AUGUST 29, 2013

Pastors Floyd and Mae Beecham of FAITH TABERNACLE GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP INT'L contacted me around late May or early June about coming to do a conference. Usually, in the past they have had me there during the end of winter. I knew this out of season gathering would be very special and anxiously looked forward to serving the Body there again and fellowship with the Pastors.

There seem to have been a stir in the atmosphere and an urgency to be there to have a divine encounter with the Holy Spirit. My prior thinking was that Spirit would have us do lots of personal prophetic ministry as we have seen all year in the other conferences. Later it was revealed that this mission main focus was to be in the "revealed Word".

Our first night, Thursday - August 22, the building was practically filled. The Father seemed to have moved on others that we had never met in person, but had only communicated with via email that read our website to be there. Dr. Stephen Jones, whom I know, from God's Kingdom Ministry was there with Ron Oja and other friends. Sherwood & Peggy Yoder from Iowa, I met for the first time in person. Barbara brought a group from Wisconsin whom we had only had email contact with. George Bird and Rhonda were in route traveling from Regina, Saskatchewan, others flew in from Dallas, Texas and surrounding area. And of course my traveling partner Vladimir Prosperity came from Washington State. (Forgive us if we don't mention your name or place you came from that attended. We met so many wonderful people).

Faith Tabernacle Gospel Fellowship Int'l Praise Team was "off the hook" each night. They prepared the way for the prophetic flow and the supernatural through intense Spirit-led worship.

When they gave me the stage the first night, the Spirit began to immediate give detail words of knowledge about healing and other things that were taking place. As I walked the isle, a word of knowledge came describing an illness that resulted a woman not being able to turn her neck and head for several years, she had to move her complete body to look to the side and had chronic pain. She was healed instantly, her neck and shoulders were free and she was pain free for the first time in many years. She testified of feeling "heat" as the word of knowledge went forth. I actually did not find out about this miracle until late that night, Pastor Mae shared it with me. Night after night there were verifiable testimonies of healing miracles. We shared a revelation of "SHAL OM" the first night and demonstrated it.

August 23 - from the time the first musical note was played, it was "Party Central". The spirit of Prophecy fell on the place, tongues and interpretations went forth from people in the congregation, the shofar was being blown by our sister from Wisconsin as the Spirit manifested.

It was Friday night and we were drunk in the glory. We shared a message on the "12 Levels of Consciousness". I was so impressed how the Spirit took a deep word with controversial revelation knowledge and broke it down to where even the youth understood. Several people came up in tears giving thanks for being able to understand the Word so clearly. A 69 year old woman from a visiting Church said she was invited but decided not to come, later Spirit told her she had to be there. She said in tears, "I have seen many big preachers, heard messages all my life, but this is the first time it all makes sense."

I must add, the Pastors Beecham gave me full liberty to speak as the Spirit gave utterance the very first night. They stood before the congregation warning them that they would hear new things, but they wanted to receive from Spirit. How often do you hear Pastors say things like that? When ministers learn how to let go and trust the Holy Spirit to be the Teacher, the body is edified in love. However, we do realize one should not give this type of liberty to just anyone. Pastors/Leaders should be responsible for the people they have been assigned to serve.

Pastors Beecham had asked us to meet with their leader to on Saturday morning. We had a 3 hour mostly Q & A on subjects which are taboo for Christians to believe or discuss. Faith Tabernacle Gospel Fellowship Int'l leadership happens to be very enlighten and asked very direct questions. We discussed Aliens, Reincarnation, Divine Astrology, Genetic manipulation, Angels and many other interested unorthodox subjects.

August 24 - Saturday Night Live! The presence was so strong and the joy of the Lord filled the building. It was another night of drunken glory and heavy revelations. When we thought the meeting was ending, the woman of God Pastor Mae Beecham had a word of knowledge that I was suppose to pray for those needing healing.

The Spirit of God exploded and the floor was again littered with bodies vibrating and being healed and repentance. We would not know the impact of what the Spirit did until the following night.

