NOVEMBER 1, 2013

Yesterday's blog we ended with an excerpt from a prophetic word released October 6, 2013 HEAVEN INVADES EARTH

"November 1, 2013, PLUTO will square the Libra New Moon and URANUS, while the Sun is in Scorpio. This is a major release of Power on the planet, that should start to manifest around October 28, 2013, peaking on November 1. The powers of heaven shall be shaken during this season and shall register on the earth. The energetic forces of the planets shall be very strong at this point as heaven is being ushered into our reality, forcing change. This change will be seen in various governments around the world manifesting in different forms. However, for some it will feel like hell. Change is not always easy, but the end results are fantastic.

The heavenly Prophets are shouting Transformation, the breaking down of old structures. Those who do not allow themselves to be flexible shall be broken. Change your mind! The Kingdom of Uranus is at hand."

The powers of heaven shaking manifested in (2) X -class Solar Flares hitting our atmosphere October 25-28. A second sign manifested late October 31, in Taiwan, - It was a 6.3 EARTHQUAKE registering on the earth. In a sense this was the 4th Earthquake sign of October. Take heed, the governments of the world are about to shaken to their core.


November 1 - 6 are very powerful date. Uranus and Pluto will square the Moon on November 3, 2013. Also, there will be a Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse on the 3rd, starting on the East Coast of the US and moving across the Atlantic. A Hybrid Solar Eclipse happens during a New Moon.

[In January's publication, Year of the Black Snake Part 2, we shared about the Atlantic Coast and Atlantic Rim nations being most vulnerable between October - December. The Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse starting over that region seems to be confirming. Prayer, meditation, intercession over that region can bring stability to the energy that's building to change it, soften the impact or send it to a parallel existence].

With each eclipse there is a shift on the planet and in consciousness. The eclipses serve as portals which energy in space interact with energy on earth. This Hybrid Solar Eclipse the Sun is in Scorpio. There will be lots of power released on the planet. This power can be used for what is perceived as good or evil. Stay positive.

First of all, November 1 with Pluto & Uranus (heaven) squaring the Moon- we are being told to prepare for Transformation on the planet and in our lives. Uranus is the planet of awakening, revolution, evolution and the ending of traditions, structure old paradigms. We are being forced to Change our ideas and beliefs about many things. Repent, for the kingdom of Uranus (heaven) is at hand.

Over the next 6-9 months there will be many visible changes in politics, government, finances and the way we conduct our lives. Everything is being shaken, every area of what we know of as life. The 4 Earthquake signs we gave for October are the witnesses in the Earth. The (2) Solar Storms are the witnesses in the heavens, along with the planets.

You will see politicians and leaders acting totally out of character, due to their resistance to change.

Pluto is the god of the underworld - squaring while the Sun is in Scorpio, the deadly sign, this creates some concern. The power of death and to create destruction on the planet over the next 6-9 month will seem to increase as new conflicts start and old conflicts restart.

For those of us Overcoming, we see this as a time of Ego death, the carnal mind being subdued. The power of the Scorpion is the power of transformation, concealing life in what is called death.

The waning Moon involved in this celestial trio will definitely cause Emotions to be on edge. Over the next 6 days, there will be many things in the media, and all around you that could easily get you off balance and create fear. As the Moon moves into the next phase and conjuncts with Earth, and Sun in Scorpio, it has the potential to stir up many hidden, forgotten and buried emotions. Transmute them to positive acts and speech.


There are too many things happening in the heavens at this time for us to mention or try to share meanings of. However, in the midst of these rare events over the next several days, here's something unique. Pluto and Uranus squaring the New Moon will form a YOD. Yod in astronomical and astrological terms mean, the Finger of God or the Finger of Destiny. It is taken from the Hebrew 10th letter of the alphabet, YOD meaning, Hand, finger. It is the Yod that forms the name of God, Yahuweh.

A Yod is an arrow-like triangle (named for the letter 'Y' in the Hebrew alphabet) consisting of two planets or points 60 degrees apart - both of which form a tense, highly energized 150 degree angle to a third planet or point. Now that we know that a Yod is forming and that it is a finger, where is the Finger of Fate, the Finger of God pointing to in the heavens?

Just pause for a moment, take a selah. The heavens are declaring messages all the time. Isn't this awesome?!! The Creator even points with his Yod (finger) to give us the next clue. I am reminded of the 2004 film, National Treasure. Nicolas Cage aka Benjamin Franklin Gates the historian was hunting for America's greatest treasure. He had to decode and follow all the clues. That's exactly what we are doing.

Where is the Finger of God (Yod) pointing to during this time of transformation on the planet? It is pointing toward Aries. Why is that important? The Passover - slain Ram is Aries. This coming Passover 2014 will be most unusual, it will be the beginning of a series of Blood Red Lunar (Moon) Eclipses, all on the following next 3 biblical high feast days. This happened before in 1492, 1948 and 1967.

We will not decode the prophetic mysteries in this writing, we will only say, Look to when the Sun moves into Aries, around Passover season for major events. We say this because the Finger of God points it out. "Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth?" Job 38:33 NLT (Yes, once you learn how)


With all the energy pouring through the gateways, life can seem almost paradoxical. Just look at it this way, the Bible speaks of the great and terrible day. Choose which part of the day will become your reality. The messenger's job is to only deliver the message.

Uranus is yet telling us the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. He is yet announcing Money is moving - just get in the way of it and it find you. The Finger of God has pointing you out for blessings, prosperity, health and everlasting joy.

Expect subtle and major shifts over the next 6 days - Favor, Prosperity, Debt Cancellation, and difficult circumstance and people becoming easy.

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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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