OCTOBER 25, 2013

The Sun is in Scorpio October 23 - November 21. In the heavens Scorpio is portrayed as the constellation of a giant Scorpion. This is the 8th Zodiac house (mansion) which is ruled by Pluto & Mars. Scorpio is a feminine sign and element is water. The heavenly signs are ruled by the planets. Each Zodiac sign has a ruling energetic planet or two, that exerts influence upon those born while the Sun is in that particular sign house.

Genesis 1:16 tells us that Elohim made the heavenly orbs to "Rule" or Govern over the day and night. Just as the Sun and Moon are the Celestial Prophetic Governors, so are the planets. According to Genesis 1 they are to give light, the Hebrew words mean illumination; cause the face to shine or glow.

The more we understand about the heavens and our connection to the constellations, the more we will become illuminated. God's glory will literally beam from our face. How is this possible? One will realize that he is the Sun, the Moon, the Constellations and even the Zodiac. Sun is spirit, the masculine energy. Moon is soul, the feminine energy. Constellation is a group of stars that form a shape or energetic light-body. Humans and the universe consist of 3 major parts.

You are the Universe, the Multiverse. You are the verse multiplied, magnified; sang, thought and spoken in a melody of the many Oneverse. Pulsating, vibrating; static and unsteady echoing in and as the surround sound and silence of dark matter, spiral galaxies, black holes, supernovas and the fathomless void.

The heavenly signs alternate between masculine and feminine, starting with Aries as masculine energy, ending with Pisces as feminine energy. The universe is set up to reflect the beautiful dance of Divine Opposites & Balance in one. The energy is exerted on the planet so that we may consciously and unconsciously dance the dance of divine balance. We reverse roles on an energetic level, drawing from what appears as weaknesses or strengths, sweet or bitter, good or evil, light or darkness. This dance transcends what the natural mind thinks of as gender. Assigned gender is a much lower expression of the unlimited undefined transgender energetic being we are.

The heavenly signs also are coupled with the 4 elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. In divine Astrology it is called the Triplicities. This means that the 4 elements are grouped with 3 Zodiac signs. The 4+3 signifying divine wholeness and perfection in the energetic role playing of the universe. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius element is Fire. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn element is Earth. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius element is Air. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces element is Water.

In the Book of Genesis, we are shown the elements as Creator God (Elohim Company) brings into being what we see and don't see.

In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the Earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit (ruach- wind, AIR) of Elohim moved upon the face of the Waters. And Elohim said, Let there be Light (Fire): and there was light. Genesis 1:1-3


Scorpio was assigned to the tribe of Dan in the Bible, among the sons of Israel. Jacob Israel had 12 sons that represented the 12 Zodiac signs, the constellations. "And Joseph dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me." Genesis 37:9

Jacob Israel, his wife and 12 sons were given as a physical example on earth of what the heavens were declaring. "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven." As Jacob Israel was about to cross over, he called his 12 sons to give them an astrological reading. This was based on their characteristic traits influenced by the heavens, which he could read what would happen to them. In Christian terminology, he prophesied over them.

"Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD." Gen 49:16-18

The first decan (face) or sub-constellation of Scorpio is Serpens, the giant Celestial Serpent held by the Celestial Medicine Man. Dan shall be a serpent the ancient text says the bites the horses heel. What is the next Zodiac sign after Scorpio? It is Sagittarius the Horse-Man.

Jacob Israel said Dan would judge his people. Dan means judgement coming; judge, discern, analyze, choose. The 13th Judge of ancient Israel was Samson, he was from the tribe of Dan. The mystery of the heavens shows the 13th Zodiac hidden in the 8th Zodiac sign. There must be at least 2 witnesses to establish truth. Therefore, chapter 13 of the Book Judges, we are given an energetic Scorpio sign in the 13th Judge Samson, which bears the traits of a typical Scorpio character. He is of the tribe of Dan, meaning judge, which carried the flag with the symbol of Scorpio on it. Read Numbers chapter 2, you will see that the ancient Israelites carried the standards/flags of the Zodiac sign house they represented. Jacob Israel before his death gave them that esoteric knowledge, while blessing them. Genesis 49

The energy of the Scorpion forces us to make hard choices sometimes, judgement is not a negative word. Life happens and causes us and yes sometimes forces us to make choices that will benefit our spiritual, emotional and financial development.

