(Web Blog)


JANUARY 27, 2012

"I will open my mouth... I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." Matthew 13:35

In the center of the Zodiac is a constellation of stars called Cepheus. The stars are the image of One sitting on a throne, ruling over the other 47 constellations of stars. At about 90 degrees apart around the throne is the Face of a Lion = LEO, Face of a Man = AQUARIUS, Face of an Ox = TAURUS, and on older maps the face of an Eagle, on current maps it is the Scorpion= SCORPIO. These are the same images of beings called Cherubim in the Book of Ezekiel and the creatures around the throne in Revelation chapter 4. These 4 Zodiac signs form what is called the Cosmic Cross, exactly 90 degrees apart in the heavens and One sitting on the throne directly in the center.

So we see by this literal picture of the heavens, when the Prophets were speaking and revealing mysteries, it had a lot to do with the Zodiac. Zodiac simply means circle of animals; the way. It is the circle of animals above our head telling and retelling the mystic secrets night after night. They show forth the Way that leads to Truth and brings one into eternal Life. This is the path of Sun.

The constellation of Cepheus, which means the Crowned King, One who comes to rule; belongs to the Zodiac house of Pisces the Fishes. The King sits high in the north sky on his throne with his royal scepter held high in the center of the Zodiac. Cepheus is a type of Christ, the King of kings and the King of the universe. In Greek mythology, Cepheus comes from Ethiopia and is the King of Ethiopia.

Cepheus is now located just beneath the North Star at the North Celestial Pole. This is true north. At times Cepheus becomes the North Star (Pole Star) due to the axis of the Earth. 1000 years from now according to astronomers, Earth's axis will point directly to Cepheus. There are so many messages in this info that we can not get to now. I will only ask some questions to help you to think.

Why did the Egyptians and other Pyramid builders build the Pyramids in alignment with true north? Why were the Pharaoh's buried facing true north? Why was Solomon's Temple built on the sides of the north? Why does Scripture place God's throne in the north? "Great is the Lord..is Mt Zion, on the sides of the north." Psalms 48 "O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground..For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:" Isaiah 14

We have shared history, legends, metaphysics, Hollywood and the Bible that confirms that the Dragon (Seraphim) are the closest to the throne of God. Could there be an astrological/astronomical witness of this fact? Since the stars predate Earth, humans, myths and the Bible; there has to be a Celestial Prophet proclaiming and confirming this.


"That He would show unto you the secrets of wisdom, that they are double (two-sided) to that which is..." Job 11:6

On the "right hand" and beneath the feet of Cepheus, the One who comes to rule is a huge constellation of stars called DRACO the DRAGON. Draco has about 80 stars and does not belong to the Zodiac sign house of Pisces, where Cepheus belongs. Draco is a decan or sub-constellation of Sagittarius. Thuban, (Alpha Draconis) is the brightest star of Draco the Dragon. Thuban means the snake in Arabic. Over 5000 years ago it was the Pole Star, true north. Due to the Earth's axis, it appears to be cast down. Didn't Isaiah 14 say that the morning star would be cut down?

There is a celestial witness to the Dragon and its position near the throne. Is Draco good or evil? Here's a clue, in yesterday's message "Dragon in the Matrix," it was accurately pointed out by the radical program Merovingian (type of evil-satanic) that Seraph (the dragon) had once served him before he became the Guardian Angel of the Oracle (Word of God).

Draco is also called the Lawgiver by the ancients. There were those that descended to Earth from the constellation of Draco in our distant pass. (Earth has been visited by many races of beings). According to some "so called" myths, beings from Draco had a part in the development of humans on planet Earth. The Draconians passed their laws and rules onto humans. These other worldly lawgivers were very strict and demanding.

Ok by now, some of you are thinking, "what has this guy been smoking, Draconian Lawgivers?!" Have you ever heard of Draconian Law? It was also called a Homicidal Law. Why is it that we yet even use this term "draconian law" today to describe some of our extreme laws? Where does it really come from? Didn't Moses the Lawgiver give us homicidal laws (stoning humans, burning humans, decapitation, etc)?

Remember, the secrets of wisdom are two-sided. More tomorrow.

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