JANUARY 26, 2013

As some of you know that read our blogs and many of you that have known me for years; I've always had a passion for the foreign missions fields. It has been such a blessing reaching out to the truly poor in Central America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe over the years. The joy of seeing people come to know Him, lives truly changed and seeing the supernatural manifestations are priceless. Although, I have not been abroad in several years, we are yet involved with many of the leaders and our works in some of the places.

I believe in the Reconciliation of All things and that God would have all to be saved - come to know Him. However, I am very much aware of the Great Commission of Jesus the Christ, to go into all the world and make disciples. (We are also aware that everyone cannot "physically go") Being blessed with the knowledge of the mysteries of God comes a greater responsibility for the true sons of God; that is to make His love and name glorious to all nations. The gross error I have seen in the Western version of the message of reconciliation is: "It is Finished, therefore, I have to do Nothing, but accept it and wait to one day be glorified." "To whom much is given, much is required." We indeed must become our brother's keeper. Faith comes by hearing and how shall they hear unless someone tells them in a way they can understand.

We want to again thank those of you that donated towards Zobia's visit and mission to her native country of Pakistan. She left here on the night of January 13, 2013. She sends her greetings and thanks to everyone for your prayers. You are a part of what is happening there.

We were able to give donations to some of the ministry works we are involved with there and also toward Isaac TV that's reaching 70 nations, mostly in the Muslim world - from East Africa to China. Thanks for "going" and telling them of the love of God through your donations and being a part of this work in a Muslim country. (We are yet expecting to do programming for Isaac TV, as the door is yet open to proclaim this good news of the Kingdom).

We talk to Zobia daily and sometimes twice a day. She's enjoying her family, getting to go to various meetings to share her testimony and helping to feed kids in various poorer areas. She has also had a chance to visit and share with some of her female Muslim clients. She was a massage therapist while living there.

(Contrary to the propaganda about the Muslim world, women are respected for the most part and many of the strict and strange cultural laws regarding them and how they dress is mostly for their protection...at least in the minds of many men and women. Nevertheless, we have been watching and involved with the rise of many powerful women of God throughout the Muslim world over the past 10 years or so - they are respected and Muslim men will listen to their message; especially if there is power and signs following).

Here's Zobia and her niece Sonia, with some of the children at Grace Ministries in Lahore, Pakistan that we have had the privilege of helping.

Zobia eating with the children - they are thankful for having more than a bowl of rice and beans. Your gift help made this possible.

Zobia sharing at the Women of Grace Conference.

Zobia assisting the Woman of God in praying for the people.

Zobia getting ministered to

Zobia and her younger brother Javed

Zobia being honored @ the big meeting in Lahore. This is led by my friend Pastor Anwar. The people are very thankful for the little bit that we are able to do.

Continue to keep her in your prayers and the people in this troubled region that's hungry for the Living God and true spirituality. Thank you.

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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