MAY 14, 2012

The Sun is in Taurus, the Zodiac house of Finances, Material Possessions, Assets, Wealth etc, and things are heating up as the financial system is yet crumbling. Here are several events that are proof to that. Everything is moving faster and preparing us for the next big Shift May 20, 2012. Can't you feel the momentum? God watches over the prophetic words He releases, to see them fulfilled. God can not lie.


Ina R. Drew was once considered the most powerful woman on Wall Street. She was the Chief Investment Officer for J. P. Morgan Chase, the largest bank - Goliath. She has resigned due to the $2 Billion dollars mistake in trade losses. Yes, they called it a "MISTAKE" read the article below, but before you do, look at this.

Yesterday when I was reading the news, the letters of her name rearranged themselves before me on the screen. It was similar to the William "DELEY" "DELAY" experience on January 9, 2012, when we released the prophetic decree for Resignations in the banking world No More Delay. Since then there have been over 500.

When I saw INA R. DREW, the letters rearranged themselves to D INA R (Dinar). I am sure most of you are aware of the Iraqi Dinar. The REW of her last name spelled backwards is WER. WER is an Akkadian name for the Storm god. Akkadian is an ancient language spoken in ancient Iraq (Babylon-Mesopotamia). WER was also called ADAD in the surrounding regions. He had a (2) fold purpose. He was the Storm god of Rain, Ble$$ing$ and Abundance; but WER also represented the Storms of destruction and havoc.

"Haddad (Ugaritic - Haddu) was a northwest Semitic storm and rain god, cognate in name and origin with the Akkadian god Adad. Hadad was often called simply Ba�al (Lord), but this title was also used for other gods. The bull was the symbolic animal of Hadad. He appeared as a bearded deity,[1][2] often shown as holding a club and thunderbolt while wearing bull horned headdress.[3][4] Hadad was equated with the Anatolian storm-god Teshub; the Egyptian god Osiris; the Greek god Zeus; and the Roman god Jupiter, as Jupiter Dolichenus." Wikipedia.

We are trying to show you, the prophecy within the prophecy or mystery within the mystery, that goes to unlimited levels. What is the Zodiac symbol for the month we are in now? Is it not the Bull- Taurus. We find a clue in part of Ina R. Drew last name in reverse is the name of an ancient deity called WER. WER (Adad, Hadad) symbol was the Bull, meaning Taurus, the Zodiac house that rules Finances, Material Blessings and Abundance. Ina R. Drew, once considered the most powerful woman on Wall Street, was fired (resigned) under the influence of WER (Taurus). The symbol near Wall Street is the raging Bull as we pointed out last week. The situation that has developed at J. P. Morgan Chase, while the Sun is in Taurus, is developing into a massive Storm of Havoc and Destruction for the nations' largest Bank and other banks. Goliath, Humpty Dumpty is in free-fall and there wont be "golden parachutes" for a safe landing this time.

However, INA R. DREW making news is also prophesying another type of Storm. WER is about to send Showers of Ble$$ing$. Part of this blessing will come with the ReValuing of the Iraqi DINAR (INA R. D) and it wont be a Rew, meaning, wish of regret. Can you hear what the Spirit is saying?!!! ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!

In plain language, you are seeing (if you are awake) the havoc and destruction of Financial Babylon right before your eyes. This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy and what we have been prophesying for several years. At the same time, you are about to see a Restructuring of the Financial system globally that will release showers of Blessings, Prosperity and Abundance for the whole world.

In 2 Kings 18 - The heavens had been shut for 3 and 1/2 years by the prophetic word of Elijah. After the showdown with the false prophets and Elijah, something happened. What you are seeing right now is the showdown and the false system is losing. The false prophets (FALSE PROFIT$) were destroyed by the Prophet Elijah (prophetic ministry). We are coming to the end of the Fraudulent Banking system as we have known it, that's been controlled by JezeBEL's negative occultic practices.

The next thing, Elijah said was, "I CAN HEAR THE SOOUNNNNNNNDDDDD OF AN ABUNDANCE OF RAIN." Can you hear the sound?!!! He told his servant to go look, nothing looked different in the outer dimension. It appeared to be, business as usual and drought (debt). Stop looking at what appears to be! He told him to go back 7 times (Pleiades), in other words look with the eyes of Faith. What did he see?

The servant came back and said, "I see a small cloud about the size of a man's hand." 2 Kings 18 - As the fingers stretched out they filled the sky and there came a huge Storm of Rain. There is soon coming a huge Storm of RAIN, Prosperity.

Eye give you a sign - There will be a unique Storm system develop, it will not only be here in our country, but it will seem to be reported in many nations around the same time- Rain, Floods, Winds. Eye hear the word "unique" again and again, but don't know exactly what that means. It seems like it is the word that will be used in the news. After this Storm, we will see the material manifestation.

(We can not say this will manifest while the Sun is yet in Taurus or Gemini, nor are we given dates or time frame yet-this is just being revealed NOW). Watch and Pray.





Here is what we feel is further fulfillment of a word given on March 13 in our publication - DOW UP 218 regarding Debt Being Erased. This must happen world-wide according to the word of the Lord.


A Watcher name Joan sent me this video clip from South Africa. Michael Tellinger is slinging his stone of truth at the Goliath Banking system of South Africa. It is happening worldwide, the corrupt Goliath Banking system is being brought down but men that dare to challenge the system. These David's are also people as you are I are; in the background interceding, meditating, prophesying and releasing decrees. Pray Until Something Happens = PUSH.

Eye just heard this scripture: "And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel (the world) that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle." 1 Samuel 3:11


More on False Profits here: FALSE PROFITS

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