(Web blog)


JUNE 13, 2011

“And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built a house, and made booths...therefore the name of the place is called Succoth." Genesis 33:17

(Since we are blessed to have readers of this blog from various religious and cultural backgrounds, we endeavor to show that the eternal message is the same; only semantic might make it appear different. More clarity on Chakras before today's message- Born again and again).

As we stated prior, this journey to Succoth is very multi-dimensional and affects every aspect of human life. The Creator has designed the body human as a highly complex electrical energetic grid filled with thousands of meridians running throughout the body. These meridians are the divine highways that energy flows throughout the body. This is what trained Acupressure and Acupuncturist have worked with in Eastern medicine for thousands of years to redirect energy flow in the body that creates healing. The meridians of this complex highway of energy are connected to 7 main power points in the body human, these power points are the centers for what is called in Western medicine the Endocrine system. So we see in the East what is called the Chakras (spinning wheels of energy), are the energetic (spiritual) parallel to the Western term Endocrine System. In the West symptoms are treated to cure illnesses and to enhance life. The Endocrinologist prescribes drugs, realizing most illnesses are related to at least one of the glands of the Endocrine System not functioning properly. In the East it has always been known that the root of all problems (spiritual, emotional or physical) is energetic (spiritual), therefore, the cause is treated by redirecting the energy flow and recalibrating the 7 vortices of energy-the Chakras. The Chakras are the 7 Spirits of God in the body human designed to create Whole Eye ness - Holiness.

Jacob's outward journey was an example of the inward journey to also celebrate, yes celebrate each version of the expressions of you; even those versions you'd rather keep in the closet. The celebration is experienced on each level of consciousness. In Bible terminology, it is the external celebration of each of the 7 feasts ancient Israel was commanded to observe. In Eastern terminology, it would be the internal opening or recalibrating of each of the 7 Chakras. Medically or scientific terminology, it would be the balancing or full functioning of each of the 7 main Glands in the Endocrine System.

The ultimate goal is to reconcile or integrate each version of you, whether in this reality or other dimensions into the Christ - I AM. Thus, presenting you in PEACE wholly sanctified spirit, soul and body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23


As was prior mentioned, Jacob's journey demonstrates the law of circularity and there is nothing new under the Sun. “All rivers run into the sea..and return where they came from..That which has been, is that which shall be; and that which shall be done, has already been done; and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecc.1:7,9

"Being born again not of a corruptible seed but incorruptible by the Word of God which abides forever." 1 Peter 1:23

Jacob's Journey reveals the real "born-again" experience. Keep in mind, we are not referring to just a religious emotional experience that might take place in a building called the Church or while watching TV. We are sure the born-again experience can be initiated through those methods and many others on this plane. However, we are realizing that the deeper born-again experience is not just a one time event.

In the Gospels of the New Testament we find that John the Baptist identity was questioned. Are you Elias, or one of the prophets? Later, after the death of John the Baptist when Jesus' ministry was popularized, he was asked and thought to be John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Elijah or one of the (dead) prophets? John 1:21 - Matthew 16:14 Why is that? Why did the religious practicing believers of the Torah (Old Testament) believe that somehow someone born centuries earlier could be born again in a different body?

As the journey within continues one discovers that the Creator has taken the clay pot of the body human and remade it again and again putting the Essence of a being in several bodies. This revelation was given to the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 18 as He was given insight into the Divine Potter working with clay jars on the Wheel of Lives. It takes many life times of experiences to gather the knowledge necessary to stop repeating the cycle on the wheel in the midst of a wheel. Jeremiah was left with the question, "Can I not do the same with you??" "But doom to you who fight your Maker-you're a pot at odds with the potter! Does clay talk back to the potter: 'What are you doing? What clumsy fingers!" Isaiah 45:9 Message Bible Romans 9:20-21 - "Now all these things were our examples (repetitions)" 1 Corinthians 10:11 Marvel not, you must be born again and again.

Jesus actually said that John the Baptist was Elijah - Matthew 17:10-13 When Jesus was confronted with the issue of Karma and reincarnation (some of you did not realize all of this was in your Bible), Jesus made it clear that karma was not the issue. John chapter 9. The disciples asked if the poor man had sinned since he was born blind? How could he have sinned if he was born blind, unless there was a belief that a person might be born again to receive punishment (bad karma) for what had been done in a previous life? Maybe he had caused blindness to someone else or his lustful eyes created problems for others. (It was also believed that if a person did not finish his work they might be born again to finish the work (good karma) as in the case of Elijah/John the Baptist). "Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap". (Is that limited to this life? I have seen many that did not seem to get a fair shake at life).

Jesus did not deny, rebuke or question why would the disciples think such a thing. He simply said, this happened for the glory of God. He was releasing them from speculation and judging others. Jesus demonstrated that He also has authority over the Laws of Karma, although no one gets away.

On this journey within, one also discovers that the born-again and again experience is not limited to this planet but other star systems. Just because this version of you is manifesting on this planet at this time, it does not mean that you have not manifested in some other star system before you came here.

Keep in mind, we are not speaking of souls transmigrating into a lower form, ie beast or insect. We are on a circular journey inward and upward, experiencing the Tree of Lives and all of its branches. We realize this understanding plays havoc with modern Christianity's theology mostly because it eliminates an angry God that's anxious to incinerate most of His creation in a literal hell.

We are coming to the END of a 26,000 years of Soul Cycling on the Wheel of Life -it is the end of the ages. This means that most of the souls on the planet at this time have learned and are learning everything necessary to make the Grand Shift into the 5th Dimension and will not be born again - again. We are truly BEING Born Again of the Incorruptible Seed (sperma) of God.

More to come. Share this with others.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080
