Satan’s Unholy Calendar

Satan’s Unholy Calendar

Satan’s Unholy Calendar
“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.”
Matthew 13:35

There are no coincidences or accidents, and nothing happens just by chance in the universe. Everything and everyone is connected energetically; each thought, word and action creates an effect somewhere along this invisible web of energy. The black widow spider weaves an intricate, delicate, geometric, elaborate web. She sits out of sight of a unsuspecting prey or predator, or she might appear to be asleep. However, just the slightest movement of an insect on her extremely fine strands of silk, sends a vibration throughout the whole web that only she can feel. This sends her running to the exact spot where the vibration originated and we know the dire effect that will be rendered to the poor insect. So similar it to the elaborate intricate web of life we are all connected to. The effect which becomes a cause, generating chain reactions of more effects and causes manifesting on the physical plane, are interpreted by what I call the law of 2. The law of 2 can be called the law of opposites. It is what appears as opposites; likes or dislikes, pleasure or pain.

There is light, but there is also darkness; there is good and also evil. As much as we try to detach ourselves from the realm of duality, the resistance to it is what proves its existence time and time again. We are presented with what appears as choices, circumstances and situations that appear to have opposite outcomes. While we choose to try to not operate in the realm of duality, we can not truthfully deny it does not exist; at least in the 3-dimensional world in which we are yet so greatly attached to. Plus, there are many that have made wrong choices and need others to set them free.

Many years ago, while living in Washington State, I was requested to come with a few others to the home of a woman that confessed she had recently become an ex-Satanist. Her former associates had vowed she would die on Halloween’s night, as they performed certain rituals. This was my first understanding of a Satanic Calendar so to speak. It was a very intense night of extremely heavy spiritual warfare, as we released the forces of Light to battle the thick darkness. I watched this woman respond to the negative psychic attacks, the atmosphere was filled with heaviness, as we warred throughout the night. Her body took many blows by unseen forces, one could literally see as her body writhed, and flesh sink in from being impacted; as she appeared to be punched and beaten. They performed their unholy rituals of death, as we countered them by performing holy ritual of life over her. Despite all the commotion, screams, and even feeling a bit of fear, due to the heavy presence of darkness, the power of Light and Love prevailed. By sunrise she was yet on the floor, not writhing in pain anymore, but speaking in heavenly languages: while basking in the love of Jesus. She had made it through her darkest night.


So much of our work, especially the prophetic aspects of it revolves around interpreting the energy of the highly mystical Sacred Calendar of the Bible. As you will find throughout our writings. If you are not familiar with the Biblical heavily encrypted prophetic Calendar, you might not be able to make the connection. There are 7 Feasts (holy days) that are summed up into 3 major festivals or “holy days.” In my opinion, every major event on the planet can somehow be connected to these times, or cycles; which are governed by the mysteries of the heavens and hidden secrets of agriculture.

Since there is something genuine, there is bound to be a counterfeit. However, to those that seriously practice their faith in this counterfeit system, it is very real and the results are amazing. After all, everything boils down to our belief system, faith. Each person has been given a measure of faith and can choose to focus that faith toward whatever or whomever they desire.

Our intent is not to glorify the “dark side” but to make you aware of its existence. Actually, in this message, we may not list all the dates recognized on the Satanic Calendar. The intent here is just you make you aware of it and share some of the upcoming dates. The Bible gives us God’s Sacred Calendar with specific feast days based on the astronomical movements of the heavens. The encrypted Sacred Calendar is very prophetic, once we learn how to read it.

The entity called Satan, which appears opposite of what we call God or Good also has a Calendar. It is closely observed and used in a diabolical mystical way by the Illuminati, modern Masons, sorcerers and those who dabble into negativity occultism. They understand what is called the “spirit world,” and it is a very real world for them. In this writing we will not share the details of the complete Satanic Unholy Calendar; we will only share a few of the coming high unholy days. Actually, by the time you read this, one day will be almost passed; since we mailed it later than expected.

We are sharing this information for the purposes of educating you, equipping you and to call you into a time of targeted intercession and prayer. Eye felt to include others this year because we are approaching a very crucial time and there are others that practice the dark arts that also know this. (More details later)

The Satanic Calendar is comprise up of 4 periods of 13 weeks each, 4×13=52. The number 13 is special for those practicing the dark arts. 52 weeks with 4 highly occultic phases, spread out over 13 cycles of negative energy each. The 4 Highly Occultic phases are marked by the 2 EQUINOXES (Spring Equinox March 20-21-22 – Fall Equinox September 21-22-23) and 2 SOLSTICES (Summer Solstice between June 20-21-22 – Winter Solstice between December 20-21-22) with specific requirements for human sacrifice, blood, sex rituals and or, high emotions to celebrate and activate the energy to be used in a negative way. The Solstices and Equinoxes are unusually high Power Dates. (We are not suggesting that everyone who practices a “craft” engage in the extreme human sacrifice ritual, some uses earth energies to help repel or counter the evil during these highly energetic days that can represent good or evil.)

