JULY 5, 2012

"I will open my mouth... I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." Matthew 13:35


The heavens are talking as always and Venus is performing yet again in a month long celestial show. Venus has become very prominent recently, as we move faster toward the end of 2012. It's the sign of the coming of the Son of Man. Jupiter again will be performing with her; along with others. We will not attempt to interpret or even touch on all the messages the heavens are declaring at this time. The heavens are busy. However, we know that whenever Jupiter (god of abundance, rain, blessings, etc) and Venus (goddess of love, beauty, abundance, etc) come together, that means increase and great things for those of us that know how to evoke the energies of the heavens. We'll get back to this later.

I remember many years ago, I was invited to do a seminar for a group of Christians that were leaning heavily toward Messianic ideas with a lot of emphasis on the traditions of the Jews and Rabbis. They wanted me to teach on subjects that might fit better in a Jewish Messianic setting. I felt inspired to teach on the Hebrew alephbet, from an astrological perspective. One of the first phrases that came out of my mouth was something like this; "the Hebrew alephbet (alphabet) are hieroglyphs, which are actually images of star systems. Once we learn how to read and activate them, it will be revealed that they are star charts of star systems we can be teleported to."

I think the rest of my message did not mean very much, because everyone was interested in, how. Of course, I could not tell them, plus, I don't speak the language. Eye just knew from within. However, I was able to show them some of the star constellations that the Hebrew alephbet represented. As the years have past, I am even more convinced today of those far out statements I made. Just today, while looking at a star map, eye saw something I have never seen that made me rejoice in the awesomeness of my God. "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalms 119:18

For many years now, we have made others aware of the importance of the constellation of Taurus, the Bull and the many prophetic implications for the end of this age - helping to usher us into the New Age - Kingdom Age (Age of Aquarius). Over the past several months, we have given insight into the Pleiades, Orion, and Eridanus; all of which are a part of Taurus Zodiac star system. The Zodiac sign house of Taurus is so important that the Creator decided to use the first letter of the sacred Hebrew hieroglyphs (alphabet) ALEPH to represent Taurus. Hebrew and other Semitic languages (Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian), were the first brought here or developed during a specific time period. So why would the Creator use the hieroglyph of an Ox head as the first letter of the Hebrew alephbet, which came from the Aramaic?

First of all, we are fully aware that Earth is more than 6000 years old and that civilizations have been here for many thousands of years. We are also aware that there have been multiple "creations" or placements of what we call humans and others on the planet. The Genesis chapter 2 - Adam and Eve, were created at the end of the Age of Gemini, on the cusp of the Age of Taurus, over 6000 years ago. The ancients called Gemini, Adam & Eve. On some older star maps, Gemini is yet depicted as male and female. Over 6000 years ago due to the precession of the Equinox, the Sun rose in Taurus, announcing the Age of Taurus. We were given the ALEPH, head of an Ox in the ancient language as a reminder - but also to foreshadow events of our time.

The Aleph followed by the glyph is written or drawn in the form of an Ox head, Taurus.

Not only is the ALEPH assigned to Taurus, but the 6th letter of the Hebrew alephbet is assigned to Taurus on the metaphysical level. The VAV (Waw), is a glyph of a Tent Peg. For many years we have taught the relationship of VAV to Taurus, however, today while looking at a star map, I received further confirmation of this, which will become clearer later.

The Vav followed by the glyph is written or drawn in the form of a tent peg.


In Greek mythology, Atlas the Titan god was cursed to carry the weight of heaven on his shoulders forever. Atlas and his brother Menoetius sided with the Titans in their war against the Olympians. For this he was cursed to carry the heavens, some images wrongly depict him carrying the world. He's associated with the Atlas mountain range of northwestern Africa, another mystery within itself. (Prometheus was one of Atlas' brothers).

Atlas was married to Pleione, they had 7 daughters, the Pleiades (7 doves, 7 sisters, Succoth). "Can you bind the sweet influence of the Pleaides?" Job 38:31 The Pleiades are a star cluster of 7 bright stars on the shoulder/neck of Taurus the Bull. We demonstrated in the Sweet Influences of Pleiades series how the 7 daughters of Reuel/Jethro was the Biblical parallel. Moses married the elder daughter Zipporah, the Ethiopian. Zipporah means bird (dove) - her name represented the 7 sisters of Pleiades, she being the Central star, Alcyone. Exodus 2:16, Numbers 12:1

But there were other daughters that Atlas had also, that was believed to be by another wife. He had 5 other daughters called the HYADES and 1 son named Hyas. Atlas had 12 daughters and 1 son - this is very similar to Jacob in reverse, having 12 sons and 1 daughter.

