�Citizens of planet Earth you are standing on the precipice of the age of great transition. Behind you is the history and fulfillment of many words spoken by the ancient Seers, Sages and Wisdom People of all cultures. Both positive and negative experiences have been necessary to bring about this stage of human evolution to be expressed at this time. The robes of glory and shame have been the clothing of humanity, the shouts of joy and pain has been the expressions on the countenances.

For more than 6000 years the present expression of Adam has toiled and brought forth wars, famines, disasters, and religions of hate. But he has also brought forth peace, prosperity, hope and a love for true spirituality. Herein, is the great paradox that has been manifested from the duality of the human experience.

As you stand on the precipice of transformation, will you shrink back into mass consciousness that have chosen to remain in the darken world of illusions? Will you allow fear to grip your heart as you stand on the ledge of unimaginable realities? Will you say that it is impossible, dangerous, uncharted, and lonely? Or, will you faint by the wayside, refusing to overcome the temporal to become a part of the timeless hosts?

The ancient ones from the other side are longing and peering through the realm of time, they are even stepping through the portals of dimensionality to assist with the great transition. They have come to cheer you on, to give you the push that will cause you to plunge into the vastness of who you really are. They are the great cloud of witnesses, the unseen presence you feel from time to time, the shadows and lights that you catch out of the corner of your eyes. Yes, they are the images in your dreams and visions, even materializations that appear as physical beings and disappear. They are eager to assist, knowing that they can not achieve their goal unless their human counterpart makes the transition.

Soon both worlds will merge as one; the seen and the unseen. The gulf that has existed will cease to exist in the consciousness of humanity. Mortals will walk as immortals and the immortals will be visible to the mortals. But before this can fully manifest, extreme earth changes and upheavals are necessary.

Time as you know it is rapidly being filled up. Both positive and negative energies are being totaled and what has been sown will be reaped. All of creation is groaning and laboring to give birth to a new creation. If one were to compare Earth's frequency to musical notes, the chord/resonance would be in E-minor. It is a sound of sadness to some and a sound of rejoicing to others.

As a woman writhes with the pain of child bearing, so shall it be with the planet Earth, and as a woman rejoices at the birth so shall it also be. The year 2003 shall be the beginning of the labor pains and contractions that will help produce the great transition. It shall also begin a time of great joy and prosperity for those that align themselves with truth. Out of the bitter will come forth sweet and out of the eater will come forth meat. Only those that are wise and fearless will shine and absorb the darkness and change it to light. Will you step off into the unknown to make it known? Can you see that which is concealed in the revealed? Are you able to turn your pain into pleasure, hopelessness into rejoicing?

If you can keep in step with the dance of paradoxes and what appears as limitations, then this great transition will only serve as a spring board into the unlimited."



Some time ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to begin to do a series of teachings on "Prosperity". The Holy Spirit said, "Tell the people that they are moving into a cycle of prosperity, and that as the world system crumbles, wealth and prosperity will be transferred to the righteous". Then He said tell the people, "Go Get Your Stuff". Immediately after I released the prophetic words and began teaching, the miracles started to happen.

At that time I was the leader of a group (Mystery school) that gathered in my home. God began to move mightily. Business people started getting phenomenal accounts in one day, another brother was blessed with a business and a Mercedes; job opportunities, unexpected monies, court cases were overturned and dropped. The testimonies came pouring in day after day during the 5 weeks of teaching and prophesying, and are yet coming.

"And they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo". Ezra 6:14

"Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and You Shall Prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20


As I pondered on the miracles and how fast everything was happening, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind how every seed must produce after its kind. The Words of God are seed, when planted in fertile, prepared hearts it must produce.

If I preach/teach healing seed (word), people get healed. If I preach/teach overcoming seed (word), people will overcome. If I preach/teach prosperity seed (word), people will prosper. Every seed (word) must produce after it kind, it is a universal law. If an apple seed is planted, oranges or bananas trees will not come up. If someone gives Money, Money has to come back to them.

Through nature, the cosmos, and life we are given a most powerful principle. It is the Seed. Jesus often used parables referring to the Seed. Everything in life has its origin in this principle.

The Parable of the Sower spoken by Jesus is the most important and powerful of all that He spoke. This is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the Multi-verses and releases true success.

"If you don't know this parable, then you will not understand all others." Mark 4:13

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)is the feast of harvest, ingathering. There can be no harvest if no seed has been planted. The wealth of the world system Will Not be turned over into the hands of the stingy, or those that have not sown bountifully. There are too many "Kingdom/Tabernacle People", righteous people, that are broke, busted, and disgusted. Release your seed and GO GET YO STUFF !!!

I feel strongly commissioned and anointed by God to Release Prosperity and Wealth to the Body of Christ. One of the functions of the Prophetic office is to do this. (Moses released the wealth of Egypt to the Israelite slaves, Elijah released it to the widow, Elisha in one day turn a severe famine into abundance for a city, also multiplied the widows oil, Jesus fed the multitudes and paid the debts of the disciples).

This is the year of the Lord's favor that shall be shown to those in Zion; it is there where the Commanded blessings are. However, there must be an exchange, a seed sown. If what you have in your hands does not meet your need, then it must be your seed. As we have accurately prophesied into world events and individuals nearly two decades, I am so sure of the season/cycle that's being made available.

"You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come". Psalms 102:13 �The men of Issachar had understanding of the times and seasons and knew what Israel should do.� 1 Chronicles 12:32

On the material plane, this is the set time for possessing, promotions, acquiring wealth, blessings, expansion, ministry/business, move, (growth/expansion), debt cancellation and abundance. Not only do I know this by revelation knowledge of the scripture, the prophetic voice, but the heavens are also shouting this. "The heavens declare (prophesy)..."

For those that eat their seed and hold back, the struggle will become more intense. Monies being spend on repairs and other accessory maintenance, creating more frustration.


{Some of you will see properties sell, closed doors opened, buildings/properties made available, favorable legal settlements, prayers answered and unexpected prosperity}.

You are too blessed to be stressed, too anointed to be disappointed. Now prosper in spite of disastrous world events and dance the dance of paradoxes.


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080

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