(Web blog)


MAY 27, 2011

Many years ago I was teaching on the 6 Directions of space that are all sustained from a Central Point being the 7th. I later put this information in our book "Secrets of the Cherubim", (currently out of print) as I shared my encounters with the Cherubim. We will take a look at some excerpts in the book of what I call the 7 Divine Directions over the next 7 days. You will be able to determine prophetically which direction you are in during this phase of your life. Keep in my that this current version of you will change and you will experience all of the Divine Direction multiple times, ultimately becoming one with Center.

The 4 primary directions are East, West, North and South; then there is Up (Height) and Down (Depth) which makes up 6. The Central Point, out of which all directions come is the 7th. The 4 primary Directions are guarded by the 4 Cherubim and their influences in your life at that moment.

From time to time we find ourselves experiencing the energies from one of these divine directions influencing our life. Or, we are feeling that we are being pushed or drawn into one of them. The messages that the Cherubim teach us are priceless. So let hear what the Cherubim would say whose direction is toward the WEST.

The Hebrew definition for North is, dark, hidden. private, secret place; to protect or hide one's self, gloomy and unknown. This is your 4th phase of Initiation.

Night had fallen and a chill from the North seem to fill the air. The silvery full moon and the starry host shone with great brilliance as I faced the the cool breeze. Above me I could hear a noise, then a loud screeching sound. I could see the piercing eyes rushing toward me, the enormous beak and head now before me. Astounded by the magnificence of this creature, awed by its presence, I fell on my knees. The Eagle-Faced One said to me in a strong, but sensitive and subtle tone, "Is it Life that you seek? Do you desire to know the Secret if Secrets? My abode is the high place in the north, come with me and soar.

The Secrets of secrets is Immortality, the life that exist without discarding the physical body. This life exist in the highest place within humanity, it is encoded in their DNA, the record book of all humanity. It has lain dormant down throughout the ages, with only a few that have ventured to grasp it. Deceptions, disappointments and doubt have deterred multitudes.

Overcoming the physical is the next highest achievement in human evolution. Man will be completely whole. He will have broken through the illusionary barriers of matter, space and time. He will be able to transport his physical body at will to any location and bi-locate; not limited by time, space or matter.

Immortality is the consumption of mortality in man. It is Spirit devouring and transmuting the physical into a higher glorified expression. It is the Divine hidden nature swallowing up the expose human nature.

North is the place of hidden mysteries and dark sayings. The Egyptian Pharaohs aligned themselves in dead with "true north" which is the passage way for resurrection. The North Star points the way and is the seat of the Cosmic Throne. It is the celestial center and the gateway to Divine Center, but there is an enemy that must be conquered there. It is the Dragon, or the Serpent Brain that challenges the Divine Life within.

Listen to the Secrets of the Eagle. Does she build her nest in the heights for naught? Does he soar alone above the principles for naught? The way of the Eagle is the way of the wind. Where it come from is a mystery and where it goes. It is so high that it can not be seen and yet so low it transforms the earth.

The Secret of secrets is the soul ascension through the fires of purification to be united with Spirit".


POEM Given For This Direction 1999


Behold the place where the Secrets are concealed, in the cold lofty position where the Eagle wills-

The ancients searched these chambers through and through, but the serpent revealed it's mysteries to only a few-

Ancient civilizations were built by your direction, knowledge shared to bring mortal and immortal connection-

Monuments yet testify of who you are, the architect's hands inspired by the Pole Star-

Once you lived where the Fishes swam up and down, now the Crab holds you tightly to the sandy ground-

Lofty One blow from your situation on the North side, confuse the vain philosophy of man swollen with pride-

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Phoenix, AZ 85080
