APRIL 17, 2013

This is a follow up to a message we shared on April 14, 2013 CAN YOU SPEAK IN ALIEN TONGUES?. We appreciate all the feedback.

We received a testimony from a brother I felt compelled to share. I was smiling as I read his testimony, because it was encouraging to know that there are other far out people also. It brought back wonderful memories for me.

Many years ago while living on the Crow Indian Reservation in Pryor, Montana; there were lots of UFO sightings. Once while having a Tent Meeting, a huge very low Star-ship slowly flew over, moving toward the Pryor Mountains. There were other smaller flying ships also seen. Without going into a lot of details, a friend of mine and I decided to walk all night looking for the UFO in the mountains. We decided to try to communicate using telepathy and yelling out in "unknown tongues". Our voices could be heard a great distance echoing through the mountains. After walking all night and arriving home in time for breakfast, we were a bit disappointed that we didn't meet ET or have a close-up look at their cool ships. (I was hoping for a ride, still am).

After that experience or almost experience, during other sightings; I would always try communicating by speaking in tongues. Of course trying not to be obvious, so others would not think I was "totally" off. They were high in the sky, but there was that knowingness that I could be heard. I had never heard of anyone else attempting to communicate by speaking in unknown tongues until a few days ago.

My Native brother Curtis M. from the Kiowa Indian tribe shared this testimony below. Evidently a previous email probably landed in the junk file and I did not see it. I was not suppose to see it until now. Enjoy this:


"Brother, Glad to see this last blog on "Speaking in Tongues". I don't know if you remember (you probably get jillions of emails a day) a while back I wrote you of how my family was able to see "hundreds" of "UFO's" flying around randomly and fast in the distance. It seems no one else saw them....there were light flashing, like white Christmas lights all over the skies with a big one higher up....When we got home I had my family stay inside and pray while I was led outside to observe them by the Spirit.

As things progressed a few of them, less than a dozen lined up a few miles from me and idled (hover) there. I was led to start singing to them and speaking in tongues.....

The Lord told me to keep singing and declaring His Glory, In Unknown Tongues to these "aliens" until the 12th falling star falls.....It was an amazing time of manifested power and glory. I saw a falling star fly across the sky, so I kept singing in tongues and declaring in tongues until the last one fell. Then immediately the ships zipped away.

The Lord told me that the anointing in us, which they perceive as frequencies/energy has never manifested in His Sons until now as we approach the Age of Tabernacles or Manifestation of the Sons of God. We are to declare the good news to them was an awesome time of worship as these "aliens" saw me in intimacy with my Father above and within.....

Your blog just brought back good memories of that night. I still do not understand why I have gone thru and seen things I cannot explain or tell regular Christians, but I know it is for a purpose. I knew or understood they enjoyed the songs coming forth from my Spirit thru my mouth to the natural realm....the two edged sword-distomos- two mouths....His speaking thru ours!!!! Be blessed, Curtis M."


Thank you Brother Curtis for that testimony. Eye think we are being prepared to feel at liberty to communicate with ET using unknown tongues as well as other means. We should realize that the angels/aliens are sent to minister (serve) those who are heirs of least the positive ones are. The negative ones do not have power over us unless we give it to them through fear - they must also serve us.

Keep on practicing, speaking in your alien "unknown tongue", it will become useful in the near future. We realize one would have to be able to Think Outside the box to grasp what we are saying, or just get rid of the box.

Share this with all you know.

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