(Web Blog)


OCTOBER 16, 2011

While in meditation today, I realized; this is truly the Feast of Ingathering, Sukkot. Sukkot is the In-gathering of the harvest of the nations. We are seeing a prophetic manifestation of this demonstrated in real time. From Tahir Square to Time Square, an Awakening is taking place. Over 1500 cities Globally Erupted in Protest to Occupy The World from October 15-16 and beyond. It is no coincidence that this mass gathering in consciousness and physically is taking place during the Feast of Tabernacles - Feast of Ingathering.

Also during my meditation time today, Eye heard a verse from this old song that eye have not heard in years. "It is the time to take the Kingdom, Rise up be strong 'tis Christ's command. For ever power and dominion is now given into your hand..." (Some of you that know the song, just begin to sing it now as a prophetic declaration).

"But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever." Daniel 7:18

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Matthew 11:12

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Would he be out there Occupying Wall Street? How did he address the Bankers (money changers) and the Vatican (Pharisees) inspired control of his day? Jesus did say, "Occupy until I come."

We are seeing the beginning of a global rEVOLUTION. When you look at the word r-EVOL-ution, we see (2) important words. Evolution, which only means, the process of irreversible change. We also see the word LOVE = evol; God is LOVE. A true lasting revolution can only come through LOVE. This is not the mushy, I am okay, you're okay clueless love. This must be a LOVE for Justice, Equality, Humanity, Dignity, Humans Rights, Sovereignty and Self. This type of love manifestation is not always simple, orderly, religiously correct and without sacrifice. It was this type of love that got the Messiah crucified by those he was trying to liberate.

The (2) verses above spoken by Daniel the prophet and Jesus the Messiah, both prophesy of the time cycle we are now in. The words used in both reveal that the physical manifestation of God's Kingdom manifesting in the 3 dimensional world would not be like a walk in the Park. It will not come by people clutching their Bibles or twittering their thumbs singing, "In the sweet by and by." The words used are "action" words and it literally speaks that force would have to be used for humanity to take what is rightfully theirs. The kingdom of darkness will not simply turn over the reins of powers after thousands of years clutching them tightly. We are not advocating violence in any way. We are only showing you what is coming and the end results. Could it be, that many of those outside of the organized religious system may be the visible force that brings about CHANGE? Spiritual people should daily be meditating and fervently praying for the present corrupt system to soon end. That is another way to take the kingdom by force, from an energetic or spiritual stand point.

3 months before Uranus moved into Aries, we were already feeling the strong influences of it. This began manifesting as Protests across Africa and the toppling of governments. March 11, 2011 when Uranus moved into Aries, it was confirm with a major Earthquake, (which Eye accurately saw, to the very date a month before it happened). Everything intensified at that point on the planet. The Spirit had us announce, "The Kingdom of Uranus (heaven) is at Hand." Uranus (Ouranos) in Greek is translated as heaven in the Bible.

We also announced at that time that Uranus is the planet of AWAKENING, rEVOLUTION and INDEPENDENCE. This is what we are seeing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Some Christians were asking me the other day if I was praying for all this protest to end and that people go home. I said, NO!! I am praying for their protection and that it intensifies. I wish I had the resources to support them. This is GOD in action. Of course, my answer shocked them.

There is an awakening happening and it is undeniable. The evil ones will not get to manipulate this to their advantage as they had planned. What we have seen across Africa, the Middle East and now the World is not just about a political agenda or young people wanting to express themselves. It is not just about overthrowing leaders. This is the cry of all humanity, the groaning of creation itself To Be Free.


Jesus gave the Parable about the Good Shepherd that loves all his sheep; even the 1% with the nature of a goat (devil). He said that the Shepherd would leave the 99% just to go find that lost sheep and save him. [Keep in mind we are only speaking of those within the 1% that control the wealth and enslave humanity. If is the creators desire for ALL to experience abundance].

"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish." MATTHEW 18:10-14

Can you SEE what is happening?!?! The 99% of humanity is giving the 1% that control the world and has enslaved humanity a chance to REPENT. This is the Good Shepherd going forth searching for them, pleading with them to CHANGE (repent) through the Global OCCUPY WALL STREET & THE WORLD MOVEMENT. They are being given a chance to make things right and free humanity from its enslavement to Debt, Banks, Interest (usury), Lying Media, Unjust Wars, Corrupt Politicians, Unnecessary Poverty and Death. Jesus said, IF the 1% is found or changed, there would be rejoicing. Eye don't see those that control everything within that 1% wanting to be found or saved from their Corruption, Greed, Control and Enslavement of humanity. Therefore, they will become the goats on the left hand, they will become the tares consumed by the brightness of his appearing. Watch this video clip.

Our Prophetic Calendar Dates (posted in February 2011) - Predicting Shifts in Consciousness manifesting as major global events for October were October 14-16. The energy in space manifested in the Earth realm as (3) Underwater Volcano Eruptions on 10/15/11 off the coast of Spain - El Hierro. It also manifested as a Global Protest Against the Banks as OCCUPY THE WORLD. It was also called OCCUPY THE WORLD & a DAY of RAGE 10/15/11. There was also a violent Volcanic Eruption in Kamchatka, Russia late 10/16/11. Many other disastrous events took place during those date worldwide.

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