SEPTEMBER 28, 2013

We have been in meditative intercession over the past week, we are feeling subtle changes in the consciousness on the planet and in this country. We will yet be experiencing financial transition during the month of October and while the Sun is in Scorpio. Everything that will be happening will not be seen by the public. However, at this point the impact of what has been planned may not be as powerful as some would have liked. We do have the power to stand in the gap and Creator God is gracious.

October 2-5, 2013 energy will be building for Major Movement of Money. Actually, the build up will start around the 29th of September. We have some heavenly assistance coming up next week that gives us another Opened Window for Financial Prosperity. Many things can happen, many positive things that many of us have waited for. All things are possible. We are only reading what the heavens are saying. We don't have the time to go into the many prophetic details at this time. Sunday, Jupiter (God of Abundance) will be above the Moon with Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins. These are the harvest Twins of Pentecost manifesting at the end of Sukkot/Tabernacles. Gemini was assigned to Benjamin, the brother of Joseph.


Just before dawn of October 1, 2013, the planets will form a "Sickle" in the heavens. This celestial Sickle has many meanings, but we choose to prophesy into the positive aspectS of it at this time.

This is the Harvest Sickle, a time of reaping, fulfillment, harvesting, Abundance. The Financial Markets Global will began to react to this starting late Sunday to Monday in Europe and Asia then here. The reactions will increase and be strongest between October 2-4, 2013, as the energy increases. WATCH YOUR NEWS FOR CONFIRMATION.

This is a period where MEGA MONEY will be moving worldwide. Wouldn't you love for it to be moving in your direction? Just get in the way. Call your seed into harvest. Do you realize you can prophesy to your seed that you just planted and command it to become a harvest and it must obey? This is a time of acceleration. If you declare it in faith, it has no choice but to obey. If you have not sown Seed (Money), do it somewhere between September 29 - October 4 - every seed must bring forth after its own kind, after its kind, after its kind.


Major Financial crooks, banksters, thieves and robbers will try to capture or capitalize on this movement of currency. Many of them also are aware of this time frame, because they have those that read the heavens for them very accurately.

During your prayer, meditation time over the next several days, repeatedly remind the thief that he can not steal your harvest. This is your harvest on every level, financial, family, relationship, etc.

The zodiac lights will form the "Glowing Pyramid", creating a "false dawn" effect on October 3, 2013. This false dawn effect is your new beginning, your new day as the Sun brings Balance to everything in Libra. The following day is October 4, the New Moon - Rosh Chodesh- a new day being reiterated.

October 4, Uranus will be in opposition with Earth. Opposing the plans of the wicked ones, carnal/earthly minded one and releasing energy for prosperity, abundance and wealth.


The Scales of Libra is signifying justice. Something big is definitely happening on the planet behind the scenes that we may not get the story of until later, but it will be traced back to this time frame where major decisions were made, and documents were signed. EYE feel money all over me.

Many other celestial bodies through the week will be rising and testifying of big changes in the Financial World. The changes will definitely be taking place during this period, but we can not say if the full manifestations of these things will be immediate.

If you are in Sales, Network Marketing, trying to sell something or anything of that sort-use the energies of the next 7 days. Your phone should be ringing off the hook. People will ask to take a second look at what you are trying to sell. Products should be moving. This energy is the what we call anointing, it has to be directed. It is waiting to be directed. Also, if you are in the market for buying something, you'll probably get a great deal next week. People will be more open to negotiations.

Press pass the challenges of next week and rejoice. Expect to experience a greater favor and blessings in every way.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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