(Web Blog)


JULY 15, 2011

The Spirit within has been stressing to us especially over the past few years how that we are on the verge of seeing Breakthroughs in Science and Neo-Science as never before. We have been told that virtually all that we have been taught will be tossed out as new discoveries prove what our limited minds thought was not completely accurate. We are also aware that we have been purposely manipulated to think and perceive our world and reality in a specific way, and truth has been suppressed. We have also been told the same thing about history and what we have been taught about space and manipulated to believe that we are the only specie in the universe.

Things are rapidly changing on the planet, in our solar system, in our galaxy, in the universe and thank God within us. We are shifting at such rapid speed and the consciousness of all humanity. We are finding it easier to believe things that we once had trouble with even considering as old paradigm collapse and are replaced by new ones. How is this happening and why? As we shared in our January & February publications; we are rapidly shifting into the 5th dimensional reality. There is no time to linger around the 4th dimension, it is filed with too many shadows and trapped entities. There are particles from deep within space, the central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy that's blasting us and activation so many things in us. We are being greatly assisted to birth and new world and be birthed in a new world.

From the beginning of our ministry we have spoken about the time would come when humans would be able to teleport themselves by thought (Spirit), as we see in the Bible and also that we would be able to consciously Bi-locate or Dis-locate and Delocalize. That means operating in at least (2) separate spaces or location at the same time. We recently finished a Blog series called Jacob's Journey where we shared that there are many "versions" of you existing - some on this plane and others on parallel or alternate realities. The ultimate goal is to integrate all versions of you into the ONE. Nevertheless, it is fun to be able to teleport, bi-locate, de-localize and consciously exist in other realities at the same time. Don't limit the particle that you are?! Raise your vibratory frequency far above the frequency of this world. Did not the Word say, "Be not conformed to this world (age, system, culture) but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your minds?"

Due to the quantum breakthrough of this awesome young man, Aaron O'Connell it has been scientifically proven that it is possible. Modern science is rapidly catching up with Biblical Science and the Inspired Prophetic words. Meditate on this video below;

Quantum Breakthrough Stuns World, Changes Reality For All Mankind

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080
