OCTOBER 17, 2012

The Book of Psalms has been an all time favorite for those who read the Bible. It has served as a prayer book and book of great inspiration and comfort. Many years ago I taught on the 8 mystical instruments and their prophetic use. We have also shared on the acrostic Psalms and the highly mystical Psalms 119 and the Hebrew aleph-bet. The Book of Psalms is the Book within the Book that's filled with mysteries and hidden meaning relevant for our time.

I received an email from yet another Mary; Mary K. Lolley a few days ago. She shared more insight in the Book of Psalms that can match years. I am sure this will open up new ways of see Scripture for some of you. (We understand that we can experience fulfillment of prophecy NOW, not just in a futuristic event). The Apostle Paul spoke about the many-sided, complex wisdom of God. Aren't you glad that you are not a part of a system that tells you how to think and limits how the Creator can express Himself?

This is what Mary K. wrote:

....This is about the Psalms matching the year starting in the year 1900. Some of this can be found in "Hidden Prophecy in the Psalms" J R Church.

Today I am looking at Psalm 112 = (2012). I’m sending this to you because two of your writings have touched on this timing. When I read the one about 2050, we would be vegetarians. I didn’t get it at first. Of course we are vegetarians then ---because the lamb will lie down with the lion. We would be in the new millennium.

Then your most recent articles about the 15 Songs of Ascent; Psalm 120 to Psalm 134, would relate to the years 2020 to 2034. Also, since the number 120 is associated with resurrection then what should we expect but a full resurrection in 2020. The dead (my husband) will be raised on The Day of Trumpets some year. It could be next year or 2020.

I really enjoy your blogs and learning about the gospel written in the sky.

Here's the message:

Jesus, after His Resurrection, appeared to the eleven and some others and said, "these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me." Luke 24:44

Church tells of his search and his assistant's discovery of words in the Psalms that related to worldly events starting in the 1900's. Psalms is the 19th book of the Old Testament and this may indicate the 1900's. Since there are 150 Psalms, this time dating would take it to the year 2050 AD Psalm 100 would point to the year 2000, and Psalm 101 would relate to the year 2001.

Here is another interesting aspect. The Psalms in most Bibles are divided into five books. Scholars have found a relationship between these five groups of Psalms and the first five books of the Bible. Now we can put together an interesting chart, relating the subject matter of both.

Genesis - Life, Election & Grace - Psalms 1 - 41 - (1901 - 1941)

Exodus - Redemption - Psalms 42 - 72 - (1942 - 1972)

Leviticus - Sanctification, Communion with God - Psalms 73 - 89 (1973 - 1989)

Numbers - Testing and Trials - Psalms 90 - 106 - (1990 - 2006)

Deuteronomy - "Word" and God setting up His Divine Government - Psalms 107- 150 (2007 - 2050)

Now, how do we use this information? We may find current events in the Psalms. In 1993 we had the beginning of the floods at the Mississippi River. Psalm 93 mentions "floods, floods, floods". "The arrow that flies by night", could have been the Scud Missile in 1991 (Psalm 91).

Another way is to take a prophetic word or vision and try to find it in the Psalms.

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