MARCH 5, 2013

Last year was the year of the Dragon and we posted a number of blog/messages throughout the year as the signs manifested. One of the signs was the Space X Capsule in May 25, 2012. For the first time, a cargo-carrying spacecraft made by a private company arrived at the International Space Station. The name of the Space X Capsule is DRAGON.

I was reading through some news a few days ago and saw the Dragon Space Capsule had some problems and knew what a way that this was another sign of the soon coming full manifestation of red dragon being cast down. The Dragon capsule had a problem with its thruster pods and temporarily could not launch into the heavens. I suppose some of the maneuvering devices were jammed. That was March 1, 2013. Two days later on March 3, 2013 it was permitted to rendezvous with the international space station.

In our previous post, we have identified the red dragon of Revelation 12 as the Queen of England. She has a statue of a red dragon beside her throne. Plus, England is the only nation that uses the red dragon as their national emblem. We see the red dragon of Revelation 12 as one of the interpretations of this multi-layered prophecy. ARE YOU AWAKE YET?!!

Here we have another prophetic sign. The Drag Queen (drag-on Queen) of England was sick over the weekend during the 1st of the month and had to be eventually hospitalized. She was grounded, her thruster pods were jammed. According to the media, she was treated for gastroenteritis. (Did someone try to poison the Queen)? She was not maneuvering well. She was released from the hospital on Monday, March 4, 2013.

The Dragon Space X Capsule was also not functioning properly over the weekend and was released on March 3. Can you see the signs manifesting? Yes, the Dragon Space X Capsule was finally launched. Yes, the Dragon Queen of England has been released from the hospital. There are no coincidences. The prophetic signs of what's happening and shall be are everywhere. The Queen Must Go!!! The red dragon is falling in defeat.



Watcher Linda Edwards sent me this email:

Hi Melchizedek, Would like to share a little of what eye have been seeing,

I was in intercessory prayer for the Body of Christ on Friday 3-1-2013 and heard to Lord speak the Red Dragon is defeated....literally DE FEET ED...no more FOOT in the earth...no PLACE. We are beginning to SEE that he has been overcome as Overcomer after Overcomer gains access to new dimensions in Christ they have not been in before. Part of the mansions Christ has prepared for us from the foundation of the world to rule, reign and CREATE a New Heavens and New Earth, as Earth and Heaven become ONE.

It has been a powerful time and I could feel, see, touch this new place and KNEW it was here...seeing more and more of it as it is RE VEALED or unveiled to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see that which has been prepared for them. Eye is beginning to see and ears to hear what has been prepared for them...Just as His Word says it would. Glory!

This is kind of funny being the Dragon was defeated or DE FEET ED on the earth on 3-1-2013! The Space X Dragon Capsule I know you probably do not have time to read all these emails but just wanted to share some of what eye see. Got that from you, you know. :)

Thanks Linda. We rejoice with you that your EYE has been opened and does see.


A bit off the subject. It was reported that the Queen was planning to go to the Place of the Diving Serpent this week. Vaticanus, which is now called Vatican means the place of the diving serpent; build on one of the 7 hills where the ancient Satanic Temple to Janus was built.

The Roman Catholic Church claims Peter as the first Pope, although he was married. It should only be befitting that the last Pope be named Peter according to the prophecy.

This is the Year of the Black Serpent (Snake) in Chinese astrology. We have shared a few messages/blogs on this in January. Will Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson from Ghana, Africa be the next Pope, the literal Black Serpent. We are not prophesying yet...we have not had time to look over the list of viper candidates to divine the next king snake.

Whether it be Cardinal Peter from Ghana, Cardinal Peter from Italy, the Romanian Cardinal Peter or no Peter; we know that he will be a Serpent of serpents. Do you think it is just coincidence that all the serpents are manifesting in the Vatican (place of the diving serpents), around the Catholic Church (pedophilia, financial and murder scandals, etc) during the year of the Black Snake? The Serpent energy is uncovering everything. Just be transparent.

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