JUNE 11, 2012

I had read an article on Saturday about Rev. Creflo Dollar in Georgia, Pastor of a mega-Church and thought, how appropriate God's timing is. He was charged with domestic violence against his daughter several days ago. Now he's in the system and his daughter is in the system. He has an arrest record that could hinder his overseas travel and work.

While debating in my mind to blog this, I got an email from a watcher. Jocelyn in Tennessee sent me the article and shared her confirmation revelation about Humpty Dumpty and the soon coming fall of the financial system.

God has a strange sense of humor and speaks to us all the time. As a parent, I can totally understand trying to discipline kids and keep them from danger when they are 15 years old and know everything. Sadly, many adults don't have the strength or know how to be parents. They'd rather be friends to their kids.

Creflo Dollar denies choking and punching his privileged daughter, for having a tantrum and insisting on going out partying. According to him, the scratch on her neck is an old eczema scar, that's been there for years. What happened to the days when parents could "discipline" their kids and the kids wouldn't think about dialing 9-1-1? Growing up in my household, if I had even threatened to dial 9-1-1; they would have been called, but not by me. The paramedics would have probably been taking me to the hospital. Honestly, hahaha. (There is a difference between discipline and abuse, contrary to modern opinion. We do not condone or encourage child abuse).


This is bigger than Creflo Dollar, World Changers Ministry and the trouble he's having with a rebellious daughter. It all about the US DOLLAR and what's about the happen with it. This is just further confirmation hidden in Creflo Dollar's drama.

The Spirit has highlighted this as a warning of how fast the DOLLAR will lose its value in the coming months and be removed. It is a specific warning for the Christian Black & minorities communities to be prepared. Why specifically Christians? Creflo Dollar is a professing Christian and he (his name) is being used to highlight this as a prophetic sign, unbeknownst to him.

Pastor Dollar is a Black man, the prophetic warning is specifically to the Black and minority Christian communities, for the most part that might not be prepared. The current financial structure is crumbling right before our eye, but most don't see it. Many (all races, religions) will not be prepared Spiritually, Psychologically, or otherwise. Therefore, during the time of transition, many will see it as the end. And for many, it might be, due to fear and ignorance.

We have been speaking about a 6-8 month period since April. It is now a 4-6 months period. The Spirit told us to watch, and He gave us the prophetic parallel of the battle of Jericho. We will eventually share more detail of October - December events.

Here's the article that Jocelyn sent me. PASTOR CREFLO DOLLAR

What a prophetic name? Pray for him, his family and other parents that have teens that seem to be attracted to the ways of the world and the unhealthy party life.

Share this with all you know.

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Phoenix, AZ 85080


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