OCTOBER 27, 2012

Over the years, we have often gotten emails and responses from people simply not understanding the prophetic ministry or gift of prophecy; this is understandable. A great deal of this is because of the gross error from religious indoctrination, but also from lack of understanding how the supernatural works. Plus, very few people are actually students of the Bible. We wont attempt to teach a School of Prophets course in this blogs, but we will touch on a few things to help us understand the prophetic. (Hopefully early 2013 we will offer a School of Prophets Course for those that desire to order it - You really Need it).

In this 21st century, many of those that consider themselves somewhat spiritual lack the knowledge of some relevant ancient arts laid out in the Bible and other holy books. We will only touch on a few here. We have come to a highly "Prophetic Generation," where the wish of Moses will be realize. He said, "I wish that all God's people were prophets (had the ability to prophesy)." The New Testament book of Revelation tells us that, the testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophecy. If you have this testimony, you can prophesy (speak by inspiration, foretell, reveal past, present and future events on an individual, national, international and even a universal level).

In modern day Pentecostal/Charismatic circles, the gift of prophecy is limited to: "Yea I say unto thee..." 1611 King James Version talking/ministering to a person about general things. There is nothing wrong with that, that can serve as a very basic starting point to edify others.

The Prophets we read about in the Bible and throughout spiritual literature were also able to give accurate Signs, dates of future events, they exercised their authority over the Wind, Rain (water), Earth & Fire; Sun, Moon and Stars. A true prophet speaks as the Oracle of God (Elohim). Not only does the prophet have authority over the elements to use at will as signs to validating his/her calling; the ultimate purposes are for edifying others and turning them to God.

Religious fear has caused many gifted people to remain spiritually immature. The fear of being "original," allowing Spirit to manifest through you as He so desires based on your unique personality. Fear of what others will say or think, fear of ruining your reputation, not being apart of the herd or being misunderstood. Fear of being associated with greed, new age ideas, witchcraft, etc. The basis of this "fear" is Pride, it is the Ego trying to protect itself.

If you desire the prophetic office or gifts; you can expect all of the above, even from those operating at a lower prophetic expression.


People sometime ask me, "why do you use incantations, it sounds like witchcraft or spells?" I normally say, you are correct, it is spells. Spells are words being used with a specific intent-often in a rhyme (rhythm) to increase the vibratory frequency. Good spells, God-spells, or Gospel.

Did you realize that Prophet David, the psalmist writer of most of the Book of Psalms used Incantations? Many of his prophetically inspired poems/songs and psalms were "incantations." Incantations are repeated words used to achieve a specific goal by joining the power of Spirit and emotions to them. When they are repeated over and over - the words become even more energized and "magical" or "powerful" - they become pregnant with the ability to deliver or produce. Have you ever seen the word "Selah" in the Biblical Book of Psalms. Selah means forever and ever, to repeat again and again; meditate on it again and again. The previous verse or verses before the word "selah" became a chant, incantation; building spiritual power each time it was spoken. This is a powerful ancient art that sadly, most Christians are not aware of.

When the ancient Hebrews went to war against the enemies that greatly outnumbered them, they spoke INCANTATIONS (spells-words) against their enemies. "FOR THE LORD (YAHWEH) IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER!" They repeated that Incantation hundreds of times-building power and energy, literally changing the atmosphere and casting a spell on the enemy. By the time they reached the camp of the enemy, their enemies had self destruct. 2 Chronicles 20

In 2 Chronicles 5, this same Incantation, Spell, Chant was used to summon the powers of Elohim, as fire fell from heaven, the Shekinah glory filled the Temple and the priest all fell down under the power of the Spirit. It was the same words used, but the intent (visualization) was different.

Over the years, we have exercise this ability in the general sense, inviting others to join in. We have done this through the blogs and monthly articles also and have seen the elements react. Actually, most of you use this ability all the time unknowingly; repeating things in your mind. Chill out! It's all good, It's all God.

