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SEPTEMBER 21, 2011

Today is Elul 22, the 6th month on the sacred Calendar; the month of Preparation & Purification.


Nehemiah was a man of prayer, fasting, confession and repentance. He was granted favor by the King of Persia, Artaxerxes to travel and rebuild Jerusalem. The focus of his building was the Wall and the 12 Gates of the city. This is a metaphor for rebuilding human consciousness.

There are (3) parts that make up our Being; spirit, soul and body. Spirit expresses itself through Soul (mind, will, emotion, intellect & imagination) and Soul expresses itself through the physical Body. If the soul realm of our being is torn down as was with the 12 gates of Jerusalem, spirit will not be expressed properly through it. The results would be that the physical body would not be able to project the proper image. We were created in the image and likeness of the Divine, but there is a serious image problem that has developed into a mistaken identity. This distorted image manifest as sickness, disease, death, poverty, and all that we see in the outer world. The image of God is Not sick, diseased, poor, depressed, sinful and can never die.

Due to the Wall and 12 Gates of the soul being torn down, there is very little defense set up and humans have become an open target for the use and attacks of negative entities that operate from the 4th dimension. In the Book of Nehemiah these entities manifested as the elders of Jerusalem, Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem. The elders represents old paradigms and thought systems-traditions that would oppose the restoration of the soul. Sanballat and the others represent the strength of the enemy within that manifest on various levels to challenge complete restoration.


"Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests, and they built the sheep gate; they sanctified it, and set up the doors of it; even unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel. And next unto him builded the men of Jericho. And next to them built Zaccur the son of Imri." Nehemiah 3:1-2

The 1st level of consciousness on the way to complete restoration of the divine image is the building of the Sheep Gate. Notice this was built by the high priest and other priests. This would become the gate in which sheep and lambs would be brought in to be sacrificed. Jesus the Christ put an end to animal sacrifice 2000 ago by becoming the Ultimate Sacrifice. He entered in to Jerusalem through this gate to fulfill all things. "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29

It is imperative for the Initiate on the path of complete restoration to realize it is a path of sacrifice. Your body must become a "living sacrifice". Ones level of spirituality can be determined by the level of their practicality. There are many that enjoy performing so called "spiritual work" but find it difficult operating in the practical world. Time, talent, energy and resources are all targeted for sacrifice. The Sheep Gate also reminds us of the importance of being willing to sacrifice or give material things. The sheep willing gives it's wool to provide for others and eventually gives its life.

Spirituality Check: Does it make you feel uncomfortable when someone talks about MONEY, especially a minister? Now honestly ask yourself why and honestly answer it. (Key word is honestly) Poverty mentality is the fear that there wont be enough, the rich and poor alike can be plagued with this thinking. It is this thinking that keeps people in lack or selfishness. Have you come to the realization that "you are bought with a price, you are not your own?" What you have or think you don't have is not yours, it never was. Naked you came to this existence and naked you will leave; unless you put on physical immortality.

The Sheep Gate is about freeing your mind from materialism and money, being willing to sacrifice and become the sacrifice. The detachment from money and things should be elementary for those on the spiritual path of higher consciousness. "You can not serve God and Money." However, you can serve God/humanity with your money. Once the main focus is taken off of these things; money and material things manifest in abundance for your needs and to be dispensed to others.


The 1st level of consciousness key word is "sacrifice". When we are willing to lay down our lives as the Pattern Son did, there can be no more guilt or sin. The Lamb or Sacrifice of God came to take away the sins of the world. In reality, there is No Sin, there never was. We believed there was sin because the Sheep Gate had been destroyed and we could not see the Lamb of God already slain from the foundation of the world. Therefore, we played the part of "sinner" and yet do from time to time.

If there is no sin, then there is no need to feel guilty and if we are not guilty, there is no condemnation. "There is therefore NOW, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8 (Do not take this out of context and use this truth as a license to live contrary to the laws of the Spirit of life and peace)

"Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests, and they built the sheep gate..." Nehemiah 3:1 The name Eliashib means God Restores. This is the inner high priest that rises up to began the restoration of the soul. It is the awakening of the compassion, forgiveness and love. By these attributes are we able to build our lives and the lives of others. The high priest job was to offer sacrifice to atone for sin and to let the people know they were forgiven. Your job is to let the world know they are forgiven.


"And set up the doors of it; even unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel...."

Meah means 100 or 100 fold. The Sheep Gate or 1st level of consciousness is built unto the towers of Meah and Hananeel. Key word for the 1st level or 1st Gate is Sacrifice. The Spirit is showing us here that once we learn to operate in the dynamics of this 1st level of consciousness, there can be a 100 fold return on whatever we sacrifice in life. Why? Because the Universe knows you have overcome selfishness, greed and will handle it properly.

The Tower of Meah also represents your ascension into the 100 fold or fullness of Spirit that can only come when we willing lay down our lives. This is the first step of manifesting the divine.

Hananeel means God has favored, God is gracious. This is the awareness of Grace. It is easy to find those in religion that know nothing of the Grace of God. They are constantly condemning, criticizing and preaching about sin. Once a person enters through the Sheep Gate and understands it, they can no longer condemn others and consign them to an eternal hell. The Tower of Hananeel stands as a testimony of the Grace of God that reaches into hell itself, as the Lamb of God descended to preach to the spirit.


The astrological aspect of the Sheep Gate is of course Aries the Lamb/Ram. The 12 levels of consciousness represented as Nehemiah's Gates correlate with the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The cycle of the soul is demonstrated throughout nature and the universe.

Aries is the first sign and it is no coincidence that the Bible record the Sheep Gate as the first to be restored. There are many other clues hidden in the meaning of the names that further confirm this. Aries is assigned to the head of the body, the mind and thinking process. Therefore, the Sheep Gate as the 1st level of consciousness deals strongly with the mind and how we Think and perceive life.

"And next to them built Zaccur.." Nehemiah 3:2 The name Zaccur means Mindful, thinking.

Let us be mindful of the wonderful things in life and others. To guard your mind, think on whatever is righteous, lovely, pure, honest, true and good reports. Let this be your chant today. --- I WILLING SACRIFICE MY LIFE & I AM FREE FROM ALL GUILT.


Let Psalms 27 be your meditation along with Luke 6:38.


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Phoenix, AZ 85080


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