(Web Blog)


DECEMBER 20. 2012


Today we will be treated with a message from my wife Zobia. We had been spending some time in prayer and fasting this month, she often have detail prophetic dreams. However, a few days ago, she woke up and told me about a messages that was being given to her through the 72 Names of God; in relation to the year 2012. (In ancient Judaism the 72 names are summed up in the 4 sacred letter, YHWH - the Tetragrammaton)


A few days ago, during my early morning meditation time, I was meditating on and chanting some of the 72 Names of God. I felt impressed to see which set of names correlated with the number "12" as in 2012. The combination was Hey Hey Ayin, which transliteration is Unconditional Love. I thought about the many things that my husband had prophesied about 2012 and realized that through Unconditional Love, we can overcome any challenges that comes our way. Also, through Unconditional Love, we can experience the blessings of what he saw.

I felt so strongly, this year we must open the door of our heart to love unconditionally in order for the doors of the universe to be open to us. The blessings will then flow in abundance. If the door of our heart is not open and ready to receive, neither can the universe open to us. God is Love. That Love is all powerful and all authority. When we exercise unconditional love in every situation, this activates the all power and all authority that is available to us.

Love covers a multitude of faults. Many are experiencing anxiety, fear, depression, and disease. We sometime make our life as a prison, because we hold on to unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, our own mistakes, and other people's mistakes; not allowing our heart to become open for unconditional love. The Spirit was letting me know during the early morning that this year 2012, we should strive to exercise unconditional love as never before. For God so loved the world that He gave His Son. We must be willing to give up something also. Can we give our weaknesses, faults, disappointments, anger and bitterness to Him? If we can, then we will experience the Joy, Peace and all the blessings God has for us.


The letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in this combination of the 72 Names of God of are, Hey Hey Ayin. This is the 12th combination Name of God. Hey means, Look, a window is opening. Hey, Look, a window is opening. Ayin means, Eye.

When our heart is open for God's unconditional love to flow through it, our spiritual Eye becomes open to see what God has for us. The windows of heaven become open and blessings are poured out that we don't have room enough to receive. The universe will be at our command and will be in agreement with our lives. Look, Look, with your 3rd Eye and see what great things God, the Universe has for you in 2012.

Perfect love drives out all fear. I have decided to experience more of God by loving unconditionally in 2012.


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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 7113

Surprise, AZ 85374


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