AUGUST 27, 2013

[It seems as though President Obama has given in to the pressure of the Zionist war hawks and Israelis, and will bomb yet another sovereign nation. Syria and the Assad regime has been in the cross hairs of the CIA and others for over 10 years. They had plans to take out 7 nations in the Middle East and Africa; so far they have accomplished their goals, howbeit, not in their projected time frame. After Syria, they will devote all their attention on destroying Iran, but things will not go well for the USA, Israel & the WEST at that time. They will be defeated and humbled greatly. Hallelujah! It will be a long time before the USA do the bidding again of the Zionist after that.]

August 22 was Golden Eagle Day at Oral Roberts University. A 13 year of Bald Eagle, weighing 7 pounds and a 6 feet wing span crashed into a window and fell when the crowd started to chant, "USA". The eagle seemed to try to escape from the chants "USA", by the right-wing religious mostly young adults. hmmmm The eagles name is Lewis and his trainer/handler is Roger.


Could there be some prophetic clues and signs here? Oral Roberts University, a Religious institution well known world-wide. America's national bird, the Bald Eagle, crashes and falls to the ground when the students started to chant, "USA", during a religious ceremony.

I think the message is very clear about what's about to happen in the realm of Religion & Politics/Government in this country. We have spoken into this many times. Just as we spoke in yesterday's blog..the Economy must crash, so it can be rebooted. This nation and the religious system must be humbled (crashed) so that it can become what God desires for it. Sadly, the religious system today (Christianity) in general, is a cheap imitation of what Christ represented.

Lewis, the bald eagle was already a bit "disable" and did not have the ability to survive in the wild. One of his talons would not allow him to feed himself properly, due to being damaged; it would starve to death.

Is this not a clear picture of the "western church", called to be eagles, but seriously suffering from spiritual malnutrition. Many have a broken talon that prevents us from walking properly and don't have the strength to feed ourselves spiritually.


Lewis happens to be my surname also. The bald eagle name is Lewis, he is a symbol for the United States of America. Let's see if any of the definitions fit what this country is currently known for.

The Lewis surname is generally derived from the Germanic given name Lewis (Lowis, Lodovicus), meaning "reknowned, famous battle," from the Germanic elements hlod 'fame' + wig 'war'.

In Wales, the Lewis surname may have derived from an Anglicized form of the personal name Llywelyn.

As an Irish or Scottish surname, Lewis can be an Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Lughaidh, meaning "son of Lughaidh," derived from Lugh 'brightness.'

The Old French word was loup, then later lous which is 'wolf'

Prophetically, Lewis the bald eagle is showing us the nature or characteristic of what our wonderful nation is now manifesting. (Keep in mind that all prophetic meaning or revelations have light and shadow meanings-positive and negative).


Lewis the bald eagle trainer and "handler" name is Roger. Since Lewis is a symbol for America, you must realize that America has "handlers". The man that sit in the Oval Office is only for show, to make you feel as if you chose him or rejected him. It is all a game, that's why they have a fake contest. It matters not to the ones behind the scene, they thrive on creating illusions that create division. The figure head (president) in most cases is just like the cripple eagle that has to be trained. If he steps out of line, he and or his family will be destroyed. Did you hear what happen to President John F. Kennedy? What is that "Kennedy curse"?

Lewis (America) is being handled by Roger. "Roger is also a short version of the term 'Jolly Roger', which refers to a black flag with white skull and crossbones, formerly used by sea pirates since as early as 1723." (Wikipedia)

Can you read this prophetic sign? Lewis (America) is controlled, trained and handled by occultic Skull & Cross Bones; Secret Illuminati Societies-Masons. This is not new to us, the Spirit is just trying to show you truth hidden in events, in plan sight. All we have to do is decipher the sign language by Spirit.

What are the handlers, Secret Skull & Crossbones Illuminati Societies doing to most of the American people while they patriotically chant "USA"? While they walk around being a "proud American" thinking they are free. What are they doing to you prophetically??? Warning! Raw Truth cometh.

You are being "roger-ed" (f@c&*d)??!! Where?!!

"From c.1650 to c.1870, Roger was slang for the word 'penis', probably due to the origin of the name involving fame with a spear. Subsequently, "to roger" became a slang verb form meaning "to have sex with/ to penetrate", often particularly referring to anal sex." (Wikipedia)

Anal is not the only place the "shadow government" has roger-ed this nation and the world. What is the name of the place where Lewis the eagle crashed with his handler, Roger near by? Was it not Oral...Roberts University?? We wont go much further with this prophetic sign, most of you can't handle it yet. ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!! (Read the prophets in your Bible and you will find I am being nice, compared to some of them)

Many have been "roger-ed" into thinking they live in a democracy, not realizing they are but slaves on an overrated glorified expanded materialistic plantation. People from 3rd world countries die trying to get to the plantation to be "roger-ed" with a smile and become materialistic debt slaves...losing themselves in the rat-race that requires one to be asleep in order to achieve or come close to the elusive American Dream.

That's why the Word of God says, "Be not conformed to this world." The master "rogers" will roger you to death and you wont even know it. They have fed most GHB -date rape drug. Sleep on and have your American Dream. They know your pleasure and pain and can skillfully confuse them. Do you Roger (receive-understand) that?!

In Radio communication phraseology "Roger" means "I have received all of the last transmission" in both military and civilian aviation radio communications.

So, do you "Roger" what we are sharing in this message? We are speaking truth in love. God's kingdom is not limited to a country, it has no boundaries. It fills the whole Earth, the universe. We must realize we are World citizens, Galactic citizens and Universal citizens.


Once America is liberated from her Zionist controllers she will rise again. Her best is yet to come. The gods of pleasure and materialism that she has worshiped will no longer have control over her. She will be free to further fulfill her divine destiny in humility.


This event today is a sign also signifying a "Major Religious Leader" in Protestant Christianity will soon take a "public fall". This will be further fulfillment of a prophetic word DIVIDED CHRISTIANITY

PS. We posted this article about the May 14, 2013 event of (2) eagles crashing in Duluth, MN. It's another sign, 2 BALD EAGLES FIGHT AND CRASH.

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