In the Bible story, the one daughter of Jacob, Dinah was raped. This caused great grief and sorrows for her brothers. In the mythology, the one son of Atlas was killed by a lion, which caused great grief for his 5 sisters. The names of the 5 sisters were, Phaesyla, Ambrosia, Coronis, Eudora, and Polyxo. They took on the name HYADES in memory of their brother Hyas. (Other myths say there were 7, however, when looking at the star map and according to astronomers; there are 5 that make up this specific cluster). Hyades are also referred to as the Rainy ones, weeping, grieving ones.


We started this messages off sharing the importance of the Zodiac sign house of Taurus and how it is very relevant from the prophetic perspective for us today. We recently posted a blog called, Jacob's Astrological Family. We showed the 12 sons of Jacob and 1 daughter in the Zodiac, as each tribe was assigned to a specific section of the sky in the Zodiac. The 11th son of Jacob was Joseph, Joseph had 2 sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Taurus was assigned to Joseph and the two horns of the Bull represents his 2 sons. "Let the blessings come on the head of Joseph... His glory is like a firstborn Bull, and his horns (Manasseh and Ephraim) are like a Wild Ox..." Deuteronomy 33:13-17

We know that the Pleiades are on the upper shoulder/neck of Taurus the Bull and if you have read the series on Pleiades, you understand the "sweet influences." We also know that Zipporah and her 6 sisters were the earthly representation of this mysterious prophetic experience reserved for our day. As above, so below. But where are the Hyades, the half sisters of the Pleiades?

The Hyades are a cluster of 5 gigantic red stars on the face of Taurus, the Bull. The Hyades are actually older than the Pleiades. They are surrounded by many other stars which are not a part of the Hyades cluster. The Hyades are arranged in the form of the letter Upsilon, the form becomes even clearer when looking at the other stars that are not apart of the cluster. Upsilon is the 20th letter of the Greek Alphabet. Here is upper and lower case Upsilon, compare with the Vav hieroglyph - tent peg.

Upsilon is known as Pythagoras' letter, or the Samian letter, because Pythagoras used it as an emblem of the path of virtue or vice.

"and the letter which spreads out into Pythagorean branches has pointed out to you the steep path which rises on the right."

When looking at the 5 cluster of stars on the face of Taurus, they form a sideways "V", the super giant red star Aldebaran is in the right Bull's Eye - Alpha Taurus. When connecting other stars outside the cluster, it looks like the sideways "Y" or uppercase upsilon. Aldebaran in Arabic means, the Follower, it appears to follows Pleiades through the night sky. It is also called the Eye of Revelation, the torch bearer; it is the brighter star in Taurus.

Hyades forms the "V." The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is VAV and corresponds with Taurus on the metaphysical level as the Neck - Throat Chakra. The hieroglyph looks like a tent peg. It is the same V-shape of Hyades, the 5 sisters.

Is there a Biblical parallel for the 5 sisters, the Hyades? YES! The Bible is the most fascinating book on the planet. It is also indeed a star chart, written in ancient hieroglyphs of Hebrew and Aramaic, but yet can be deciphered through the power of the Holy Spirit interpreting the flawed 1611 King James English translation. ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!!

The first record of a Women Rights Movement was started by 5 sisters; Mahlah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. These were the daughters of Zelophehad. There was no brother and their father Zelophehad had died, the law said that Only a son could inherit possession in the land of Israel. They challenged the strict laws of that day which favored men, by going directly to Moses and the high priest Eleazar, demanding their rights. There should be no difference between male and female on these matters. "Why should our father's name be done away with? Give us our possession." Numbers 26:33. 27:1-11 Moses went to ask Yahweh. Yahweh said, they are right, give it to them.

[Wait a minute, did you get that? Just a by the way point. Laws and rules that had been given by Yahweh were challenged by 5 women and Yahweh basically says, since they had the audacity to stand up for themselves and demand justice and equality-they can have it. Why are you so quiet??! The saints of the Most High shall Take the Kingdom to possess it forever and ever]. Did you hear that??!!

