, MLK, George Washington, and the guys at the Alamo, all in one.)

Here's a few more laughs on this wonderful Sabbath morning.

APOCALYPSE COW - WELFARE RANCHER Share this with all you know.

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