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Rival Emperor Stakes Claim to Japanese Throne, Shows Evidence Of 8,000 Yr Old Sumerian Object

APRIL 4, 2012

Japan's massive earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011 seemed to have shaken up and uncovered many other things in the deep mystical arena of politics, government, finance and ancient bloodlines. When Uranus moved into Aries on that day, it announced that business would no longer be as usual but everything would be shaken up and changed. The dragon energy of this year seems to have added to the uncovering of many long held secrets about Secret Societies, Ancient Societies and almost unbelievable mystical and off world things. In our "Dragon" series, we exposed and pointed out many things regarding the importance of ancient bloodlines and where they originated. More and more news is being purposely leaked to confirm many of the almost unbelievable things we shared by revelation.

For more than a century, speculation about the Japanese emperor's Korean roots was mostly restricted to lofty academic journals and idle coffee shop gossip.

But this week, the historical debate was surprisingly joined by a new scholar who has as much claim as anyone to be an authority on the subject: the emperor, Akihito, himself.

To the delight of South Korea and, no doubt, the silent fury of many Japanese nationalists, the current holder of the Chrysanthemum Throne used a 68th birthday press conference last weekend to celebrate his mixed origins.

"I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Chronicles of Japan that the mother of Emperor Kammu was of the line of King Muryong of Paekche," he told reporters.


The Bible and all of it's fantastic stories are considered myths to a growing majority. However, to those of us that understand the history and have had a personal experience; we know the reality of its truth. Other cultures also have stories that seem fantastic that are considered myths. I believe every considered myth is based in truth and history that has been covered up.

Here's a fantastic story of a Japanese Emperor that says he's the rightful air to the throne and can prove it. The Japanese Emperors were considered divine beings due to their bloodline until recently. Naoshi Onodera claims he is the legal and rightful emperor of Japan and has certain ancient artifacts that's over 8000 years old to prove it. This story is by Ben Fulford, we have no way to confirm or deny it, sure is interesting. Read the article at this link:



In the first line he talks about the foreign cabalists that use the Satanic star. What is that all about? He's talking about what is called the Star of David, the 6 pointed star. We know who uses that and that it was used before David's time. Interesting, one of the other ancient artifacts this rival Japanese Emperor has is an 8 pointed Star. 8 pointed star represents Gnosticism, Bringer of Light, also called the Star/Seal of the Prophet. It was used by the ancient Sumerians

What about that 8000 year old green jaded object with the eye he is holding? What does that look like to you? When I first saw it I thought of an Embryo. What are we being shown? Have you seen what a Lizard/reptile embryo look like?

It also looks like a human embryo. As we (humans) are developing, we experienced our ancient reptilian stage. : ) But seriously, are we being shown something here? This is ancient Sumerian and we know who visited Sumer and we know that Reptilian Races were present. Plus, the artifact is green - jade. Could he be a direct descendent of the good Reptilians (dragon family)? More to be revealed later.

When I read Naoshi Onodera claims of having the original 10 commandments and descending from Abraham, I was reminded of what a Japanese friend/brother of mine had told me long ago. He said there was a tribe in Japan that believes their ancestry originated in Mesopotamia (Middle East) and they are descendants of Abraham.

The image clearly shows ancient Sumerian writing. How will this fit in to what we have been traditionally taught if his claims prove to be true? Apart from everything hidden being revealed, why at this time would these ancient artifacts be brought forth? At least one thing seems to be true; Emperor Akihito may only be a half-blood and should not rule as divine emperor of the world according to this video below.

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