AUGUST 26, 2012

I think that by now most of you that read our blogs realize that everything is prophetic. In other words, there are layers of clues, prophetic information and messages hidden in every event that happens in your personal life, as well as events on the national and international levels.

Once one becomes aware of the energetic connection between every event and our individual human experiences, the challenge can be, to not get out of balance. This means that we do not have to create messages or strain our brain to conjure a possible meaning. The messages will simply come to us as we listen. Spirit will quicken a news event to show deeper meanings, an event may be a confirmation to a dream, there may be a hidden meaning to a name, something about the event will relate to a Biblical passage or some other event.


Many years ago, when I used to be an avid TV news watcher, Eye heard Spirit say, "Listen to what they are not saying." That was a new concept, how could I hear what was not being said? I have found that the silent language of spaces and pauses between the words, underneath, above and around words can be much louder and profound than what is being said. And many times can be totally opposite of what is being said. Can you hear that? This is also true for reading text news, conversation or listening to speakers on any subject.

Media is a powerful tool, it is the mouth piece or False Prophet for the beastial Anti-Christ political, religious, military and economical system. It is designed to control, manipulate, create fear and dependency. Is this not exactly what negative occultism does? Is this not how witchcraft operates and gain power over it's victims? The motto for most news outlets should be, "We deceive and you believe." We do realize that most of the newcasters are only pretty faces or appealing faces and voices reading what's set before them, most of them are deceived as well.

Let's look at the word "Newscaster." They are the mediums used to cast the spells (words, reports, irresistable influence, incantations, to charm, put in a trance).


We have mentioned the negative side of the false prophet system called media, but there is also a positive side. Embedded within the system designed to mislead and control, somewhere between the spaces and sometimes obviously; is a true prophetic voice being shouting daily. "That he would teach you the secrets of wisdom, they are double (two-sided) to what is." Job 11:6

Around 2500 years ago there was an empire called the Median Empire, later called the Medo-Persian Empire. They conquered ancient Babylon, now called Iraq. There were 6 tribes that made up the Medes or Media, one of the tribes was highly blessed with supernatural abilities; especial prophecy. That tribe was called Magi. It was a caravan from this tribe, skilled in astrology that followed the stars to find Jesus. The stars actually do point to him. I suppose it would be safe and true to say that Jesus had fair and balanced Media coverage.

The Magi tribe of ancient Media were the kingmakers and newscasters, announcing future events ahead of time. The Medes are the Kurdish people today originating in ancient Persia (modern day Iran), now living in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, etc.


Just in the past few days the name "ARMSTONG" has been in headline news. Is this coincides or layered with prophetic clues? Our purpose here is not to unravel all the layers of clues, but to bring this to your attention so you can allow the Spirit within you to speak. However, we will prophesy into these events to some degree.

For those of you that want to further develop your prophetic gift, intuition and ability to see; join us in this exercise. DO NOT READ ANYTHING BELOW THE DOTTED LINE UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW We have the ability (anointing) to activate and impart this gift into you just by reading, if you follow the simple instructions. "I awaken the Magi anointing within you to see, read and cast spiritual news media. Receive it! Get ready!"

Get a sheet of paper. Write down the name "Armstrong." Armstrong literally means "strong arm." (Read the latest news about Lance Armstrong and Neil Armstrong if you have not heard. Do it NOW).

Take several deep breaths slowly. Become silent and listen. Write down the first thoughts that come to your mind pertaining to the stories of Armstrong. Don't try to think. Some of the thoughts may be scriptures, dreams, visions, experiences, images, art, feelings, etc. Take your time. Circle or underline the words, phrases, or numbers that stand out. You have just begun to uncovered some prophetic clues, hidden messages that might be only for your personal experience or what Spirit is saying globally. Repeat the exercise again if you like. Do not judge your experience by what I or Eye have written below. Remember there are many layers, you might have received something I did not. Plus, I am limiting myself due to time restraints. We might have pick up on some of the same clues.



