
It has been nearly 1 year since we published Desert Meditations #1, we had just shifted from the Pacific Northwest to the West Valley Desert of Phoenix, Arizona area. We thought we had it all planned out of how and most of all �when� the next step for fulfilling our destiny would work out. We had heard a clear word from the Lord and acted upon it. The Father had honored our faith and brought us out by a high and mighty hand for this phase of our transition. More dreams and prophetic words came to confirm what we believed for.


Time and time again we read about God sending his prophets to the desert for lessons that can only be taught by the desert experience. The desert experiences may not always be a literal desert but it will definitely be a fiery trial. �Then was Jesus led up by the Spirit into the wilderness (desert) to be tested of the devil.� Matt. 4: 1 Of course this was before Jesus taught us to pray �lead us not into temptations (testing)�. The Eternal Voice of God will often time lead us into a place of testing. During this time of testing it appears as if God�s clock is broken, or He is just purposely ignoring the time. After all, doesn�t He realize I have things to do, places to go and people to minister to?

After our mental struggling against God and the resounding whining �why�s�, we have these intervals of clarity, realizing that God�s clock does not tick to our marching. Furthermore, it does not tick at all; it is forever stuck at 13 O�clock � NOW. It is always NOW- 13 O�clock, the hour, minute and second that exists outside of time but yet manifest in time and is ALWAYS ON TIME.

I must say I have spent quite a bit of time recently trying to fix God�s broken clock. I have even tried to move the hands forward, then backwards; I went so far as to set the alarm and still nothing happened. I seem to remember an ancient couple that was told to wander around in the desert and given a promise of a son, they also had a problem with God�s Broken Clock. Abraham and Sarah�s biological clock was ticking and the Eternal Clock seemed to have been totally oblivious to the fact that they there were getting older and already beyond the years of procreating. In spite of their tinkering with God�s clock and their biological clock about ready to stop; they produce the promise right on time, 13 O�clock.

A young man by the name of Joseph had a dream that he would one day be a world ruler, his desert experiences got him thrown into the pit and later into the prison. Surely God�s clock must be broken, he must have thought as he sat among criminals. All the wonderful experiences that young men normally would have were sacrificed as the hands of time reminded him day after day that his youth was diminishing and he was not a ruler yet. As God�s clock stayed forever stuck and literally overnight this prisoner became the Prince of Egypt right at the stroke of 13 O�clock.

There�s a funny thing about �facts�. They Are Real !! Facts can be verified under a microscope, the body manifestations of aches and pains can confirm it, the upheaval of emotions can validate it, men and women of science can even prove it. However, �fact� does not necessarily have to become our �truth� or reality. In other words God is not limited to what we know of as time and neither are we.


�I will restore to you the years�� Joel 2:25 In reality there is No Waste and there is No Time. All that appears as wasted time can easily be reconciled at 13 O�clock and that which appears to have been taken will instantly be restored. As the 7th angelic message is revealed within - past Now and future Now is reconciled in present or Presence Now. But how is this? He that exists before time, at the end of time and parallel to time is also called El Olam, God of the Ages of time -projecting Himself through time.

The physical body, your emotional, financial or spiritual state of being can only reflect what may be facts according to the realm of time which is governed by 24 hour days. However, there is the realm of Eternity and it�s not far away. �He has set the world (literal definition = eternity) in there hearts� Ecc. 3 This is what I call 13 O�clock or God�s broken clock that refuses to move pass the eternal Now. Accessing this realm of eternity is really simple. Have you ever been in worship, prayer or meditation and lost track of time? What you thought was 5 minutes was actually 30 minutes or more. What happened? You tapped into eternity that�s within and transcended what we call time, thus, releasing yourself to operate by God�s broken clock that�s forever stuck in the eternal moment.

I am re-learning to embrace what appears as oppositions, challenges, and not always having the need to have prophetic insight of what to do next. By doing so, the hands of what I know of as time and the numbers on the face of life�s clock are fading. God IS a very present help� God/Father/Creator IS. As we tap into the truth of GOD IS; disappointments, depression, and discouragement can no longer hinder us. We are no longer going through time but time goes through us.


The Voice speaking in the desert rarely divulges detail information. It is given in various frames not in sequences. It is like watching or listening to a preview to a coming box office hit movie. All of the exciting parts are portrayed just enough to pique your interest to come and see it. Sometimes the preview will say �Coming Soon� but not giving a date or time. Now that you are all excited the announcer leaves you hanging and thinking about the exciting images. The film has already been made, it just hasn't been Released. Can you hear that? The release will take place in a "time" and "season" that will bring more glory to the Father-Creator.

You have been shown the previews of what Spirit has for you, your family, business or ministry. It�s coming soon. But when is soon?? Soon is at 13 O�clock- God�s time on His broken clock. It is the eternal Now, entering into eternity within to see the fulfillment of things without. Your release is always NOW.


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080

