Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

Astro-Prophecy..There Is No More Normal

I have talked to so many people in the past few years that have stated to me that, “nothing seems normal anymore,” as they wondered why.  I must confess that I have been in total agreement with them, there is no more normal…at least as we knew it.   For those that could hear, Eye shared some information from the astrological point.  “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Do you know how the heavens influence the earth?”  Job 38:33

In 2012, Eye started to share astro-prophetic insight of what the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions and squaring over the following 3 years meant.   In 2012, Eye spoke and wrote on several occasions of the death on many levels that would be coming, as the cosmic human family came to an end of a long cycle.  From June 2012 to March 2015, we were in a very powerful cycle that affected every aspect of our planet (government, military, law enforcement, economy, relationships, spirituality, health, emotions, individuality, etc) and our solar system.  We are now just coming out of that heaven and hell chain of experiences.   Uranus (ou-ran-os=heaven), representing heaven, positive, refreshing, healing, faith-giving, blissful events.  Pluto (god of the underworld), representing hell,  death, negative, tension, stressful, darkness, fear, and anger events.

The planets and  the zodiac are the Most High God Cosmic Apostles and Prophets who can not lie.  They are there to govern, guide, guard and instruct humanity in the path of righteousness and give us the lessons needed, until we are no longer subjected to their tutorship.

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars (constellations) also.”   Genesis 1:16    (rule=govern, chief ruler)

Eye hear the word of the Lord saying, “Many of you are in a place of putting the pieces back together of what seems to have been broken again and again over the past few years, yet you find yourself again trying to put things together and make sense of it.  Where does it all fit?  How does it fit?  There seems to be missing parts.  “Will it ever fit again?” you question.  ‘No!  It will not.  That time has come and gone and what was normal, is not normal anymore.’

You may pick up the pieces and hold them as memories of the good and bad.  You may pick up the pieces and hold them close, but do not allow them to hold you.  It is a new season, a new cycle and you must move on.  That which you truly had is never lost or gone.

Others are finally recovering from the constant disruptions of life happening in ways where you had no control.  Time seems to have gone so fast and so many things have happened, you can hardly believe it.  The nightmare that was is ending and you are just waking up from it – but it yet doesn’t make sense.

In the midst of the wonderful blessings of Uranus’ influences, there was intermittent hell breaking out all around as Pluto squared and tried to block the influences of heaven.  There is no more normal.  The sense of familiarity is being removed.   Even the ways I have dealt with you in the past is changing.

Life experiences, which were once predictable are now forcing you to move into the state of spontaneity and trust.  You have not come this way before and all things are being made new.  You have survived to be a witness and expression of the power to overcome.

The universal law of opposites are pulling, opposing and sometimes seemingly blocking you from what you know is just ahead.  Uranus has shaken life up and is yet forcing everyone to access higher consciousness to find solutions on an individual level, as well as corporately.   Pluto has forced and yet is forcing humanity to go deep within to deal with the hidden thoughts and emotions that causes spiritual death and separation from pure love and light.

Although Uranus and Pluto have moved on, their residual effects and energies are creating a bridge to another unique cycle of lessons during your time of recovery.  You have endure the shaking, challenges, changes and upheaval of the past 3 years – this is your rite of passage.   Soon Saturn will move into Sagittarius and square with Neptune, who has been in Pisces since February 4, 2012.  You have been validated and qualify to move on to the next level.  All loose ends should have been dealt with.  November 24-28 is a time for personal breakthroughs to manifest, as old energy is cleared.

 November 26, 2015 is the date for this massive energy shift and another cycle shall begins.  The headline news will be buzzing from November 24-28 reflecting the energy in the heavens.


Saturn square Neptune on November 26th, 2015,  AND on June 17, 2016,  AND September 10th, 2016, with Neptune in Pisces.

What Does It Mean By Planets “Squaring Off?”  A square  is formed when two planets are 90 degrees apart. Like the opposition, it is an aspect of tension, with the planets in constant conflict, this creates strong feeling of struggle. 

This energy manifest in a way as if you are struggling with your own self.  Often they are elements of your own being disguised as others outside of you, or problems waiting to be solve.  The opportunity and  ability to overcome is available only when you submit to the lessons being taught by the influences of the Celestial Prophets.    In this you will learn that opposition is a friend disguised as a foe, unknowingly helping you to get to your next level.