Years later. Moses has died and Joshua has replaced him. The Israelites are in the land of Canaan, the Promised Land. They are dividing the portions to the tribes. The earthly Hyades, called the daughters of Zelophehad have not forgotten what God said, "You Can Have it." They approach Joshua and reminded him, and they got it. Joshua 17 Don't forget the promises, be persistent.

Please connect the dots for me. What has this got to do with Taurus? I see the 5 daughters of Atlas and 5 daughters of Zelophehad. How are the 5 daughters of Zelophehad connected to Taurus, the Bull? They (5 daughters of Zelophehad) are of the tribe of Manasseh, of the house of Joseph - assigned to Taurus. Hallelujah!! "Let the blessings come on the head of Joseph... His glory is like a firstborn Bull, and his horns (Manasseh and Ephraim) are like a Wild Ox..." Deuteronomy 33:13-17 There are no coincidences. The messages in the stars are the same message in the Bible and Greek mythology. (In this image the Hyades are referred to as Hyadum). Just above the Bull's left opened eye is the star Ain. AIN = eye, the eye of the bull. Ayin means source of water or well, but it more clearly develops from the body’s source of water, the eye. Ayin is eye in Hebrew.

The celestial Bull of the heavens is raging to bring about Justice, Righteousness and Blessings.


Here is my original thought/message, before Spirit blew open a new revelation. The night sky is busy and Venus is taking center stage again. Four planets can be seen in the night sky. Mars, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter. Yep, Venus and Jupiter is coming together again to prepare us for blessings, creativity, power and insight. There is hope in the midst of coming world crisis. Tonight (some of you will get this late) Venus will begin passing through the HYADES. Hyades are 153 light-years from Earth.

By Saturday (July 7), the planetary arrangement will have changed. Venus and Jupiter will align with the bright star Aldebaran (Bull's eye), which serves as the unblinking red eye in the constellation Taurus, the Bull. Aldebaran with Venus and Jupiter, will forms an almost perfect vertical line in the dawn sky. At the very top of them, in alignment further away will be the Pleiades; possibly looking like a fuzzy cloud.

On July 9, Venus and Aldebaran will appear so close they should form a spectacular pair, with Jupiter above them. The crescent moon will join the sky show on July 14, when it will be a slender arc that forms one point of a cosmic triangle with Jupiter and Venus


In our January 2012 Prophetic Publication - Year of the Dragon - the Spirit said, EXTREME HEAT. We are experiencing this throughout the northern hemisphere. There will be a break before it begins again.

Eye see extreme Rain, Flooding, and Storms washing many things away - yet foreshadowing purifying and cleansing the planet.

Eye see the Hyades coming into our attention at this time with Venus is showing us that over the next 6 months there will be weeping and grieving for the lost of world leaders. World leaders that shall suddenly be taken from off the scene. The rainy season of October- November is the time frame where this energy will be strongest. (Not limited to those months).

Eye am sensing very strongly an incident while there is rain fall - The rain will be seen in the background of the Breaking News - with a strong possibility of reporting on more than one incident or more than one person involved.

July 6,7,8 The perfect line of the Bull's Eye - Aldebaran with Jupiter, Venus and Pleiades at the far top is encouraging us to "hit the target." The strongest energy is the 7th for coming into alignment - Your connection with the heavens will open the Eye of Revelation. Realize that you are on target for Blessings, Prosperity, Love and all that you have waited for. This is a time for getting things in line, organized, making thing right, relationships coming into alignment. You have been given the Eye to see, to know what to do-the heavens have provided the motivation and energy needed.

July 6-16 - Set your intent, focus, dream and see the dreams become a reality. Use the influences of the Sun in Cancer and the power of the Moon to take possession. Jupiter, Venus and Aldebaran are working hard to help you turn things around. Make your requests and even demands known. Stand up for yourself and stop being the victim.

Use the dates 7th, 9th, and 14th -Expect the Markets to react on and about these dates. Use these dates to do good deeds, go the extra mile, charity, know when to sow. There will be opposing forces looming-stay focused, as the Bull's Eye, Ain (left eye) is opened. In Mark's gospel Christ is seen as the Ox of heaven, anxious to serve humanity. His Eye is truly on the sparrow.

The Cosmic triangle or pyramid (Jupiter- Venus - Moon) will unlock many mysteries within, prepare for a flood of information over the next 3 months - discoveries, inventions and the release of new technology.

Keep all these things in prayer, meditation.

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