JANUARY 20, 2013

Federal Judge: David-Wynn Miller was taken when he was 8 years old into a UFO for 3 and 1/2 hours. He says, they put a machine on his head and he has not been the same since then. He has an IQ of 200, reads 400 words per second and has a photographic memory. He built his first Laser Beam when he was 12, his first perpetual motion motor when he was 16 years old. He has developed a language based in math called, QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR. QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR is the Correct Language, as it is based on fact. There is no ambiguity with anything Quantum, it is purely Mathematical. (Google the Judge)

David Miller, born 1949 died at the age of 25 during a botched surgery removing his kidneys. During the autopsy, the assisting nurse notice his heart, which was outside his body, was beating. He has barely aged since his recovery over 30 years ago.

Judge: David-Wynn Miller seems to have knowledge of aliens over 50 ft tall that visited this planet in the Star-ship that's exposed in Greenland. He seems to expect them to return. Their ancient crashed UFO - Starship can be seen NOW in the middle of Greenland. The giant orange craft is about 80km long = 50 miles long and 2 miles high. (Yes, you read that correctly. Have a selah moment. However, that's nothing compared to the 1500 miles long, high and wide Cube-shaped Starship that's coming. Father seems to bring confirmation to the far out things we share in these blogs December 28, 2012).

I suppose due to "global warming" or climate change; the snow and ice the Starship's been covered with is melting. Can you imagine the technology inside? Further proof we are not alone and that our planet is much more than 6000 years old. The giant ancient Greenland Starship can be seen on Google Earth. The coordinates of how to view it are in the video below.

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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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