(Web blog)


JUNE 21, 2011

As Co-Creators, we possess awesome powers; however, too often I think we forget who we really are. The area of power I want to focus on in this thought is "Intercession". One of the duties of the priesthood was to intercede on behalf of those he or she is ministering to. Many of us have come to realize that we are of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Universal Priesthood that ministers on both sides of the veil (unseen worlds and the seen).

Intercession is a form of prayer that basically means, to deal with, entreat in favor of or against; to go between. Furthermore, it is a science that can be tested and has been tested with proven results not just from ancient Scripture but contemporary science. It is the science and art of going Within; I like to call it "InnerCession", surrendering and ceasing to be through the external and internal dialog, thus, releasing the desired intent. The true Intercessors are the Prophets, Seers; they are the “Watchmen" on the wall sounding the alarm and announcing victory. The Creator does not hide the things that shall be from them, but they are revealed. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing before he reveals it to his servants, the prophets.” Amos 3:7

I am reminded of Prophet Abraham's Intercession after having an encounter with Melchizedek. The angels (guides) appeared to him and revealed a Natural Disaster that was about to take place (Earthquake/Volcanic Eruption) that was going to destroy the population of 2 major cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) and the surrounding cities. Genesis 18 “And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham the thing that is about to happen?” It was through Abraham's “constant” intercession that Lot and some of his family member's were spared during a Natural Disaster (Earthquake/Volcanic Eruption) while everyone else perished.


Abraham’s intercession “words” stood between the destruction and Lot. The Volcano literally could not blow until Lot was in a place of safety because of Abraham’s words (intercession). The angel said, ”Hurry, Evacuate, I can not do anything until you get to a safe place”. “When Lot entered Zoar fire and brimstone rained on Sodom and Gomorrah.” Genesis 19: 22-24

When we invoke the realm of Spirit, God; though prayer “words” or “focused meditation”, with intent and emotions; a barrier is built. The words (vibrations) become a frequency that builds an invisible shield around the person or things that we are interceding for. Your words are powerful because they are formed with the Creator breath that was breathed into Adam.

Everything in the universe, seen and unseen is made up of this Energy we call God. He thought and spoke Himself into the existence of everything. When INTENT and EMOTIONS ( E=energy in Motion, passion) accompany the “words” (prayer) that’s being released, they become energized with your electro-magnetic field. The super-charged vibrations (words) travel at the speed of light to the target to do or undo whatever the intent is. If others are in agreement with you; the vibrations meshes together to form a more powerful energetic frequency. Thus, Interacting with, Interfering with and sometime Intercepting the energetic rhythm that’s already in place.

The energetic rhythm that is already in place may appear as negative energy called sickness, disease, depression, addictions, lack, imminent natural or man-made disasters, etc. However, when the words are released from your mouth, they immediately go to work in the unseen or spirit realm. “The power of life and death is in your tongue”. “Whatsoever you continue to say will happen if you don’t doubt”. “His word will not return empty, it will accomplish where it is sent to”. “In the beginning was the Word (thought, speaking of the thought) and the Word is God”.


1). The super-charged energetic vibrations (words) may INTERACT with the negative energy, thus, disturbing the behavior, effects and rhythm of the negative energy’s operation in a person or situation. However, the situation or person may only appear slightly affected based on the amount of energy (faith, intent, or emotion) put into the words. [In Christian terminology, the prayer was not anointed, maybe there was doubt, it must become a continual request for some time or you might need other to help you pray/intercede].

2). The super-charged energetic vibrations (words) may INTERFERE with the negative energy by destabilizing the rhythm of it. (For example, healing process begins to manifest, the cravings are not as strong, the storm turned another direction, or the explosion did not destroy as much intended). In Christian terminology, the prayer/intercession created a cushion; it is destroying the work of the enemy. This is a resulted of many praying/interceding for the same thing. “If any two touch and agree on any one thing it shall be accomplished”.

3). The super-charged energetic vibrations (words) may INTERCEPT negative energy that is building up, thus absorbing it and transmuting it to positive. This is the experience where a person radically changes, a miracle happens, an imminent natural disaster is stopped or a man-made disaster is foiled. Usually this is a result of many interceding with great passion. Or, it could be one person filled Spirit,authority and Faith. This is where intercession becomes “decrees”. Decree a thing and it shall be established in the earth. [In Christian terminology, “You prayed through”].

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a Tree of Life".

More to come.



Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 7113

Surprise, AZ 85374