Saturn in Sagittarius Squaring Neptune in Pisces will expose hypocrisy and uncover that which has been buried or hidden.  Saturn will transit through Sagittarius November 2015 until December  2017.  For those who take delight in condemning, judging un-righteously, exposing the sins and humanness of other; the covers will be pulled back to reveal their own hypocrisies.   You will see many of your religious leaders fall from lofty positions and be ridiculed over the next 2 years.  Scandals…and a major prophetic voice will be caught up in it and law suits will be filed. 

Eye see Whistle-Blowers in the government, military, food, medical and major corporations and industries coming forth.  A parade of them exposing truth and causing major and class action law suits to be file.

 Illusions will be shattered and those choosing to live the make-believe lives will be forced to shatter their illusions or be shattered by their illusions. 

In the world of celebrities and famous people, many shall be forced to admit their emptiness and loss of their identity, due to living the illusion and their made up character life.  

(This was posted to Youtube -one day after Eye released this word)

Eye see tragedy coming to a major Reality Show family within the next  year. 

Bayou Billionaires Reality Star Killed in Apparent Murder-Suicide: Police – November 8, 2016

 You will see emotional and psychotic breakdowns of those once respected and honored as super-stars/celebrities.  Out of this, those who humble themselves will have a spiritual encounter and open the eyes of many, as money and fame will no longer be their priority.   Others will fall in shame and will quickly be forgotten.  Hollywood and the Music Industry must face the Music and will be forced to go through major changes, as Saturn moves through Sagittarius squaring with Neptune in Pisces.

November 22, 2016 Sun in Sagittarius & Neptune is in Pisces – KANYE WEST PSYCHIATRIC BREAKDOWN

The Almighty is bringing you to the end of the self you have created and misidentified as your true self.  The stretching and personal upheavals are designed to bring you closer to the Christ within and provoke you to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.

You must take ownership of the chaos you create or help to create, Saturn will not stop opposing you until you do.  Remove yourself far from the notion of entitlement and wanting fame.  The planets are positioning themselves to decrease the false you that has masked the true you.

You will soon learn if you really believe God or not.  Believe and expect the promises to materialize…but not necessarily in the way you would think of as normal.  There is no more normal.  This opens the doors of consciousness to limitless possibilities.  Those who trust me will see the works of my hands in ways you have not imagined and out of the most unusual circumstances shall I show myself.


(Eye have been stating throughout the year and over the last few years about major coastal water events and flooding in our nation.  We have seen some of the flooding this year in South Carolina & Texas recently.  That energy is building again for major water events)

November 24-28, 2015 –  WATCH & PRAYER DATES  –  Eye see the planet is most vulnerable for major Water Events.   FLOODING – STORMS  – EARTHQUAKE – TSUNAMI ACTIVITY  that could cause great loss of life.   Prayer can stop this or soften the impact. 

11/25/15 Category 3 Hurricane Forms off the Coast of Mexico – 

11/28/15 Flooding, Snow & Ice Storm 9 Fatalities –

EYE See – Underwater Earthquakes & Volcanoes Erupting seemingly simultaneously with above water Volcanoes Erupting causing Great Tidal Waves and Tsunami Type Events.  (not necessarily within the date range above)

EYE See – A Dam Breaking causing great flooding and loss

11/6/15 – 2 DAMS BREAK IN BRAZIL –   – (These Dams burst on the day Eye saw Dams bursting, but  I don’t believe these are the ones Eye saw)

EYE See – this fall/winter season again will break records and set new records for being the wettest winter – RAIN, SNOW…and Snow in places not accustom to having big snow storms.

EYE See – You have moved into another cycle of MAJOR EARTHQUAKES on various parts of the planet including North America.  Eye see Earthquakes coming measuring from 8 – 11 on the Richter Scale…A Series with aftershocks creating more devastation than the initial Earthquake.”

(41 Earthquakes hit the planet in 24 hrs since 11/24/15)

11/25/15 (2)  –  7.6 Major Earthquakes within 5 minutes apart strike Brazil & Peru – 

These events EYE SEE are shared for the purpose of warning and to create intercession, fully aware that the prophetic INsight is given to show up things we can sometimes change or soften the impact. 

(In the near future, Eye expect to share more prophetic insight regarding this astrological event)

What an awesome time to be alive and AWAKE.  “The knowledge of the glory of God shall cover the earth, as the water covers the seas.”

Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Saturn's Influence | Atam.Org - […] & Prayer Dates.  The dates are November 24-28, with November 26th being the high point.  We often post…
  2. Realm of the Prophetic & 2015 Prophecies in Review | Atam.Org - […] November 24-28, 2015 –  WATCH & PRAYER DATES  –  Eye see the planet is most vulnerable for major Water…

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