The energy of the heavens are giving us discernment at this time to see and understand things, circumstances and people in a different light. Even though we might see our faults or others, we are not to condemn.

In the eternal witness of the stars, Scorpio represent the sting of death that Christ took for all mankind. In the sign house of Scorpio, we find the mystery of death, life and immortality. We are also shown the power within that overcomes death.

The energy of Scorpio is considered to be one of the most powerful of the Zodiac. Scorpio rules the 8th house of the body human, which is the sexual or creative organs (forces). However, the Scorpion's sting represents death.

Could it be that life is conceal in death, and can only escape when there is death to the lower self, the ego? A scorpion would rather kill himself with his stinger than to be killed and consumed. If it is surrounded or trapped in a circle where there is poison, it will commit suicide by stinging itself in the head.

The scorpion venom that has the power to kill, also has the power to cure. Scorpion venom is used to cure cancer in Latin American countries, especially the blue scorpion in Cuba. What was the riddle that Samson the Danite symbolizing Scorpio gave? "Out of the eater came forth meat, out of the strong came forth sweet." Judges 14:14


Those born under the sign of the Scorpion, a Danite controls the house of secrets. They are Seers, mystics; drawn to the esoteric, mysteries, magic and miracles. Access granted to the Danite - Scorpio person. Your ability to investigate and search for the deeper meaning, keen discernment and intuition, allows very little to get by you.

As Samson, your life is sometimes a big riddle and others have a hard time figuring you out or even knowing you. You control the house of secrets and you are a master at keeping secrets secret. Your strength, endurance and motivation for life keeps you on point for your destiny.

The Scorpio person is ruled by (2) planets. Mars, the god of warfare can keep you on the defense with stinger held high ready for an attack. You are a relentless foe in spiritual warfare and an eminent threat to the kingdom of darkness. The influence of Mars fire gives you lots of passion and along with your water element, very emotional. Like the scorpion, you can go to extremes when you feel threatened.

Pluto is your lesser ruling planet. Pluto, the god of the underworld. This Plutonian influence is the splinter in your brain, creating a craving for the mysterious, supernatural and unexplained. Curiosity and the urge for the taboo and unorthodox will probably cause you to stand out where ever you go.

An out of balanced Scorpio that have not yet learned the divine dance of balance or have not memorized the Oneverse will be prone to be led by his passions. The strong man Samson the Danite/Scorpio - found himself weakened by the out of controlled sexual desires.

To gain full access to the 8th house or house of secrets, the Scorpio person must learn to control and honor the secret/sacred organ. Samson did not respect the creative force or the sacred organ, as a result him eyes were darkened. The illuminated consciousness that he once enjoyed was cut off. He was force to grind meal on the wheel, moving in circular spiral motion as the universe. He had to relearn the cosmic dance of contrast and balance and realize he was the Oneverse of the universal song. Also, we find the universal principle of the seed in this picture. On the wheel of karma, what goes around comes around. Karma is a very good teacher, she will equip her students for the ultimate graduation ceremony.

Samson was led by his inner-child like faith out of the darkness into the light. Humility is the real strength of a man. He stood between the 2 pillars of Initiation, on which all Mystery Schools are built. The ultimate secret was about to reveal itself to him, the mystery of death that conceals life.

As the scorpion, Samson would rather destroy himself than allow himself to be destroyed. We must crucify the flesh or be devoured by the flesh. Samson, which name means brilliant rays of sunlight, was illuminated with the light of God again. He destroyed the ego, the strongman of the house.


Your physical birth might not fall between October 23 - November 21, but today you are a Scorpio. The strongest influence of this day will be captured by Scorpios, but since we are the universe, Oneverse; all the signs go through us. Therefore, we all can experience to some degree every aspect of the heavens anytime.

All that we have just shared in the above paragraphs apply to you. Access the house of secrets within you. Access the seer, the mystic and the power of 8, immortality. Turn those poisonous situations into powerful ones.


Injoy the waning gibbous Moon tonight. You will see that she has 3 friends with her, huge Jupiter closest to her and Gemini the Twins (Castor & Pollux) not far. Jupiter the God of gods represents Abundance, Blessings, Prosperity, Power. Gemini the Twins was assigned to the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin means son of my right hand (blessing, authority, power).

The heavens are again reminding us that money is moving, blessings are on the horizon. Expect the Father's best for you everyday.

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