OK, I DID IT! Many of you that have never seen me have been asking for pictures of me and of meetings to be put on the website over the years. (Not wanting to cause any distraction from the message and wanting people to only identify with Spirit, and due to some shyness: I have refused to over 8 years). I have enjoyed the intrigue and mystery surrounding me. I have also enjoyed being in smaller gathers listen to people discuss me and even at times ask me questions about me unknowing,; making comments positive and negative. Now I can no longer remain the mysterious hidden Seer. [I think that's prophetic]. Pictures below.

First of all thanks to the faithful few that help made my second Mission to Pakistan possible by your giving into the great harvest of Pakistan. I truly believe it is God's will for ALL to be saved/enlightened. How shall they hear unless someone tell them? This truly is an awesome harvest field the Lord has opened up; the fruit is ripe and literally falling off the vine. I keep hearing people talk about a “great revival” or move of the Spirit with supernatural manifestations one day coming. I must admit out of habit I sometime use that terminology. However, it is here, NOW!


After over 24 hours of flying and in airports I could hardly wait to arrive at Karachi airport. The brethren were so excited and quite a number of them greeted me at the airport and with bouquets of roses and other flowers. Pastor Javed, Pastor Muazzam, Pastor Paul, Afzal, Khalid and others of GPC (Gospel Pentecostal Churches of Pakistan).

The meetings were scheduled to start the following day, however, on the mission field everything seems to start once your feet touch the ground and they did. I eventually got to bed about 3:30 am or thereafter.

The following day a long distance call came from the Interior of Sindh (Sin). A relative of the pastor; nine months pregnant, sugar level critical and had to be rushed to emergency. They place the phone to the barely conscious woman ear, believing that if I prayed she’d be healed. Immediately, her sugar level became normal; within the hour she called back giving praise to God, laughing and going on how the doctors were baffled. I told them the baby would be a girl, which they wanted after having 2-3 boys. The father called yet again and said when the baby is born I had to name it. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl and I named her “Sophia”, Wisdom has come.

The atmosphere in Karachi was buzzed with Expectation and a hunger for more of God. The young Pastor Muazzam had done an excellent job putting together this crusade in a short time. The Presence of God exploded upon the crowd in the worship and preaching of the Word.

[Below are some photos of Karachi Meetings- John in Black Shalwar Kameez with his Security- along with other Pastors]

[Being showered with Rose Petals and walking on Rose petals].

The mayor, his security and other city officials which are all Muslim came to the meetings. (Immediately there was a connection between the Mayor and I, we shared at length. He expressed a desire to see me when he visits USA in 2006 on business). Without trying to express in detail the works of the Spirit; in the meetings we saw a repeat of what the Holy Spirit did on the first mission (repentance, healings, deliverances and great joy).


Pastor Muazzam and I traveled by bus into the Interior of Sindh where the poverty is more extreme. The people were ready to receive after hearing the testimony of Younis wife sugar level becoming normal instantly. He believed and it was so. The evening was spent ministering and praying for the needs of the people and fellowship into the late hours. Also the following morning the word had spread throughout the community, we rush to as many homes we could praying for people and healing the sick.

[Below the first 3 photos are from a Karachi Meeting in a Christian Colony- It is not customary for women to dance; however in this meeting the Presence was so strong even the women and children worshipped and danced for literally hours. We must present the Good News in a way that it transcend gender, age, customs and religion].

[We were granted permission for a street meeting further in the Interior among Hindus & Muslims. Hundreds of people sat in the street listening as far as the eye could see, many received the Christ and healings -below. Pastor Javed Founder of GPC interprets for me-the next 2 photos reflect ].

[All creation worships Christian, Muslim, Hindu-everyone responds to the power of Spirit motivated by LOVE/COMPASSION. As far as the eye could see the street was filled with people worshiping the One Being we call Father and God/Allah/Brahma--Men sit on one side and women the opposite. Everywhere I go there is a Holy Ghost Party because I carry "new wine". If these extremely poor and oppressed people can be happy, so can you- Remember this move of God is taking place in a 98% Muslim country with extremely strict law. However, by Divine favor and faith I am able to operate with complete liberty throughout the country].


