APRIL 26, 2013

For many years we have been talking about the secret space program and hidden technologies. November 2, 2012 was our most recent posting, HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY & GETTING TO MARS. We revealed that the NASA Space Program was being eliminated with what they call "budget cuts" - because they were preparing to roll out the secret space program and hidden technology. Here's an excerpt:

"The "real" Space Program will soon be rolled out, the "black projects" that's been kept under wraps.

One might ask, "why now or in the near future will they disclose the secret technology and fleets of space crafts?" I am glad you asked. They will have to show the public that we have something to compete - with what shall be flying uncloaked in our air space from other worlds; otherwise humans would lose hope. Of course the human mind will soon forget about why we didn't know all this decades ago, as it is overwhelmed with the newly seen sci-fi type technology and space-ships.

If Eye am interpreting the signs and prophetic clues from past Hollywood movies correctly - it will be a Black President in the Oval Office when this new technology and full disclosure of our alien - extraterrestrial brethren (good and evil ones) are disclosed. We have stated this since early 2008."


Here's a fascinating article below from Portal 2012 -posted Wednesday April 24. This was sent to us by Watcher Dr. Beecham in MN. We have not had a chance to go through all material in the links listed, but what we have seen is very fascinating and confirms what Spirit and research has revealed to us. Be sure to click the links and see the amazing pictures of some of the hidden technology

A Scientist Named “John” Speaks

“The TR-3C ship is from the Suburban program that has nothing to do with the government or military. This ship uses a first a Linear accelerator then a circular accelerator at its central core. It can travel from Norfolk V.A. to Los-Angeles and back to Norfolk V.A. in 1 second. The “mechanics” of the craft is simple really..."

The Secret Space Program

Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet - the Cabal.

The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:


In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.

After the war, hundreds of thousands tonnes of Yamashita gold were put into trading programs which provided financing for the construction of the massive system of underground military bases worldwide. Those bases were build to set the stage for the Draconian invasion which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program extended and also involved bases on Moon and Mars. Construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was ongoing and in mid 90s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money: BIBLIO-TECAPLEYADES

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon, Blackwater…

The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).

The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:


After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases :


Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal's operations extensively. Now they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, will not be.

In early 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground facilities of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and they are concerned.

Tomorrow, on the day of the lunar eclipse, the top members of the military-industrial complex will meet in a secret location close to Bush ranch in Texas to discuss the situation. They will find no solution.

Victory of the Light is near!



Why did George Bush Jr. summon (3) other Presidents and a Clone to Texas on April 25, 2013?


It was the Eclipse of the rare Full Pink Moon and Saturn was approaching. They are trying to harness the negative energies that will intensify over the next 3 days, to try to stay in power. The military and elements of the government, they are using the negative influences of Saturn (Satan) to further bewitch and deceive the public. You must realize that most of the people that have sat in the Oval Office are high Satanist. They understand the times and seasons, how to harness energetic powers far better that most.

[Nevertheless, they will fail. You have the ability to redirect the power/energy and transmute it. You have the power by the Holy Spirit to Intercept and Interrupt the energy they are receiving. Do it with us through prayer, meditation, decrees, reassigning the energetic frequencies. DO IT!!]

Who was the clone? George Bush Sr, he died according to the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of His prophet/servant in July 2012 - His death was announced in December 2012, it was reported in foreign media and later retracted. In December, we told you they would prop up a clone or body double in his place. Truth can be stranger than fiction.


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