JUNE 8, 2012

April 19, 2012 - I watched a trailer for the upcoming science fiction/horror movie called Prometheus. It's considered a prequel for the "Alien" series. Nevertheless, I was moved and realized it was filled with encoded truth and prophecy. (Of course, you'd have to discern and separate the underlining message from Hollywood horror theatrics) It prompted me to refresh my understanding of the God Prometheus, in Greek mythology. Prometheus opens today in the theaters - June 8, 2012.


A few days ago, I watched the trailer again. I remembered seeing a quick scene of what appeared as an ancient carving on a cave wall. It was of a man pointing to a star cluster. Right away in my mind, I shout, Pleiades (7 stars). Then, there is the scene of 7 screens of pictograms from around the world, they are all a pictogram of the same star system. These were ancient alien star maps of the origins of humans and they all point to the Pleiades star system. (However, from what I read of the script, they have changed some of the star names in the film).

A crew sets out to find where we came from and our creators, using the star maps as an invitation. In the Hollywood film, seems like our creators are not to happy that humans have found them. They become the evil aliens, out to destroy humanity. I suppose this is an exaggeration of some of the Greek myths, to create suspense, horror and action in the film.

In May, we did a series of 3 writings on the Pleiades, we shared our belief that human origins begun around the Pleiadian star system and that Abraham dug 7 wells, which were a code or star map of our origins in the earth. The wells were called Beersheba. We also shared that the Zodiac sign of Taurus and the Pleiades are mentioned more times in the Bible that any other star constellation. The Bible seems to show us this ancient star map repeatedly in different forms. For example, Jethro's 7 daughters, 7 candlesticks, 7 spirits of God, 7 eyes, 7 pieces of furnishing of the Tabernacle, 7 Trumpets, 7 Seals, 7 churches, and the most obvious; the 7 stars in the hand of Jesus. All of these are hidden codes, star maps of the constellation of Pleiades and the star in front of the 7 star cluster. SWEET INFLUENCES OF PLEIADES


I see this movie as a validation to what Spirit was speaking regarding Pleiades in May and the alignment with the Pleiades, May 20, 2012. Do you think that it is a coincidence that this movie is released 19 days after the alignment and Eclipse? Will soon coming events on the planet and in the heavens force many to rethink their theology and traditional beliefs about our origins?

Are we mature enough to hear the truth and understand the Bible and other holy books in a different light? I think we are, it's the 3rd day (coming into the 3rd millennium) prophetically from the time of Jesus. It was on the 3rd day that scales fell from the eyes of Rabbi Saul and he became Apostle Paul. It is the reptile that has scales and sheds them. This was a metaphor for the serpent brain, the serpent or reptile brain is activated by FEAR. Saul had to let go of his fears of being proven wrong, believing and preaching a lie. After all, Saul was a Rabbi and could even quote the Torah; he thought he had it all figured out. He thought he knew all the mysteries of life, he was well educated and respected by many. But his theology, religion and belief system was based in tradition and shadows, it was a mixture of lies with some truth.

When he met Jesus, Reality on the Damascus road, according to Scripture; he got knocked off his ass (donkey), onto his face and knees by the One he persecuted. That must have been humiliating. He was blinded by the Light for 3 days. Acts 9

None of us can see, until we first realize we are blind. This must be a repeated realization, as we evolve from glory to glory. When we let go of the need to be right, the fear of being wrong, fear of man, fear of being different, fear of being rejected, and that unhealthy fear of God; the scales will fall from our eyes. The serpent brain will be deactivated and access to higher brain function will become available.It's the 3rd day, let the scales fall.


Yesterday as I was researching the film Prometheus, I discovered something very exciting and disappointing. First of all, the movie is a copy of the work of a man name Wayne Herschel - star names are changed. It was plagiarized. Evidently, Wayne Hershel has researched for nearly two decades ancient civilizations and uncovered star maps in every culture. The star maps are in laid out in pyramids, carved in stones, on cave wall, papyrus, copper tablets or laid out as mounds. Every continent and culture, it is the same; as in the movie Prometheus. This is even on Mars. They all point to Pleiades as our origins. We'll be sharing more in the future of Herschel's findings.

Here is an excerpt of what we wrote in the blog, dated for April 20, 2012 about Prometheus.


"A lesson to be learned from Greek Mythology, we will visit this more in depth in the future. Here is a thought for now. Prometheus, the titan God was credited to creating humans and civilization. The Great God was a bit upset with Prometheus love for mere mortals and the technology he had shared with them. Prometheus stole "sacred fire" from the Gods to share with humans, which ended up disastrous for humans.

The Prometheus syndrome is in full effect today. Mankind is trying desperately to become Gods apart from observing universal and divine laws of spirituality. With XNA technology, it is believe they will be able to extract the Sacred Fire or spark of Divine in the human genome, to advance the evolution of humans into Gods...Can you imagine a race of soul-less trans-humans? Gods motivated by greed, anger, lust and pride. What about Cyborgs, Android and Beast-men used to fight wars?

Prometheus seemingly selfless act to befit humanity led to the opening of Pandora's Box by his sister-in-law (Pandora), which unleash all the evils, plagues and diseases to destroy humans. Human genetics is a Pandora's Box, it holds all the evils and diseases and all the cures. One slight variation in the human genome programmed language can produce "real time" science fiction events." XNA -SYNTHETIC DNA

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