(Web Blog)


MARCH 29, 2012

Many years ago we were told to prophesy into world events and space events, especially, in the area of extreme weather and natural disasters. We were informed that human prophetic voices had to match what the heavens and other signs were reporting, to assist with our great transition. At the same time we were told to intercede on behalf of the planet and humanity; this became a great paradox for us.

Our planet is transitioning from a 3rd dimensional planet to a 4th - 5th dimensional planet and so are her inhabitants - a new heaven and new earth will emerge through much upheaval. This upheaval will and is manifesting as extreme weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Solar Flares and other natural disasters. This is not the wrath of an angry God as we have been taught in past times, nor can these events be called "acts of God" in most cases. It is partially due to the ending of a 26,000 year cycle.

Accumulated human consciousness plays a big role in the ending of this cycle. The planet and solar system reflect back to us what we have projected into the universe. When humanity is relieved of its violence, fears, hate, greed, selfishness, pride, injustices and chooses LOVE; Earth will respond more favorably. Heaven will fully manifest on Earth. The days of Noah, prior to the "great washing" were filled with events very similar to ours.

These (2) videos were recently sent to us. Can you discern the times we are in? Are You Awake Yet?!

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080


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