(Web Blog)


APRIL 26, 2012

It's that season again, actually it's been ongoing especially since 2008 shocking election. What season is that? The season where the magicians and hypnotists really work their magic. Poor Americans are deceived into thinking they actually have a choice in the Presidential Contest; not realizing that even the men in the contest are only following orders. Do you really think you have a choice in the election process that some of you get so worked up about? Didn't George Bush Jr campaign make that clear enough in year 2000 election fraud? I know many Christians thought the outcome was a result of their prayers. (Click on the Red wav file short clip from the Matrix Reload Movie).


All the rhetoric and propaganda will increasingly flood the airways in the coming months. The country will become more divided as the Puppet Masters conquer the deceived minds, manipulate emotions and prey on the fears of weak minded Americans. They will speak in other tongues (legalese) confusing you while saying the same things. Sadly, many poor Christians will feel they have to protest and stand up for what they interpret as righteousness. Christians will start their prayer campaigns against the Party they don't like. The negativity, garbage and Fear Mongering will inspire visions, prophecies and violent radical ideas. Republicans against Democrats, the (2) Party system at odds with each other, the public is suppose to believe. In reality there is only (1) Party and you are not invited to it; but you get to pay for it.


Each Presidential Candidate is fighting for your rights. What rights?! Don't you know that you are a slave of the Corporation - Plantation called America? This is the most powerful, liberal and advanced Plantation on earth, slaves globally die trying to get here to be a slave to greed driven Capitalistic ideas. The slaves of this plantation are a bit arrogant and think they are better than other slaves from less developed nations. They fight to pass laws (SB1070) to keep out foreign harder working slaves; fearing their grand delusions of their slave positions and way of life might be threatened.

It does not matter what the color of your skin is, your race, what language you speak, your religious label; not even your fashion label. You're but a slave to the system. Of course, some slaves are given more privileges than others and made to feel freer; they are only more indebted fabulous slaves. The Corporation owns you, your Birth Certificate number and Social Security number are proof. What has made this type of slavery so effective and yet makes it so is; the grand illusion of freedom. The slaves are encouraged to go after the American Dream. But what they fail to realize is, you have to be asleep to have the dream and that's the way they want to keep you. Plus, your Slave Masters, Puppet Masters have been successful at keeping the slaves mentally and emotionally off balance by pitting them against each other.

The stupid small minded slaves fight over petty things like; who has the best God, the best Religion (denomination), the best Political Party, and their warped definition and delusions of patriotism. They even fight over Race; ignorantly thinking that more melanin or less melanin in the skin determines whose a better human-slave. The slaves of the Corporation spend time hating and killing each other, providing entertainment for their blood-thirsty Masters in this sophisticated arena. Will the slaves ever realize the power of love and unity can forever rid them of their evil slave masters??


Many Conservatives are worried about Big Brother spying, the Patriot Act, their Privacy and other things they use to keep you distracted and off balanced. Your privacy was violated when you were born and signed over to the Corporation by your parents. Your parents unknowingly became an informant for the Plantation-Corporation of America or whatever nation you are from. They signed the Birth Certificate pledging you a slave or merchandise for the Corporation - Plantation. The Corporation literally owns you and have the papers to prove it.

They know everything about you, the medication you use, the types of food you eat, where you like to shop, restaurants, your favorite entertainment, TV shows, religious preference, how much toilet paper you use and when you go to sleep. They even know when you might be pregnant, before you reveal it to others. Their Agents are everywhere collecting data and figuring out how to sell you things you don't even like or need, yet you buy them. This major ploy is to keep you in debt. They create worthless money for you to use and tell you how, when and what to spend it on. They watch you while you are watching your TV, they track your movements through your cell phone, listen to your conversation through other cute technology gadgets they told you that you need. Their matrix is everywhere.

People who are seriously concerned about their freedom, privacy and other issues they make a lot of noise about, should do these things. Get Rid of your TV! Get Rid of your fancy new Mobile phone and get an old cheap one! Return your IPAD and all the other little techno-toys I don't even know the names of. Limit your movement and use of the Internet. If you can't do these things, DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY BEING VIOLATED. (Read this article and find out how TARGET & other stores know so much about you).



What if hardly anyone participated or voted for your chosen political officials? I know many Conservative Republicans are very upset because they appear to have no one to vote for. I mean, most don't want to vote for a Mormon (Mitt Romney) and many don't even think Mormonism is a Christian religion. "It's a Cult! Joseph Smith is their false prophet, plus they wrote their own Bible," they say.

Many years ago when I lived in the Blackfoot Indian Nation of Alberta, Canada - on the Reservation, we referred to the Mormons as "many wives." Southern Alberta has a strong Mormon population. I must confess, we often made jokes of the name Brigham Young also and other leaders - Some of the young men and I would ask, "how do your want your wive?" The answer was, "Bring 'em Young." Too bad that stigma yet plagues the reformed Mormon Church today.

The only other "choice" the Conservative Republican Christians have is to vote for a Black ex-Muslim, that many believe is yet a secret Muslim. OMG! Not again. Even some of the Black Democrats are not too sure about another round of O'bama. Is there really a big difference between Romney and Obama, besides the obvious? Looking back, has there really been a big difference between any of them? Could it be that they are not really the ones that create policies, laws and decisions that really matter? Could it be that they are only Puppets, controlled by the same Puppet Masters, reading a script that's been given to them? Check this video out sent to me by Richard Synder of AZ and judge for yourself. A vote for one is a vote for the other. Thank God I have never participated and don't expect to anytime soon.


We were born into slavery, but there are ways out. First, one must be "born again" but that is not enough. Religious slavery can be worse than the political control. You must unplug from the system or you will never be free. Jesus said it this way, "You are in the world but not of the world." John 17 The world (kosmos) is the arrangement of things, system or governmental order, world affairs.

Paul said, "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed, by renewing your minds." Romans 12 As long as someone is plugged into the system (worldly ways of doing things) they will only function out of a slave mentality. What does this mean? Live in the world, do what is necessary, but don't allow the world to live in you. Refuse to act, speak, behave, think and conduct your lifestyle as they do. We should be influencing the world, instead of the world influencing us. "Be ye HOLY for I AM HOLY" is yet relevant today; although not popular.

As Paul said, "Renew your mind." Get the garbage of Hollywood corruption, Political propaganda and Religious deception and divisiveness out of your mind. Get deprogrammed from all the brainwashing by re-educating yourself, tapping into your authentic self and BEING.

Hopefully, we have come to now realize there are no (2) Political Parties. This deception was given to you only to make you believe that you actually had a choice. However, what if there was one of the Contestants deciding to rage against the machine? Yeah, disconnect from the strings that have manipulated the moves of every man in that office-- What if there is an unspoken hidden agenda to get rid of the Plantation - Corporation? Would born slaves be able to discern freedom from slavery? Or, would they want to go back to Egypt (something familiar) as the ancient Israelites did?

Being detached from the obvious provides an excellent opportunity for the Eye to see and discern. (Forward this message to all of your contacts - if they get upset, don't worry, they'll get over it. It might open someone's eye to see).

Share this with all you know.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 7113

Surprise, AZ 85374


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