(Web blog)


JUNE 28, 2011


These are the names of the chief midwives during Moses birth. We can grasp much from just looking at the definition of their names. They represent aspect of the soul.

Shiphrah means polished, bright, beautiful; clear trumpet. Shiphrah represents a higher state of consciousness aiding in the birthing of new thoughts and paradigm shifts. This is the part of the soul that refuses to obey the dictates of the old order or lower realms (flesh). She has chosen to be polished with the fiery trials and persecution that causes her to produce more light. This is also where the trumpet makes a clear sound within; the message of the kingdom is understood, your destiny becomes crystal clear.

Puah means shinning light, brightness; beauty. Puah also represents the balance of higher states of consciousness aiding in the birthing of a new consciousness. This is a part of the soul filled with light, joy and expressing the beauty of whole I AM ness (holiness).

Shiphrah and Puah have the ability to expose the hidden abilities. They manifest as God thoughts that must be acted upon or as people that are placed in your life to tell you what God is saying. These higher states of consciousness or people are sent forth during crucial periods of your life. Their message may come in some of the most unusual ways.

However, there is that king of Egypt, which represents the powerful thoughts/theology of previous moves of God-experiences and limited thinking that's threatened by what's been drawn out, different and raised up in his house. (These 2 thoughts can represent the dual nature-carnal and spiritual). Kill the man-child!! Kill this new consciousness that's permeating the land is the decree. Kill the dream of the impossible becoming possible. Kill the thought that would challenge the ego is Pharaoh's decree.

Pharaoh interrogated the midwives for not stopping the multiplication of new thoughts/revelation knowledge, and dreams (male children). They answered; the Israeli women are not slow like the other women in giving birth. In other words, operating out from the mind of Christ is more productive than operating out from the carnal mind. Exodus 1

The king that seeks to usurp your authority and God given right to be fruitful and multiply may come in the forms of negative thinking, religious leaders, bankers, physicians, lawyers, relatives or a boss. Some history states that the Israelite women were having multiple births (twins, triplets, and quadtuplets). When one is operating out of Divine Mind there are no limits. What would normally take years to produce can be delivered in a short time.

"As soon as Zion travails she shall bring forth". Zion means sunny, it was the highest hill around Jerusalem. Zion represents enlightenment, the higher states of consciousness that's pregnant with success, the next move of God, the man-child, the kingdom age, golden age and many other terms we use to describe it.


You have been called to not only give birth to the new world of thoughts, ideas, spirit, experiences and wealth, but to also be the midwife to others. The seed of truth has been planted within many; due to improper spiritual nourishment and lack of care some have not carried the seed full term (mis-carried).

For others developing the seed of truth, it has become breach and there have been few qualified to reach within to turn things around (bring balance). Yet others have given birth to what started out as life but ended up as death. Through your experiences, you are being trained to turn things around for others and set destinies in proper positions to be born.

Midwives are trained for the service they provide realizing the importance of this work. One must be trained to know what to do in case of emergency, excessive bleeding, and breach. These are the times when people feel like giving up on ministry, family, careers, business and even God. Are you prepared to handle emergencies??? The time you spend practicing your spirituality determines the degree of your skills, sensitivity and success as a midwife.

A midwife is like a coach; you have been called to be a coach. Sometimes you will walk along side and sometimes you will be required to carry those that have no strength to walk. A coach has the wisdom to produce teamwork; he or she knows that working together is the key to accomplishing the goal. He knows how to encourage, challenge and push others beyond their limits.

Again the midwives Shiphrah and Puah are liken to the Apostolic and Prophetic Ministries. They have the ability to reach deep within by Spirit, pull out your destiny which is hidden in the dark nasty places of your life and show it to you. Most will not even know what it is until you show it to them. Do you have the stomach to deal with other folks mess? (The HIV person, the Obviously Gay man, the Prostitute). Can you look beyond the gore and nauseating odor and see the Christ destiny in the Alcoholic, Drug Addict, White Collar Criminal or Religious person? Can you handle what has become other peoples truth or reality? Or, are you accustomed to dropping out when things get uncomfortable...? Can you first deal with unpleasant things within you?


This is the realm in consciousness of great paradoxes. Anxiety and anticipation can easily turn into fear and doubt. Joy and laughter becomes screams and groaning, then to joy again. A range of emotions and experiences must be expressed before that which has been deposited within you become a reality.

Qualifications for delivering yourself and coaching others:

You will need to be persecuted, intimidated, lied on and made to feel that everything that could go wrong is about to go wrong. The seed which is developing in the dark; your business, health, ministry, family, spirituality and finances must seem like it is at the point of disaster. Several of these situations must be happening simultaneously at some point.

Actually this is also part of the travail and contractions sent to let you know everything is about to change. Don't abort the man-child at this late stage by partial birth. You did not come this far to give up now. Since man/flesh did not impregnate you with this, you will not have to depend on man/flesh to provide for it.

The birthing room is a messy place, there's blood everywhere. This is the shedding forth of the Adamic life and negative ideas from the lower consciousness. It is where your mind is stretched and ripped and for a moment you will despise the new thought that has changed your life. You may even regret reading our publications, hearing that CD or attending that conference that exposed you to higher truth and assisted with this impregnation. You may regret sharing your vision with anyone, and feel stupid for believing you could actually own that house, car, business, property, be in ministry, investing or many things you stepped out in faith to do.

However, once you are birthed into the new realm, or you become aware of and put into practice the thought/message of life that brings deliverance for the whole man; you realize the worth and praise God. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning".


The man-child for you can be a number of things that you are waiting to come into manifestation as we have stated. However, ultimately this is the birthing of a higher state of consciousness that sets you free from limited thinking and manifestations on every level of life. It is the realization of your purpose and destiny and fulfilling it. With this understanding an exodus takes place in consciousness. All the enslaved thoughts that once built the treasury houses of carnality (Pharaoh)are liberated. They are washed and ascend into purer forms to build the sanctuary that allows full expression of God. This was demonstrated through the literal birth of Moses and Jesus. This is the birthing of the incorruptible seed, the real you, the divine you; Christ.

In Revelation 12 we find that the man-child was caught up to a higher frequency called the throne of God, a place of power and authority. Where was Moses brought to after his birth and being drawn from the river of mass consciousness? To Pharaoh house (place of authority), a new man was now in the house. This is where he learned the ancient secrets and wisdom and became adept. What will you learn?? You must be willing to totally detach yourself from the false life, identity, and religious beliefs to be caught up to this higher frequency.

Exodus 1 says God bless the midwives with families because they had helped others. [Here's a strange thought. Your consistent ministry to others determines your spiritual development and success. "He that waters shall be watered". The investment in the lives of others may be through mentoring, counseling, prayer, teaching or giving of finances]. Be the Midwife.

That which is hidden within you can never be fully birth until you have helped many others give birth. Your ministry goals or financial goals will not be fully recognized until you have sown into the lives of others.

Look for those that are pregnant with business ideas, ministry, change or whatever; help them to push out and give birth to their destiny. Be that higher consciousness, that coach, that encourager that says, "you can do it". Be the midwife.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080