We rushed back to Karachi to catch the evening train to Lahore where Pastor Jamshad had prepared for the crusade. I was told by some of the brethren, “you wont forget this train ride”. Normally I would fly to Lahore and reach it in nearly 3 hours, plus it is not safe for Americans using this type of transit.

I was shock at our first class seating/cabin and there was no privacy. Once I opened my mouth in the close setting it was even more evident I was probably American. My eyes roamed around my immediate area distinguishing the various Muslim sects from extreme to moderate, completely veil women to open faced women, heavily bearded intense looking men with various caps/turbans and dress, to those in western attire. [Oookay, and I am suppose to sleep in this open spaced on a narrow bench/bed during this 18 hour train ride]?

The brethren had looked forward to this time with me to ask questions pertaining to the kingdom of God. For many hours I had a captive audience of not only my Christian brethren but my Muslim brethren. I was careful to speak indirectly, very slowly and clear so all could understand. Soon the stone-faced intense looks changed into smiles, nods and laughter as the love of God permeated our coach. [I did sleep in peace a few hours on the incredibly shaking train to Lahore]. I shall never forget this train ride.

My dear friend Dr. Ishtiaq a Muslim man, called on the mobile early that morning insisting to board the train to finally meet me (this meant going at least an hour out of his way). He had heard of me through someone telling him about the Miracle Crusade-we had only been in contact via email and phone for several months prior my return to Pakistan. He boarded the train; we met for the first time in face to face and experienced a wonderful time of fellowship.

Allah/God has also used him to prepare the people in the city of Multan, for a Crusade. Pastors and leaders have come together in agreement to host a meeting. Have you ever heard of a Muslim man, doctor by profession; organizing a “Christian Meeting”? Go figure.

[Life - clash of the modern and ancient means of transportation]

[Above is is group of young ministers/Pastors on Fire and anxious to preach the Kingdom of God with signs and miracles following. I have had the opportunity to impart many of the mysteries of the Kingdom. Now leaving the Miracle Healing Crusades of Karachi to go to Lahore for the bigger Miracle Crusades-this is the largest gathering in Pakistan and it's growing. Come along and Receive Your Miracle].


[These are photos from the Miracle Crusade in Lahore below. Over 25,000 gathered into the Stadium-many stood on rooftops as far as the ear could hear listening.]

[Entering the Stadium with Pastor Anwar leading]

[John being instructed what time the government wants the Crusade to be over. Can John do all he needs to do in that time slot]?

[Sister Eister - a Powerful preacher prepares the people for John's message so they can receive their Miracles].

[John and his interpreter Samuel]

[People gathered from all denominations, religions (Muslims, Christians, Hindus) and all walks of life].

I have this strange connection with Lahore. The release of Spirit, supernatural and prophetic mantle becomes more evident there. Each meeting we went from glory to glory as the Presence of God increased. The last day of the scheduled meeting at a Church was spent dealing with Immigrations, their screw-ups, running around and phone calls to the Embassy in Islamabad. I arrived back at Pastor Jamshad just in time to change clothes and go to Church. I did not want to go or speak; I felt I was not in the right frame of mind.

I heard the Spirit say, “Take all that negative energy and emotions and transmute it into positive, it will be released in an explosion of the anointing tonight”. I spent a short time in a meditative exercise, and I told one of the young men with me (Khalid) what would happen that night in the meeting and that he would also receive the Holy Ghost.

Long story short, the heavens opened in the meetings as never before. Detail prophetic words and vision came forth for about 20 minutes regarding GPC and many other things. (Pastor Muazzam emailed me this week letting me know that some of the words have already come to pass and the faith of the people have increased).

After the message, the front was filled with people calling out to God and many were baptized in the Holy Ghost as the anointing (energy) of God exploded in our midst. Some could not get up off the ground or walk for some time, this type of manifestation was new for them and Khalid (the young man) was among them that received.

(I got a chance to spend lots of time on rooftops in prayer/meditation and ministering during the day, the stories about David, Peter and others on the rooftops made more sense. One afternoon while on the rooftop neighbors insisted that I come to pray. My interpreter and I went from rooftop to rooftop and climbing down makeshift ladders missing 2-3 steps in between. A Sorceress with typhoid fever and a man with a different fever was greatly touch and the people reached out in faith. My interpreter questioned me why I did not first rebuke her for the sorcery and make her repent in order to receive healing. I explained that “I” AM had already forgiven her and that it was more fruitful to show compassion and heal her).


