DECEMBER 1, 2012

I can't believe I am actually writing today's date, "December 1, 2012." This year has almost gone and I am having a moment trying to figure out what have I accomplished. What have I done to really help change my world? It's too early for those thoughts and emotions, I will revisit them in about 30 days and hopefully feel better about those questions...maybe.

December will be a very exciting month - lots going on behind the scenes but wont be understood or acknowledged til later. More detail later...maybe.

There's lots in the news over the past few days:


Here's the news story -- NEW JERSEY TRAIN DERAILMENT

We know that train derailments are not totally unusual. The thing about this one is, it was prophesied 17 days before it happened. For this reason we pay closer attention to it because there are more prophetic signs and clues hidden within this event. I don't think we will delve into least not now. Let's look at the Word of the Lord that was given November 13, 2012. Actually ever other part of this word has manifested within the time frame revealed- you can find it at the link below. Part of the word manifested in less than 24 hours. Here's an excerpt:

"Eye see over the next 15-20 days there will be an increase of accidents, mishaps and on purpose POISONINGS, DRUG OVERDOSES, ALCOHOL related events - this may involve famous people - Mysterious Illnesses, CHEMICAL related illnesses and deaths, CHEMICAL Spills or Explosions. We are calling on Prophetic Intercessors to Change This. Also cover your kids, relatives and friend that are using drugs and alcohol with prayer; especially during this time frame.

The Chemical Plant Explosion nor the TRAIN DERAILMENT CARRYING TOXINS Eye see - has to happen. Change It! Change It! You will know you did it when the news reports of "how deadly this could have been" (NOVEMBER 13, 2012) Full message read here: SERPENS TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE

Thanks to those of you that have been interceding regarding this over the past few weeks, I believe it has minimized the effects of this "accident". Also, we want to pray that everything would be exposed if in fact (3) men played a role in this. Continue to pray for those that have become ill and pray over the water.



Thank God. Change is happening! At least they are a state on paper, sadly, they will have to yet endure the oppression from the Israeli Zionist regime, until it is destroyed. How I wish that was yesterday's news already.

When most people think of the Palestinians, they get the picture of screaming Muslim maniac throwing rock and blowing themselves up. At least that's the picture the Zionist controlled media has embedded within the minds of most Americans. They don't want the West (USA) to know about the large Christian population of nearly 80,000 in Palestine that have live peaceful with the Muslims for decades.

Why wouldn't they want the Americans to know? Some might have a change of heart in the undying support of Israel butchering the Palestinian Christians and Muslims for nearly 70 years- Of course with the blinded blessings Christian Believers. However, others would write it off as collateral damage. Let's pause and take a quick look at how "God's Chosen People" for the most part in Israel feels about the deceived Christians and their Savior -- You know the ones that support Christian Zionists like John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and most of Christian TV & Radio. Warning! You will hear foul language and threats from this demon-seed. (Only speaking truth in love- Thank God for His Grace and ability to save all)

Allow me to revert to my human-side for a moment, trust me, it's based in love for truth and my great desire to see blinded eyes open. Romans 10 (Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for America is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record, they have a zeal for God, but not according to KNOWLEDGE). Okay, join me on this little imaginary trip (which might become prophetic). You can get right back into Spirit, after we finish this fun imagination. Hakuna Matata - praise be to God. Relax, breath deeply.

Imagine someone hacking into the Christian Network Satellites and beaming that video during Prime Time. Better yet, in the middle of John Hagee's regular glorification of Israel, someone takes full control of his PA & Video system and blast this during filled to capacity Sunday morning brain washing session. Or, imagine... Snap back to reality, we wont go there.


Netanyahu (Satan) is throwing another tantrum, he could not get a "real war" started in Gaza. He could not drag us into helping his start World War 3 by attacking Iran. President Obama was re-elected and will be a thorn in his side 4 more years possibly. Netanyahu is seriously worried that he might not get re-elected - he's a man on the edge.

In retaliation to the UN announcement for a Palestinian State, Netanyahu announces he will built 3000 more homes on Palestinian land. This means murdering more Christians and Muslims, destroying their homes, orchards, and vineyards - ISRAEL TO BUILD 3000 MORE SETTLEMENT HOMES

Share this with all your Christian Zionist friends.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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