DECEMBER 24, 2013

Isn't it amazing how fast this year has gone by? Here we are at the end of the year on the Gregorian Calendar. With my already busy life, I feel there's so much more that should have been done. There is nothing to compare to standing before people and watching them have a paradigm shift, as the light come on inside them. It has been a wonderful year of traveling, empowering, teaching, preaching, prophesying the word of the LORD, giving prophetic signs and seeing them manifest.

About three years ago when we agreed with Spirit to start writing and posting "Daily Blogs," or almost Daily Blogs; I had no idea what I was getting into. This has been a wonderful journey meeting many new people worldwide and we will continue to post almost daily or daily as the Father and time permits

We want to thank those of you that visit our website daily to receive fresh manna and light and those that visit from time to time. Many of you have shared our work with others, of which we are thankful. All that has come forth and comes forth is because there is a demand on the anointing. The Christ in you, as you, calls to the Christ in me, as me.

We also want to thank those of you that have donated to our ministry over the past years. From time to time we like to share testimonies of where your seed-donation is going. Most of you that have known us for years know that in the past we have been heavily involved with foreign missionary work in Eastern Europe, Africa, Mexico and Asia. We are not as involved as before, but we yet give to the missionaries and ministers in some of those countries; supporting some of the projects we started years ago. We try to do this on a monthly basis. This has been made possible in a great part due to those of you that give your tax deductible tithe, offerings or terumah to Age to Age Ministries Int'l. We have posted many supernatural testimonies of financial and material miracle testimonies of those that have sown seed into this ministry. We look forward to the Father blessing our relationship in 2014 and raising up more people to invest into the Kingdom on a regular basis.

Here's a short testimonial from one of the Pastors we are able to support in the Philippines from time to time. Until Father sends me again or I learn to translocate or teleport "at will" to these foreign places; our offerings will have to go in our place.


Dear Beloved Prophet John,

We want to thank you for all your love and support through the years. I will give you some updates regarding our first medical mission this November 16, 2013 held at Cupang proper Balanga Bataan. Our target was 500 people in a first come first serve basis.

This was the fulfillment of the prophecy that was given to me by one of your prophecies a few years ago. You said that there will be a medical group of people will connect with us. Actually, I was laughing because we were barely living by faith.

Although we need finances for the accommodation of the doctors and volunteers, at least 30 people will be involve in the said activities. But I knew much of our Father that He will provide and guide us of all we need. The group of doctors came from Manila known as LUKE FOUNDATION. We didn't even know about them but the Father is bringing right people in our lives, so we praise the Father for what He's done in our lives. Hallelujah!

Now we are also able to bless, teach and equip 100 male inmates twice a month and 120 female inmates once a month, feeding more or less 800 children and some of the parents every month, and reach out to the lost sharing them the unconditional love of the Father.

We are committed in praying for you for continues success in the area where God has called you. We pray for double increase of all that you have, and all that you do because you are deserve to be bless and prosperous because you have help the work of the Lord here. Success and Increase will manifest as our way of life as we continue to walk in His PATH.

I am blessed and honored to be able to work with you since the day the Father connects us and to join with you on this joyful journey we have into the heavenly places in CHRIST.

We look forward to the fulfillment of our dreams...

My Father's House Ministry - Philippines Noel & Rachel

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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