The first night of the meeting in Lahore with Pastor Jamshad I was informed some influential Muslim families had driven quite a distance to be there. One of the families had a daughter that was tormented with and possessed by spirit. After prayer with her and giving the spirits a "specific command" she had no more manifestations while in Lahore. The following week after returning home immediately she was attacked by other spirits, went into manifestations and the spirits were very vocal. Pastor Jamshad and his assistant came to our hotel on the way to minister to the frantic family and the possessed girl.

After spending about 20 minutes explaining deliverance from a “present truth” perspective (reconciling spirits and making them speak truth); I told them to look for something in the home or on the property that the spirits felt attached to and it would be the key etc. Upon arriving in their city the spirits manifested in the girl informing the family of Jamshad’s arriving in the city limits and demanded the family not to allow them to come further. The family called Pastor Jamshad and verified they had just arrived in the city as the spirits said.

After some time in the home the spirits were subdued and made to reveal their attraction. About 4 months prior an old tree in the patio had been cut down, the spirits had been assigned to live there many years ago (that was the attraction). They agreed to not torment the girl anymore but they were very defiant about leaving the property. The following day the Pastors came and asked me why? I explained that someone gave the spirits a specific assignment to live in the tree; they can not be released from the property until someone with a greater power gives them a new assignment. (ie Jesus told the to spirits go into the pigs, or walk through dry places, etc). I look forward to reconciling the spirits and giving them a new assignment if they have not moved on by the next trip.

[More photos from the Lahore Miracle Crusade below].

[As I released the words of knowledge and decrees - the stage was immediately filled with people testifying of their miracle and demonstrating what they could not do before. Long lines of others waited to tell what God had done. The Lame and Paralyzed literally got up and walk, many had large visible Tumors that instantly disappeared, Deaf ears popped open, chronic pain disappeared and many other notable miracles].

[The same Energy/Anointing you see in the pictures and sense in these words are available for you. Spirit is not limited by time or space, I AM there right now to release your miracle. They that have ears to hear and a heart to believe can receive].

I am often asked, “why is it that you see phenomenal miracles on a day to day basis and large gatherings mostly overseas?” My answer is God has not changed, Jesus the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

In 2 Kings chapter 2 Elisha receives the double portion (fullness) and “picks up the mantle”. As he is standing at the swollen Jordan river he hit the waters with the mantle (uses the fresh anointing, exercises the gifts that’s been given him) and shouts; “Where is the LORD God of Elijah?” The Jordan parts and he walks over on dry ground just as Elijah had previously done.

One of the messages in this is: God was in the same place He had always been (in us), He was waiting for the Elijah’s. I can hear the Spirit shouting through the portals of space, time and consciousness within our being saying, “Where are the Elijah’s?!” People that would dare to really believe what they preach about, sing about and prophecy about. There is a desire within all mankind to see, experience and live in what we call the supernatural. That which we term “supernatural” is your first estate, it is your heritage. It is what we should live out from day to day, moment to moment; it should be as simple as breathing is.

[Since the people are extremely poor; they can only offer their humble homes, meager meals or honor you with leys of Roses].

[Police Chief came to the house where I stayed to show off his Miracle from the night before. 17 years ago a motorcycle accident left him with a broken shoulder and collar bone. For 17 years he could only raise his right hand to the height of his shoulder- I gave a word of knowledge describing his condition and his arm was instantly free].


Yet answering the question I am often asked, based on my observation and experience. In my many years of traveling abroad ministering and even ministering in First Nations (Indian) and Latin American communities in this country where we have seen awesome manifestations of the Spirit to accompany the Word; here are a few things I have notice.

The people come EXPECTING God to manifest. They don’t just gather to hear the latest revelation or prophecy. They are FOCUSED. The energy is not scattered into 5 different directions or messages. There is real unrestrained WORSHIP. They have little problem with the ego and inhibitions. They easily come into ONE ACCORD. No competing or trying to impress anyone. They BELIEVE. They don’t waste time trying to analyze the word; raise a half hour silly debate over is this Pentecost or Tabernacles. They simply believe.

< [Below are photos of John Preaching & Pastor Jamshad Interpreting in his building that seats around 600. Afterward honoring John with Flowers]


Fulfilling The Great Commission,

John Lewis