(Web blog)


JUNE 10, 2011

The early 1990's I moved from Canada to Seattle, WA. This begun another phase of my journey that would lead me to many experiences I had only visualized. I had been studying the journeys of the Biblical patriarchs; especially Jacob's I was fascinated with. A combination of things had transpired to get me back to the Seattle area. Plus, I needed a break from the Missions field, I think I was sort of burnt-out or something.

I got involved with a Church, feeling the need to be connected somewhere to something. However, no matter how much I edited my experiences and message, I yet could not fit in that box. The message I was given and my experiences where in conflict with what I was suppose to believe. (Nevertheless, I stayed until I was basically kicked out). What a blessing.

I was hired to work on a J-O-B as a Social Service Coordinator shortly after deciding to live in Seattle. My life was in great transition and again I trying to get away from what I was born to do. Somehow, I could not just turn the teacher/preacher prophet off - I could not even find the off switch. Therefore, my work became ministry and before long complete strangers were confessing their sins to me and seeking absolution in my office. It was 3 years of seeing the favor of God and Spirit manifestations almost daily.

My last day at work, a very disturbed man found his way to the building without an appointment being led by the Spirit, although he was unaware. Seeing how distraught he was, a co-worker brought him to my office. They were accustomed to these kinds of incidences happening and me not always following protocol, although I always got my work done on time. Once in my office as he poured out his troubles I interrupted saying, "You are Forgiven! God loves you." His face turned bright red and the tears streamed down his face as he sobbed and shook uncontrollably.

I could feel the Holy Spirit bubbling up in my belly and the urge to lay hands on him. He was getting louder and the Presence was getting stronger. I told him I wanted to place my hand on his head and asked him if it was alright. He nodded while yet shaking and crying. I could see the shadows of my co-workers feet from underneath the door that were gathering. I could also feel the Father wanted to baptize this man in the Holy Spirit.

As I laid my hand on his head the Spirit began to pray through me for him in a heavenly language. The man slumped back in his chair under the power and in moments began to speak in tongues (heavenly languages). This went on another 5 minutes as the shadows underneath the door increased. Finally, the tears of despair, guilt and sadness had turned into tears of joy. He was beaming and smiling. He asked me what had happened to him. I quickly explained, gave him some instructions and tried to rush to take care of someone that had an appointment but had been waiting.

As we exited the office about 4 or 5 co-workers were standing, looking bewildered and questioned what had happened. One of the young women that knew about the Holy Spirit explained what had happened to the others as they looked on with amazement. The man went joyfully on his way rejoicing and knowing that he was forgiven.

*** The Father of lights just want to remind some of you today that, You Are Forgiven and God Loves You. The challenges of life may seem to have brought you to a dead end or you might feel lost on a road seeming to go nowhere. You are about to have a Divine encounter that's going to put your life on a road (fast track) to your destiny.

*** There are others of you that are in a place of Great Transition, you feel you are not doing what you were really called to do. You are not being used, your gifts and talents seem to have lain dormant. Motivation, inspiration and opportunities are coming your way. You will begin to feel alive again on the inside.

*** There are yet others that have been trying to find the OFF SWITCH, to Turn Off God within. It's not that you don't want God. You don't want the responsibility of the Call, the Sacrifices, the Opposition. Sorry to be the one to tell you, THERE IS NO OFF SWITCH!! You simply can not change His mind about you. He knows what you are capable of through, with, by and in Him. It's time to get busy, says the LORD. You have wasted enough time!

Job said, "All of my appointed time I will wait until my change come". You are on a journey, but your path is about to abruptly CHANGE. The Spirit of the Most High God is saying to you today that your change is here- Your change is Now. You are about to enter into another phase of your journey. Pull out your Dream List, your Vision List of things that you have been wanting and waiting to do. Now is the time you shall fulfill that which I have put within your heart. This is a time of rejoicing and celebrating. Cast off the garments of despair, depression and shame. Be clothed in JOY and Life.

EYE see some of you have been wearing dark colors for a long period of time due to the excess weight. Eye hear that if you change the colors you are wearing to brighter colors it shall become even easier to lose extra pounds. Your constant wearing of dark and black clothing is attracting and holding negative frequencies around you which are also affecting the way you view yourself. CHANGE YOUR GARMENTS TODAY!! A new phase of your journey is beginning.

EYE see supernatural weight loss- RIGHT NOW!! EYE see inches dropping from the waist line and your clothing feeling loose. (Begin to twist and move your upper body circular left and right it's happening for someone- EYE feel it).

EYE see a problem with Water Retention being healed, fluids will begin to pass from your body immediately - Release it! Release it! Release it!!

I have No Doubt that something supernatural was just released. Catch it in FAITH. Experience it. There are No Limitations! Email us with a testimonial or confirmation of what has happened. Share this word with others. Hallelujah! EYE see this will be read in a gathering somewhere, the anointing will be on the reader and manifestations will take place.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080
