MAY 18, 2013


For many years, our ministry was considered to be "anti-American", that label was also placed on me personally. There are probably yet some people who believe that. I suppose it was our "out of the box" prophecies that did come to pass, revealing high level secrets and common sense messages which seemed to be in contrast with the popular Christian prophets messages, that earned us that label or reproach. "The LORD has spoken, who can but prophesy," was my motto.

However, not only did many of the Christians have a problem with us exposing what Eye see/saw, apparently our government did also. My travels became very restricted after 9/11/01. (I eventually did remove many webpages and heavily edited others).

During the Feast of Pentecost in 2001, I was in San Diego, CA speaking at the Pentecost conference. While preaching, I went into a vision and started to describe the scenes of 9/11 in New York, over 3 months before they manifested. My interpreter and everyone looked at me strangely, because I had totally deviated from the message of Pentecost. Eye saw the event, but did not see the exact location or date; only that it was the northeast coast. I did not link this vision to another prophesy we had posted on the website - a year prior, stating to "count the months - an event would happen in September 2001 at a man-made famous structure...a wonder of the world that have attracted untold millions will be brought to ruins. And shall they not come and wonder and stand in awe at the destruction, says the LORD?"

It was not until late 2002 or early 2003 that I finally asked a ticketing agent why I had to go through this hassle each time I fly. I asked why they'd disappear in the back with my ID. I was told that my movements in and out of the country were closely monitored. (Thanks to the Bush Administration). I was place on the Homeland Security and FBI Watch List. Each time I traveled the agent would look at me closely, bells would ring when swiping my ID and they'd would disappear in the back for about 20 minutes reporting my itinerary to Langley, Virginia. Finally, I was put on the No Fly List on my way home from Asia and was told that I was not going to be allowed back into the country (USA). I must admit, things got a bit tensed and fear had its way for a while. That was about 8 years ago.

After many letters to the government and insisting I am not a terrorist nor a threat to the country or National Security - I was allowed to fly again, but remained on the Watch List, which caused me to miss flights, be delayed, detained, etc. from time to time. Thankfully, they did not create a story that I had been radicalized during my time in Pakistan and was planning jihad on US soil.

As of about 3 years ago, I can now use electronic ticketing and the kiosk again. So far, I don't miss flights, get interrogated or detained anymore, but I am told that my name will remain in their data base. However, I yet travel with documents from the TSA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia (just in case), acknowledging I submitted all required information for their investigation. (Maybe, it was my goatee, mustache and brown skin) ;-) Honestly, I am not a terrorist and I do pray for this country. These writings are for educational and entertainment purposes. Therefore, be happily empowered.


The Burning of Washington in 1814 was an incident during the War of 1812 between the forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and those of the United States of America. On August 24, 1814, after defeating the Americans at the Battle of Bladensburg, a British force led by Major General Robert Ross occupied Washington, D.C. and set fire to many public buildings. The facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House and U.S. Capitol, were largely destroyed. The British commander's orders to burn only public buildings and strict discipline among the British troops are credited with preserving the city's private buildings.

This was the only time since the Revolutionary War that a foreign power captured and occupied the United States capitol. August 24, 1814 - Washington, D.C. - British victory. Public buildings and naval yard in Washington burned. Wikipedia


For many years we have shared what Eye have seen regarding the destruction of the White House. The dark occultic powers that control Washington D C must come to an end, in order for this nation to be completely free. It does not matter who is in the White House, whether he or she be a secret practicing Satanist or one that's not and hopes to bring change. The forces of the dark occult powers and secret rituals that go back hundreds of years will influence anyone that takes the oath of office.

We are aware that not all Masonic rituals, symbols and people that use them are evil. In the purest and original sense, this practice is very powerful and can be a great befit to humanity. However, as with everything good, it can also be used for evil and empower those who practice evil. Regretfully the secrets and powers behind them have fallen into the hands of mostly evil men hungry for power, control and filled with greed. They have very little respect for life.

The street design in Washington, D.C., has been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created in 1791, a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782.

In Europe, occult leaders were told by their familiar spirits as early as the 1740's that the new American continent was to be established as the new "Atlantis", and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order.

The United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom which is Anti-Christ from the beginning. The capitol is Washington, D.C.

In 1791, Pierre Charles L'Enfante (the designer, who was a Freemason), laid out Governmental Center of Washington, D.C., he planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings. He hid certain occultic magical symbols in the layout of U.S. Governmental Center. When these symbols are united they become one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol.


August 24, 2011 - unbeknownst to us, was exactly 197 years to the date from the time of Washington D. C. first destruction - I was inspired to write & prophesy. The word of the Lord came to me in a message called PHALLIC WORSHIP. The Sun had just moved into Virgo - August 23, 2011, one day prior. A sign was given in the form of (2) Earthquakes that shook Denver, Colorado (area of the future Capitol of USA) and the East Coast (Washington D C - present nations capitol). ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!!

Much of the work usually done in Washington D C has long been assigned to Colorado and is being done from there. What they show you on TV, is purely for your entertainment and appeasement. Have you heard of hologram type of technology?? Are You Awake Yet??!! SSsshhhhh!

The August 23, 2011, Washington D.C. earthquake damaged the Giant Erect Penis - Obelisk called the Washington Monument. The Giant Penis head was cracked and it start leaning. Of course, the Republicans say it is leaning or hanging to the Right. The Democrats argue that it's leaning or hanging to the Left. Either way, it is no longer straight up.

Eye prophesied that this was a sign of the soon coming destruction and crumbling of the Washington Monument. Eye gave a prophetic sign that this would eventually happen. The sign began to come to pass within 5 days after given. We do not speak these things because we want them to happen. We speak these things because they are shown that they will happen.


Several days ago I saw this news article and began to intercede on behalf of our country. I thought about blogging it...finally today I felt was the time to do it.

Two bald eagles were fighting in mid air and crashed with talons locked together on the run way of the Duluth, Minnesota airport. They will recover.

Duluth is named for French pioneer explorer Daniel Greysolen, sieur du Luth (1649-1710), "the Robin Hood of Canada," the leader of the coureurs de bois, who passed through in 1678 on a mission into the wilderness.


Many hidden message are in this story of eagles crashing on a airport runway, and Duluth; we have no time to explore them.


March 22, 2013 a movie was released called, "Olympus Has Fallen." Olympus is a code name for the White House. This film was directed by Antoine Fuqua, director of Training Day. It stars Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Morgan Freeman. The film depicts a North Korean-led guerrilla assault on the White House, and focuses on a former Secret Service agent who tries to stop them.

They are showing you the soon coming destruction of the White House which symbolizes a giant a Womb - it also has an Oval Office (ovaries). They are also showing you the destruction of the giant Penis - Washington Monument. These powerful energetic symbols that has amazingly positive creative abilities have been used for evil and negative works of darkness. The idols must be destroyed.

Watch this trailer. We are not saying it will happen this way.

President Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedom; it will be because we destroyed ourselves." (This sounds like prophecy to me.)

"White House Down" is an upcoming American action-thriller film directed by Roland Emmerich about an assault on the White House by a paramilitary group. This film will be released June 28, 2013.

Watch the trailer here: WHITE HOUSE DOWN

There are other recent films also depicting this. Don't you think they know what coming? This is why they have moved the capitol to underground Denver, Colorado. The films are to prepare you for the change that has already happened.

Falling can be a good thing, one's perspective is changed and given a chance to look upwards.

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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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