THE PATH- Part 5


THE PATH - Part 5

AUGUST 6, 2011

Life appears to be filled with ups and downs, we see this in Samson's life. It seems right after the Spirit of the Lord moves upon him and he has a victory, there is a big challenge to follow. We are sure that all of you can identify with that. This is the ebb and flow of life, involution and evolution on the Path of Initiation. Learn to not see this as something negative, rather as a lesson or test on what you have learned thus far.

We are also realizing that Samson's path was also filled with powerful astrological clues. The heavens were declaring (prophesying) through each of his encounters and so it is with you. We have so far seen Scorpio (Dan), Leo (Judah), Libra (Levi) and Capricorn (Naphtali) and how their influences have played a part in Samson's life and decision making. Yesterday we ended with Samson observing the Wheat Harvest which in type represents the Pentecostal/Charismatic experience. This is a very important experience on the Path of Initiation, but it is only the early stage of the Path.


"And Samson went and caught 300 foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails. And when he had set the brands on fire, he let them go into the standing corn of the Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standing corn, with the vineyards and olives." Judges 15:4-5

The Initiate must continue to evolve and move beyond Pentecost. The Fire must come to the limited realm of Pentecost to transmute it to a new and higher expression. The Philistines finally came to set fire to and burn Samson's wife, which represents soul (mind, will , emotion, intellect, imagination)realm and father-in-law which represents the religious organization or thought which produced that elementary level of expression. Did he not say, "You must be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire?" The fire baptism is not comfortable but it is necessary to produce the divine nature of gold within us.

A closer look at this will reveal even more the fire must be encountered on the Path of Initiation. Remembering the riddle, the main number was 30 that stood out. Mow we have the number 300, the number of foxes used to destroy the crops. 300 speaks of Deliverance for the Whole Man. This is spirit=100, soul=100, body=100, Fullness-100 fold. The disciple must be willing to let go of in-part religious doctrines and move beyond the limited expression to embrace the Fullness. This is beyond what is termed Salvation for the soul, this is Salvation for the whole being to the point that the physical you can not die.

Why the foxes? "It is the little fox that spoils (twist-pervert) the vine." Christ the I Am is the True Vine in mankind. Songs of Solomon 2:15, John 15 But there is something deeper being shown in this verse that again hints at the Path being filled with astrological clues and influences. In ancient cultures the foxes, especially the red foxes in Rome were burned to appease the red planet Mars. Mars represents Aggression, Warfare, and Control. It seems as though Samson is having challenges in these area on his Path. Astrologically speaking, Mars rules the Zodiac sign of Aries, which was assigned to the tribe of Gad. Gad means a troop is coming to overcome.

Again we see the Fire that's been projected outside must become internal; the Anger, Bitterness, and Frustration of Pentecost must not be suppressed, but focused into something positive. The baptism of fire will bring everything to the surface to be dealt with. (Aries represents the Head, the fires must purge all carnal mindedness. It is the 1st Zodiac house that deals with appearance, identity and ego). Strong man Samson yet seems like he has something to prove. His outbursts are rooted in his insecurities.

The Initiate as he yet evolves upward must find security and stability within himself, this is signified as Samson goes up to the Rock of Etam. Samson has escaped to a familiar place, where there are Elders, Body Ministry, Fellowship. Surely this will be a safe place. Etam mean bird of prey, hawk. The Initiate has gone deep within and have come forth with many victories and hard lesson at this point. Now you are allowed to soar and see things from a higher perspective; at least for a while.


"Then 3000 men of Judah went to the top of the rock Etam, and said to Samson, Don't you know that the Philistines are rulers over us? What is this that thou hast done unto us? And he said unto them, As they did unto me, so have I done unto them." Judges 15:11

Yet a higher stage of the disciple's evolution while on the Path of Initiation is the confrontation with the elders, there are 3000 of them and they are pissed. (We have seen the numbers 30, 300 and now 3000, which all reduces to the number 3 - our triune being. Everything is accelerated at this point). The 3000 represent the reasoning, challenging, and questioning of your new experience and revelation of the Christ, the Rock of revelation within. What do you think you are doing? What is this new doctrine, they ask.

All of the old traditions, rules, sermons heard, cultural, and biological junk comes to the surface. They have come to get you off the rock of Etam. You are seeing too much, you are too high(arrogant),they protest. We don't want to evolve that high, come back down here to Pentecost with us. Don't you know that the Philistines (flesh, old ideas, old paradigms, dead religion, fruitless activities) rule us? You are upsetting things, moving us out of the box, they loudly protested. The religious elders seemed to be more concerned with pleasing the Philistines/world, than deliverance. Just be satisfied and let things remain the way they are. The men that came to Samson made this very personal (self pity).

On the day of Pentecost 3000 were saved and added to the Body of Christ, Acts 2. This is the 60-fold realm that seeks to subdue the LIGHT, Samson means sunLight. Inside are thoughts that challenge the Initiate, projected outside it is people close to your heart (spiritual leaders, spouse, friends). Remember these were men from Judah (Praise of God), these were people in the realm of Pentecost that should have been acquainted with the power of God. Astrologically speaking it is Leo which corresponds with the heart, Lion of the tribe of Judah.