Just in the past few days, we have seen the name Armstrong in headlines news - Lance Armstrong. Lance is a weapon of war used to rip the flesh and kill, surgically it used cut the flesh. Armstrong = strong arm.

Lance Armstrong story shows us the works of the flesh and ego, it's commitment to win by cheating or any means. It shows us how the ego and flesh have been pumped up, taken glory and credit for things that it did not deserve; it has strongarmed it's way to the forefront.

Prophetically speaking, the fall of Lance Armstrong, represents what Father is doing in this hour. The lance of the Spirit and word will rip open and expose the hidden works of the flesh and ego.

"Cursed is he who puts His trust in the arm of flesh." Those that have cheated and strongarmed the public is about to be exposed and stripped of their powers and glory (Bankers, Politicians, Religious leaders). We see this already happening in the Financial world with the bansters resigning, commiting suicide and going to jail.

As the Sun has moved from LEO to VIRGO, the Virgin; hearts are being examined and judgement is coming to those that have trusted in the arm of the flesh and have strongarmed the nations of the wealth-cheating us out of our wealth and prosperity.

"If the thief be found, he must restore seven folds of what he has taken." How many Tours did Lance Armstrong win in France? 7 Because he cheated (stole), he will be stripped of the 7 awards (7 fold). ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!! Can you hear what is not being said between the spaces and beneath the layers?

In spite of this financial crisis that has been created by the evil ones to continue to steal, cheat and strongarm their way into our lives; God is about to bless His People. Restoration is here and is coming. It's time to go down to the enemy's camp and take back(spiritually strongarm) what he stole.

EYE give you a prophetic sign. There shall be a major event in France or involving a French leader or French famous person that will make headline news before the Sun moves out of Libra.

(Our intent is not to condemn Lance Armstrong, he is only a symbol being used prophetically as a message to the world. In a Great House there are vessels of honor and dishonor all used by the Master. We are all in the same house. We do acknowledge all he has done through his Foundation, Live Strong to benefit humanity. We can only live strong when we live out from the Spirit of love and Truth).


We quoted the verse in Job earlier about understanding the secrets of wisdom, we must realize the 2-sides. Just hours apart we have global headlines stories about a famous figure name Lance Armstrong, representing the flesh and ego- then Neil Armstrong representing Spirit and heavenly.

Neil means champion; cloud. In Hindi language Neil means heaven, sky. How do I know? I was honored to make and serve lunch for a Hindu family today(Saturday) that visited us. The son name was Neil. The daughter was Neha (rain). Was that coincidence?

Astronaunt Neil Armstrong is called the first person to walk on the Moon, according to our present history. He died today(8/25/12) at the age of 82. His famous words are, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

One of the hidden messages that we are being shown is that, as the efforts and futile works of man are exposed and judged; the work of the spirit will increase. Neil Armstrong could not die and ascend among the stars until Lance Armstrong was brought down and stripped 7 fold (at least that's the plan). The genuine Champions are not those that cheat, but those that do things God's way.

This is another clue for us, as we have entered the sign of Virgo, the 6th month Elul in the Biblical Calendar. It is the month of preparation. Spirit is saying Get Ready to ascend. Set your affections on things above. Seek first the kingdom of God.

EYE see humanity is about to take a giant leap in consciousness and go where no human in this present creation has gone before. This is a leap in our evolution, leap in our spirituality. You are about to walk where angels walk and easily tap into other realms and dimension. Overcome the urges of the soul realm and walk freely in the Spirit realm. This also foreshadows the soon release of suppressed technologies that will benefit all humanity.

Remember, the JOY of the LORD is your strength and his Arm is not shortened that it can not reach down to the deepest places save you from yourself or others.


Check out the Elul teaching of the Red Heifer: SECRETS OF THE RED HEIFER Scroll down to - SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 - BLOG

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