Regarding what can be termed "deities". First of all, we know that there is Only ONE Creator, the Holy One. We will save a full explanation for the upcoming School of Prophets series we will make available. However, did you realize that there is a level of spiritual authority that's available, where you can command not just the angels, but the lower realms of spirits (deities) and even the demonic realm? (This revelation is not for those choosing to remain spiritual babies).


Here's another issue that seems to ensnare a lot of people, Money; especially when it come to spiritual things. There is a real science behind what we call money or currency. Most people are not aware that what we call Money, at its highest level is very spiritual. It is the source of the Divine and contains the very DNA of the Creator. We will prove that point scientifically in another setting. Why do you think everybody wants it??!!! - Even the religious people with False Humility that say they don't!! You were designed to want it and use it, at its highest level to benefit yourself and all creation.

(When we speak about the destruction of the Babylonian occultic economy, the present Banking System-we are prophesying about Money in it lowest essence, connected to Greed. There is a difference)

But Saul's servant said, "I've just thought of something! There is a man of God who lives here in this town. He is held in high honor by all the people because everything he says comes true. Let's go find him. Perhaps he can tell us which way to go." Saul said to his servant, "If we go, what can we give the man? The food in our sacks is gone. We have no gift to take to the man of God. What do we have?" 1 Samuel 9:6-7

What did the ancients know and many Pentecostal/Charismatic know that seemingly many of those who feel they are more "progressive" have forgotten? Have many thrown out the proverbial baby with the bath water? Me thinks so.

Throughout Scripture this unwritten ritual of giving to the Prophet, man or woman of God, spiritual leader, was used to activate, excite and release material, physical and spiritual blessings. When prophetic words were released, sacrifices and offerings were made to activate what had been released in the realm of Spirit, so they could materialize in the physical realm.

Because I understand the power of sowing with intent and into a specific anointing - I never attend a "Church" service without an offering; even if I don't agree completely with their doctrine (Pentecostal, Apostolic, Adventist, AG, etc). Nor do I frequent a website without clicking the Donation button from time to time, if there is one. Those of you that attend "Church" or a "Home Gathering" should become mature enough to put this into practice consistently in some way; even if there is no plate passed around. You will be amazed at what the Spirit will release through that man or woman of God specifically for you as a result of your generous action. (not legalism, only proven principles).

We do acknowledge, many that have left the system are actually "afraid of money," and wont mention it. They might have a good reason; it might cause them to abuse it and lose their focus. Others have bad memories of those that may have abused it, some have been improperly trained or not trained at all on the importance of people participating with money-energy. We are judging no one, only edifying.

ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR... - Sherlock Holmes

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing and hearing..."

If you do not teach your congregation, home fellowship, or those who listen to you, the Principles of Prosperity (about MONEY), the Universal Laws of Giving and Receiving - you will have a bunch of Greedy, self-absorbed people with a sense of entitlement; thinking they are spiritual because they learned to use the Strong's Concordance. They will envy and criticize those who exercise the laws and enjoy the benefits.

If you don't teach your congregation, home fellowship or those who listen to you about healing - you probably wont see many healing manifestations through your ministry. The people will think that God does not heal anymore.

If you don't teach on righteousness, discipline and living a separated life - you will probably have a bunch of people following you in dis-grace mistaking it for Grace; with lifestyles one can not discern from the kingdom of darkness.


We are only giving highlighted points in this blog, based on questions that have been raised. Our ministry reaches a very diverse group of people, we can only share a limited amount of info here.

We have examined other Scriptures from the Old Testament, there are many in the New Testament- you can research and fine. The answer is, YES!

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to PROFIT withal." 1 Corinthians 12:7 - Apostle Paul speaking about the gifts of the Spirit.

Let's look at the word or phrase "profit withal," it is the Greek word SUM-FE-RO. Sumfero means To Collect, To Contribute in order to help, Be Profitable, For the Common Good; expedient.

Keep those incantations going.


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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