The 3000 men of Judah, representing people closely related to him and internal reasoning brought him down from the rock of Etam. This here is another phase of Involution after soaring in the high places. Samson is yet having his up and down times. They bound him with 2 new cords, verse 13.

The 2 new cords represents the Duality (double-mindedness)that must be dealt with inside, the questions, insecurities and fears that's being projected from the 3000 elders of ancient thinking. Astrologically speaking, the (2) cords signifies the Zodiac sign of Gemini, the Twins, the 3rd Zodiac house which releases the Initiate communication abilities. Gemini was assigned to the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin has 2 names, Benoni, son of suffering, and Benjamin, son of authority. When Duality (good/evil) mentality is swallowed up, the authority of your sonship can be communicated and manifest.

Out of the suffering of this challenge to move beyond Pentecost comes great victory. The Spirit of the LORD is released mightily as the All Consuming Fire burns off the bondage of duality. With the jaw-bone of an ass the victory is won as many are slain. The Holy Ghost manifests in the mouth through languages (speech), and the ass is considered a dumb animal. However, it was through the mouth of an ass the prophet Balaam was rebuked. At this level it becomes more evident how God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. The Initiate begins to realize many of those thought/ideas that appeared so far out were actually spot on, verse 14.

Nevertheless, to move yet into a deeper and higher phase of Involution and Evolution, the jaw-bone of the ass must be thrown away, verse 17. "When I became a man I put away childish things." The thirst within for more of God releases the foreshadowing and experience of the next age, Aquarius.

"And God split a hollow place in the jaw, and there came out water." Aquarius means Outpouring. It is the 11th Zodiac house of humanitarianism, thoughtfulness). This Zodiac sign was assigned to the tribe of Reuben, which means look a son. This is the realization of your sonship, no more infancy and adolescence. Aquarius is the 7th Zodiac Age (Age of Aquarius) that corresponds with the 7th Feast of the 7th day, Tabernacles (Sukkot). In this Feast was the ritual of pouring out water and wine on the sacrifice. However, before this experience is fully realized, there are even deeper issues that must be dealt with on the Path of Initiation.


Samson goes down to Gaza (human strength) and discovers a whore and sleeps with her. Judges 16:1 After all of the wonderful revelations, experiences, visions and victories; if the Initiate depends on human ability to complete his Involution, he will fail every time. (Samson the Danite -Scorpio has a challenge keeping his pants zipped).

The whore is that part of us from the soulish realm that is uncommitted and would compromise or give up the precious and sacred for a bowl of beans, position, fame or fortune. It is the part of the Initiate that yet longs to please man and receive praise or recognition from him. The disciple must overcome her (the whore) and not give her seed (life), lest the mighty men of Gaza (human strength/wisdom), thoughts from the carnal mind encompass you. "And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come here. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were quiet all the night, saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him." Judges 16:2

Astrologically speaking we find the Zodiac sign of Cancer the Crab, which speaks of holding and taking possession of. Cancer is ruled by the Moon (night time), reflected light of the soul. Cancer was assigned to the tribe of Issachar, which means, payment for services, hire. This is demonstrated in the work of the harlot which receives pay as a sex worker. Cancer the 4th zodiac house has to do with nurturing, dependency and home.

"And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron". Judges 16:3

Samson arose during the midnight, a dark hour under the influences of the Cancer- Moon, an evolution took place. The Grace of God is not restricted from the bed of a whore or whatever low situation one might find himself in. If the Initiate has the ability to just look up, the power of ascension will raise him/her to a new place of power and deliverance. The plans of the enemy to destroy is nothing more than the negative E-nergy N Me (e-ne-my). It will be rendered powerless at your ascension during your darkest hour.

Samson removed the limitations of which that realm typifies as the gate of the city and bars, and went to the top of a hill before Hebron. (This is also a picture of Jesus the Christ taking on the sin consciousness of humanity, ascending to Golgotha hill carrying the Cross to declare -It is Finished). The iron bars and gate represents the hardness and strength of the lower-self that must be removed. A house divided can not stand, so he took this to Hebron, which means Unity, joined together.

Herein is the mystical union of spirit and soul that can only be joined together in the high places. Whatever Path the Initiate finds himself or herself on, it must ultimately intersect with the concept of the Cross. This is the Divine Pattern for All ages that even the heavens declare. Out of the experience of meeting the harlot in your house; the spiritual strength is formed within to take the Initiate to the deepest depths of his journey within.

The next phase of the Initiate's involution is to face the most pleasurable, cunning and deceitful area of his soul. She will wine you and dine you and even serenade you. No one on the Path of Initiation can avoid, escape or shun her. She has many disguises. She has your cell number, email, home and work address. Her name is Delilah and she is one of the most horrible experiences that propels you to your finest hour of Enlightenment.

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