(Web Blog)


FEBRUARY 21, 2012

This should actually be part (2) of yesterday's blog, "Global Economic Restructuring." In April and May 2009, the situation started with the alleged transfer of $5 trillion to HSBC in the United Kingdom. Seven days later, another $5 trillion came to HSBC and three weeks later another $5 trillion. A total of $15 trillion is alleged to have been passed into the hands of HSBC for onward transit to the Royal Bank of Scotland. Lord James Blackheath is calling for an investigation of this money being stolen from an Indian-Chinese royal family member.

Just follow the money. Nothing will be the same. The Financial World seems to be having major earthquakes (resignations, exposure of fraud, thief, etc). I am sure lots of the evil doers are wondering, what next will be exposed? Who will be exposed? When and how will the arrests take place? No More Delay!!

What does Lord James Blackheath have to say about this? Transcript also below:


"If our dear friends the British find that we are correct in our claims, the magnitude of coming events will be catastrophic to the world markets, the worlds banks, the Western European monetary systems, Chartered Accounting firms (acting as auditors to the financial institutions), the legal communities (for they placed their professional tickets on the line for the sanctioning of illegal transactions), and Insurance Companies insuring all of the above, just to mention a few of the hugely significant problems the world faces. The biggest problem facing billions of people is their faith in the banking system worldwide. Never has there been such a lack of trust, and it is this lack of trust that will create the biggest runs on the banking quadrants ever. The Americans, the Brit's, and the world will all be watched as there will be nowhere to hide.

Unfortunately, the Neo-Nazi, the Illuminati, and the Bilderberg's - the secret societies that most claim are harmless - are not harmless, and this is the problem.

Another problem is how do the Brit's handle the closest ally they have ever had. How would you arrest and/or prosecute George Bush Sr., a George Bush Jr., the Clinton's, or the Obama's, along with all of their minions who execute the dirty work?

We were able to find one extremely brave man, Lord James of Blackheath, who demonstrated his leadership and internal fortitude by expressing his convictions by allowing these most significant issues to be brought to the House of Lords while under heavy personal attacks, threats, and verbal assaults. He brought forth the information ... the secrets buried deep in the darkest parts of the closet for no one to ever find ... out into the light for all to see. This is just the beginning...

The coming days and weeks are going to be very painful, as the House of Lords are forced to deal with all that has been assembled for their review. In a war like World War II, everyone knew who the enemy was and clear lines were drawn. In this case, the Lords, the British government, America and the World are going to have to turn lights on in multiple closets at one time � and then deal with the filth they find. Someone is going to have to be responsible. There are good guys and bad guys ... the ultimate responsibility has to be clearly understood and assigned regardless of politics or popularity.

Bonney, Wanta, ARGO, Falcone and Tropos are just the tip of the iceberg. The 15 Trillion dollars stolen from the people of the United States of America by and through the Federal Reserve System and the Department of Treasury is deplorable. What is more deplorable than all of this is the fact that world leaders from America are the culprits and the world has to decide how to deal with them in the harshest terms. Right now, they all want to go to their estates built especially for them in Paraguay, with all the rest of the disgraced leaders from yesteryear. Not this time. They need to be held accountable in America, in Great Britain, and in the World Court! Then they need to face what other treasonous leaders have faced as of late, but this is an unpopular way to speak until they have been found guilty in a proper legal forum.

There was a comment in the House of Lords debate last week stating that a new wave of consciousness is emerging and sweeping through Europe. People will no longer take the Political mediocrity so evident within the corrupt Political hierarchies and are sweeping them aside in electoral defeats. The bar will be raised so much higher now as change is enforced to meet the needs and demands of the thinking people. Democracy is on the march. The House that Bush built is on a foundation of quicksand and will be swept away with the new growing tide of demands for a new democracy. All too often we have preached to others what we have not practiced at home. Physician, first heal thyself."


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