JUNE 8, 2013


There's lots of drama in the heavens tonight. The energy from this heavenly drama is also being played out in the political world and may be manifesting in some homes. As above, so it is below.

The sub-constellations or decans/faces of LEO are prominent on the backdrop of the evening south sky. Spica,the Seed star or Star Seed can be seen shinning blue-white on high in Virgo. Spica is above all the drama, declaring that those truly born of the Spirit don't have to be a part of this world drama and confusion. However, this realization will only fully manifest when the Star Seed willingly give up the ego and need to be right.

The seed is always looking for a place to die. It knows that only in dying can it really live and multiple itself. It is genetically designed to experience a death in order to experience the resurrection power of transformation.

So it is with us. Spica is high up in the sky, the golden color orb below it is Saturn. The Star Seed will always overcome the negative influences, ancient traditions and paradigms that seek to restrict the new day. As we have stated before, Spica, is one of the heavenly witnesses of Jesus the Christ, the pattern Star Seed. John 12:24 We are the offspring of the Original Star Seed (Spica) that fell into the ground, died and multiplied Himself as us in the Earth. Spica is yet telling the story, rising above Saturn (a type of Satan).

Hey you, Star Seed. You have been given everything you need to be the victorious one that you are. You have been genetically designed to die to the ego and need to be right, seen or heard daily. The Original Star Seed was buried, taken out of sight; only to appear in a different glorified form. Can you hear what the Spirit is saying to you today? ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!! Only when you chose to be invisible, will you become visible and bless all those who are fortunate enough to see you. Keep in mind they can only see the real you by revelation of Spirit.


Spica, the Seed star is also yet showing us the Power of the Seed when sown. There can be no consistent harvest, unless there is consistent seed sowing. "He gives seed to the sower." Keep giving your seed an assignment. Program it to be return in the form you desire. Seed money or seed anything is only energy expressing itself in that particular form. That energy when sown can be programmed or reprogrammed to produce not only after its kind, but also other kinds. Have you heard of GMO (genetically modified organisms)?

Monsanto and others are using this universal law of reprogramming the genetic information in seed in a negative way. If you have an Eye to see, you are being shown the unlimited potential and power of the seed for spiritual or material purposes. Spica, the Seed star yet challenges us to sow seed and become the seed. The seed is looking for a place to be planted, to die, so that it can miraculously release it unlimited potential of multiplication.


As wonderful as all of the above is, Spica happens to not be the main show in the evening sky southwards. The sub-faces or constellations of Leo are center stage. There are many messages that we could read from them. The most important message coming from Leo that seems to be getting my attention, is weird weather related. Oh no, here Eye go again. When the prophets sees the sword or what could be considered destruction, he or she is required to sound the trumpet. That Corvus the Crow is yet on the Rise and is talking (cawing) to me. Before we get to Crow talk or Raven talk, let's look at a bit of mythology.

In Greek mythology, Apollo sent the crow to fetch a cup of water. Corvus, however, got distracted eating figs and after much delay, finally remembered his mission. Rightly figuring that Apollo would be angry, the crow plucked a snake from the water and concocted a story about how it had attacked and delayed him. Apollo was not fooled and angrily flung all three into the sky, placing the crow and cup on the snake’s back. Then the god ordered Hydra to never let the crow drink from the cup. As a further punishment, he ordered that the crow could never sing again, only screech and caw.

Here's what the heavens look like tonight:


None of these constellations have any bright stars, but Hydra holds the distinction of being the longest constellation in the heavens. Job in the Bible mentioned this crooked serpentine constellation, it encompasses 1/3 of the Zodiac. "By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed and pierced the crooked serpent. Behold, these are but the outskirts of his works, and how small a whisper of his power! But the thunder of his power who can understand?" Job 26:13-14

Keep in mind that these (3) faces or constellations of Leo the Lion have no bright stars. Why is a Crow/Raven, Empty Cup and Giant Snake (the Hydra) all a part of Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah constellation? Aren't these all negative images or images with negative connotations? There are many messages in that, we will one day visit. Light and darkness are the same to Him, He is the author of both. He cloaks Himself in darkness. He dwells in thick darkness. Religion teaches us to run from the darkness. Selah.

The Hydra is a water snake. What is this year called? It is the year of the Black Water Snake.


In our posting for May 20 - Fire in the Sky and CROW RISING, we interpreted the signs of the heavens and gave specific dates for Water Events. During those dates there were Tornadoes, Storms, and Massive flooding on multiple continents.

When I saw the Crow Rise tonight and all of the constellations of Leo displayed. Spirit reminded me of what Eye saw and posted in January's Prophetic publication, YEAR OF THE BLACK SNAKE PT 2

"Eye see miles of farmland underwater and houses. (Prayer-Meditation can soften the impact or possibly change this)

This pattern of Storms and Flooding shall be repeated in the second phase - Eye see when the Sun moves into Leo, the Rains and Storms will start again and increase by October. October 15 - November 15, this energy has the potential to do the most damage and cause loss of many lives. (Tornadoes and possibly Hurricanes)."

What we are seeing now manifesting as weird weather with Major Water Events (Flooding) is only a prelude to what Spirit is showing that will be coming; especially after the Sun moves into Leo.

The Crow and its comrades in Leo are prominent in the skies now warning us of what will possible be, when the Sun energizes Leo after August 23. This brings extra concern to me, because Spirit had already announced this in January about when the Sun moves into Leo, without me looking at a map of the heavens. Our intent is to create awareness, not fear. {The extreme Water & Wind Events will possibly build in momentum, climaxing during the Fall season).

These Water Events will be globally, causing massive Displacement. Eye hear a newscaster using the phrases, "Storm Refugees," "Flood Refugees". Those phrases will become popularized over the coming 16 months. Since we have been given specific times and seasons when the Water Events (storms, flooding, and winds) are most dangerous, we can pray and possibly soften the impacts of these energies or stop them.

On the other hand, the Rains and Winds will also foreshadow the Outpouring of Spirit on the planet and Winds of the Holy Spirit that will blow away everything that's not rooted in Him.

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