(Web Blog)


JANUARY 24, 2012

"I will open my mouth... I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." Matthew 13:35

In our January 2, - 2012 Prophecies - Year of the Dragon 1 Publication, near the end, there is a section called, "CRYPTOZOOLOGY WEIRD PROPHECY & MORE." Eye shared about some discoveries that shall be made over the next (2) years; especially, involving creatures thought mythical, extinct and prehistoric. Question: Do you think we have the power to summon creatures from the deep or other dimensions? When you see the news report, this question will come to your mind.

In our message yesterday we said we would be answering some provocative questions regarding dragons, and we shall. We have been told that Dragons are mythical creatures that never really existed, except for in the dreams/visions of someone on hallucinogenics drugs. What if they really did exist? What if they yet exist, not just in another star system? What if they exist much closer, in another dimension outside the normal human vision range?

First of all, I have never knowingly met or spoken with a dragon, yet. However, I have met people from different parts of the world that will swear they have. Many years ago, my first reaction based on my previous religious programming, was to encourage them to be careful of demons or rebuke it; even when the message was positive. Keep in mind this verse:

"That He would show unto you the secrets of wisdom, that they are double (two-sided) to that which is..." Job 11:6


The Being, Energy, Light that created, inhabits and is everything that we can and can not see can not be defined; we simply do not have the vocabulary. He/She/It can not be limited to mere words, adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc; only experienced. However, could it be that we need an expanded understanding and definition of the Elohim (God-Gods) that we read about in the Bible and other holy books that's interacting with humans on this planet? Could it also be that what we sometime think of as "spirit-being" "celestial body or beings" does not necessarily only mean what we think of as etheric, invisible, spirits? What if they are also Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (beings), meaning beings not from Earth but are biological (genetic organism, flesh-like but on a higher level) in nature compatible with their planet of origin?

In Genesis chapter 6 and afterwards, we find the sons of God (Elohim) descending on Earth and having sexual intercourse with humans and producing children by them. The hybrid offspring was called the Nephilim, they were giants. The Bible also calls these sons of Elohim, angels (messengers). Can spirit, invisible beings get human women pregnant. (We do realize that highly advance beings and humans can appear invisible). These beings had to be biological beings in order to contribute their DNA; they had to be anatomically correct humanoid beings. This race of angels (sons of Elohim) was called Grigori or Igigi, Daniel calls them "Watchers." Now that we understand that at least one class or race of angels was actually EBE's (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), let's go a bit deeper.


Yes! Did not Elohim (God) say, speaking to humans; "I have said, ye are Gods (Elohim)..." Psalms 82 "What is man..You have made him a little lower than the angels." Psalms 8:4-5 The Hebrew word used for angels is Elohim, Gods. Jesus even told us, "Ye are Gods." John 10 (Remember it was because Jesus identified with His Divine nature that the religious people killed him. They will try to do the same to us).

Here we see humans are called Elohim (Gods), Angels are called Elohim (Gods) and there is the God in the Bible and holy books called Elohim (Gods). But wait a minute, there are at least 9 Races or classes of Elohim called angels. So that would mean there are at least 12 levels or degrees of Elohim - Gods in this large family of Elohim Gods. (Ok, this is the part some of you will really get offended if you are not already. Try to catch this by the Spirit).

At least 12 levels, classes or degrees of Elohim that makes up millions of billions of trillions of beings, terrestrial (humans) and extraterrestrial biological entities throughout the universe. Humans + 9 races/classes of angels + Jesus + Biblical God = 12 degrees of the Elohim that interact with our reality.


There are many races of the Elohim spread throughout the universe and multiverses. So that we wont get lost in space, we will deal with some of those closest to home. Since we know that the Grigori Race are EBE's and not etheric, it would make sense that the other 8 known races/classes of angels Elohims are also biological beings with various highly advanced genetic compositions.

There is only a 2% difference between known human DNA and monkey DNA. The way the genes are packaged determines what your outer appearance look like; be it butterfly, bird, human or cat. On planet Earth we have been condition to define a person by skin color, body size, gender and overall appearance; whereas more highly advanced species are defined by spiritual intelligence and brain power. The physical form that carries the Essence of the Supreme Creator God is not relevant; be it animal like, reptile like, amphibian like, insect like or human like.

In Biblical Hebrew and Christian understanding there are at least 9 Angelic-Elohim-God Races. Here is the Hierarchy of Angels divided in 3 spheres of authority.

SERAPHIM, Cherubim, Ophanim/Thrones

Dominion, Virtues, Powers,

Principalities/Rulers, Archangels, Angels.

Many of these Angelic Races are very non-human looking in appearance, for example, the highest race is the Seraphim.


Seraphim the Hebrew word (sa-raph) means, Flying Serpents, Fiery Serpents; Flying Dragons. In the hierarchy of angels (Elohim-messengers), the Seraphim are the closest to the throne (seat of power) of Creator God. All ancient text bear witness to this as well as ancient legends and so called myths.

These are not etheric beings in the sense that we think of spirits. These are Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, which are highly intelligent and what we call spiritual/supernatural in nature.

Dragons are mentioned throughout the Bible. Some of the translators chose to use the word serpents, sea monster or whale in some instances. We have been programmed to think of reptiles, serpents and dragons only in a negative sense in modern western culture. Why would Dragons be the closest to the God of the Bible? Have we been purposely misinformed so that we would be confused when future fantastic events take place? More tomorrow on Dragons in the Throne Room.

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