DECEMBER 6, 2012

It was kind of surprising in a good way when I read the headline news on Yahoo this morning - December 5, 2012. I did not expect to see a sign so soon of what we felt the Spirit has been saying regarding the 2016 election or after President Obama leaves. This is what the headlines said:


We have been sensing and sharing with others that after President Obama's terms are ended, we would have our first female President. We have published this in our blogs and I think they are preparing the minds of Americans for this possible 2016 event. But the question remain, will she just be proxy for Obama, if he is not allowed a 3rd term? How might Michelle Obama fit in this plan?

Let's examine some of the prophetic words to get an idea of how our vision will have become much more clear by 20/20.

When will America be ready for a female President? 2016 !! Posted February 3, 2012 - NEPTUNE RISING


"We have been stating and hinting that the next President after Obama leaves office in 2016, will be a female. Eye am yet sensing this and most likely a Democrat. However, there is whisper that something might transpire that will allowed President Obama to possibly run and be elected for President again for an unprecedented 3rd term in 2016. Nevertheless, whenever he is finished, we will see our first female as President. (The Democrat party will have transformed into something with a much higher purpose by then).

Eye see a phasing out of what we know of as the Republican party. It will be broken up into many factions. As we continue to evolve and move forward as a galactic community, there will be less room of the divisiveness, intolerance and religious anti-Christ spirit that plagues the Republican party." Posted November 8, 2012 303 PROPHETIC CLUES


"Eye feel she (Hilary Clinton) is possibly leaving to spend time preparing to run for President in 2016 and will most likely win...wait a minute, seems like there will be more than one female competing for this office. It's gonna be interesting." Posted November 15, 2012 - PETRAEUS BETRAYED US


Mary Sue sent me this information below from Porter Stansberry of Stansberry Research. He seems to echo some of the things we have mentioned prophetically regarding the great prosperity that will be released during the Obama Administration. The Presidents first name Barak means Lightning, Blessings. I can't say that I totally agree with how Stansberry sees this great prosperity will come, but this could possibly be one of the ways.

Keep in mind as you listen to the presentation below; Porter Stansberry is not speaking from a spiritual perspective. He seems to think that by asking or requiring the super-rich to pay tax or more tax is "socialism." Socialism has been made to be a "bad word" to Americans. He also sees mortgage reductions programs and other program to assist most Americans that's been victimized by the Banks and corrupt system as hand outs to people that haven't worked hard enough. He seems to be way out of touch with reality and the people that's actually keeping this nation afloat; as Mitt Romney is.

However, I do agree with his analysis that President Obama will be known as one of the greatest Presidents of the USA. Also, that this is the vessel the heavens have decided to use to bring great Abundance to this nation and the world. Actually, Stansberry didn't phrase it that way. He's actually anti-Obama and seems to almost hate him, even though he is anxious to cash in on the great wealth that will come during his leadership. Funny how he seems to go out of his way to not give any credit to Obama for what his research proves will happen during the Obama Administration. Instead, he says, "Obama just happen to be at the right place at the right time...it's his charisma...and because he's an opportunist...a socialist...helping people that have not worked hard enough." Amazing.

Nevertheless, he makes some good points and seems to have some good ideas for investments. (We are not suggesting, or prophesying that anyone should use his advice for investments. The purpose for this link below is to just show you the signs in the news and based on research that confirms what Spirit has given-if there is more you receive, that's your own decision).



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