August 25 - Sunday Morning was the overflow from Saturday night basking, as we shared other metaphysical aspects of Jacobs' journey. No one seemed to want to go home-people spent time loving on each other and getting to know one another. Some of the guests had to fly or drive back home after the morning service.

Sunday night, the joy fell and people fell under the weight of his glory. There was much healing and deliverance in the house. People that never danced before the Lord, danced and rejoiced. "Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty." We shared more revelations from "Elul."

At the end Pastors Mae & Floyd Beecham invited people to come up to share their experience. There were so many healing miracles that had occurred we were not aware of. It seems like Father wanted to demonstrate the gifts of healing and miracles in this conference, moreso than prophecy.

A woman had come in to the second meeting praying and needing a miracle, she had a huge growth in her breast the size of a baby's fist and it was hard. Her husband told her to go to the hospital, but she decided to trust God. During the meeting, the tumor got smaller and smaller. By the time the meeting had ended, there was no sign of the tumor as she and other examined it. She rejoiced and shouted, thanking God for healing her while just sitting in the Presence receiving.

A man (bus driver) with chronic pain for several years and very limited mobility due to accidents was miraculously healed. He stated that the pain left immediately as we prayed for him on Saturday night and that Sunday was the first morning in many years he did not wake up in intense pain. He jumped, shouted, bent and did all the things he could not do before with his body.

There seem to have been a special anointing to heal people with chronic pain, there were several others testifying of similar stories and some that did not get to testify up front came to me afterwards and shared. There were other healing testimonies also.

The Kingdom of God was preached and demonstrated night after night and to Almighty God be all the glory and praise. We did not have such a powerful move of God only because I happen to be there. When people get hungry enough to stop eating, God has to show up. The Church had been on a 3 day and night fast, praying for a manifestation of Spirit and a word to get them to the next level. The Spirit had led Zobia and I into a 3-day fast during those same dates also, praying for the meetings to be blessed. We did not know the Church was fasting. Isn't it wonderful to hear and obey?

Faith comes by hearing. If you have a need for healing, I am about to release a healing anointing for you. If your faith is not there yet...read the above paragraphs a few more times and envision what you are reading. Then envision yourself in the meetings. Let faith arise in your heart. Get ready! Be in a place with like minded people or where you wont be disturbed for the next 7 minutes.


I believe that same anointing we experienced in Minneapolis can be channel through this webpage, through your monitor or the printed words you are reading. The Presence of the Lord is here, I can feel Him in the atmosphere. His Presence can heal you also.

Listen to this song and experience it as I pray with and for you. I AM there.

Father, I sent an angel to touch all those reading this blog now. I decree and declare that the Spirit of God will come upon them to heal. I command tumors to shrivel up and died, disappear completely in Jesus (Yahshua) Name. I command heart conditions to be healed, respiratory and stomach issues to be healed. I command chronic back pain, body pain and headaches to GO! GO!! In the name of JESUS (Yahshua)! Your marvelous presence heals everyone now.

Stiff joints now move and be free! Stretch out your hands! Bend your legs or knees! Bend over, your back is Free! Move your shoulders. Turn your head, your neck is loose! Raise your arms completely up NOW, in Jesus (Yahshua) name.

Teeth, eyes, ears, nose and mouth..Be Healed! Skin conditions be made whole and blood be healed. Cancer can not live in this awesome Presence. Every sickness, mental illness, depression is healed in the name of Jesus (Yahshua). According to your faith, so be it unto you.

Just receive what the Father has provided for you through Jesus (Yahshua). Sit there in his presence and receive it. Listen to the song again and experience it. Say, "Lord I receive" and just accept it-allow it to manifest. Check yourself and do what you could not do. Amen. Tell somebody what Jesus just did for you-maintain your healing by walking in faith, not doubting. Send us a testimonial of what happened to you, we will rejoice with you and might post it to lift the faith of others.

Over the years when Spirit has moved upon us to do this, we have always received testimonials of Father healing. He loves to heals and bless His children. You deserve it.

Share this with all you know.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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