APRIL 19 – MAY 1

From April 19 – May 1The evil festival dates of those that work in the dark and are controlled by darkness are April 19 – May 6. The most powerful dates are April 19, April 30th and May 1. April 30-May 1 is called BEL-tane Festival til this very day. Those of you familiar with the Bible will recall Yahweh constantly warning the people against the worship of BEL, Baal and the practices of JezeBEL and her witchcraft.

Beltane festival is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar of western Europe. As this practice spread throughout Europe eastward, it was called Walpurgis Night, then later Witches Sabbath. Walpurgis was a “Christian” saint that was canonized and the pagan ritual was named after her. Unknown to most, modern Western Christianity is a mixture of satanism, paganism and Christianity. BELtane-Walpurgis is the celebration of sexuality and passion with frolicking, fire and antlers (horns) in worship of the horned god-Satan. It is also a fertility ritual with dance movements westward, connecting with the waxing power of the Sun. This Satanic influenced unholy day is yet celebrated today.


Witches usually celebrate Beltane from April 30 – May 1, although some prefer to mark it around May 5, when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus. We will come back to this important detail later, which relates to one of the reasons we are calling for specific intercession.


The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati was created on May 1st 1776, also known as Mayday; which was already a sacred holiday to the Satanic aspect of pagan religion. It is also a major holiday to most modern communists. The year 1776 also has some note in history. It was the year that the American Declaration Of Independence was created. April 30 to July 4 is exactly 66 days. Is it a coincidence that many of the creators of the Declaration were themselves high degree Masons? Many Christians in this country often proudly proclaim that the founding fathers of this nation were Christian, not really knowing how heavily they were involve in negative occultism and Satanism.

These ancient dates were not chosen just by chance. As we have demonstrated and taught for years, there are certain dates that have powerful energies associated with them. This knowledge and energy can be used for good or evil. “The sons of Issachar were men who had wisdom and understanding of the times and seasons, they knew what Israel ought to do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32


Keep in mind that from ancient times until today, the period between April 30 – May 6 was dedicated to the worship of the horned god, altars were built and human sacrifices were made. Here is the pattern has been and is by the ones who control this world system, to create some event on the planet to stir human emotions (fear, anger) and or, create bloodshed (war), or mass death. Powerful energies are released through these acts and captured or fed on by those in high places on the dark side. Here’s just a few major event in history used to honor the horned-god.

311 AD April 30 – Emperor Galerius legal recognizes Christians in the Roman Empire. (Christian Pagan religion)

1789 – April 30 – George Washington inaugurated as 1st president of the United States (no coincidence this day was chosen)

2010 – April 30 – The Deepwater Horizon oil spill reaches the Louisiana Coast; weather is projected to impede cleanup efforts

1707 – May 1 – England, Wales & Scotland form UK of Great Britain

1863 – May 1 – Battle of Chancellorsville, VA (29,000 injured or died)

1863 – May 1 – Confederate congress passed resolution to kill black soldiers

1915 – May 1 – German submarine sinks US ship Gulflight

2003 – May 1 – In what becomes known as the “Mission Accomplished” speech, U.S. President George W. Bush declares that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

2011 – May 1, Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan

(1787 – May 6 – 1st Black Masonic Lodge (African # 459) forms Prince Hall, Boston)

Chloris in Greek mythology was celebrated May 1, while the Sun is in Taurus. Chloris means “pale green”. Revelation 6 speaks about the 4th Horse of the Apocalypse. The pale horse is Death. Keep in mind; the powers that are in control do nothing, absolutely nothing randomly. It is all about ancient symbols, celestial movements and dates. Taurus is the 2nd Zodiac house, the house of Finance, Wealth, Personal Values. Taurus is also a symbol of judgment.


We have come to a very critical time in human history and we are on the verge of making a great transition on many levels. The Old World Order, which has been in control and have enslaved humanity days are numbered. The Spirit and Word is testifying to this globally. The Sun in Taurus is a very important time for our personal and global economy. Spiritual warfare to counter our prolonged indebtedness to the Babylonian Financial System of this world is highly important during this season.


Use the dates given in this message as specific dates of prayer, intercession, fasting during world events that will be created on or around these specific dates. Make others aware.

PUSH = Pray Until Something Happen


For other messages on this subject click the links below:



Order of Melchizedek

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  1. It’s funny that the people in power disguise their celebrations as other holidays. What most Believers or or Christians don’t know is that even Satanist fast they abstain from food and go to the mountains and pray. A brother shared that on his missionary trip in Puerto Rico the witches would go to the mountains to pray and fast…. the brother shared he had to fast often.

    The miracles I personally witnessed were a result of fasting… We give all glory and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Makes one Wonder why they accuse John the Baptist of having a devil possessing him. Some that call themselves Christians don’t even fast. Many have no knowledge of it.


    • True, we should counter the forces of evil with fasting in prayer.

      • Exactly, but you know in America most christians are only able to fast from TV, Shopping, wine, deserts or maybe skip breakfast.

    • It’s very clear that we are the only people who don’t fast corporately and individually to get results. The Bible clearly states in
      Matthew 17;21 that we must fast in order to alleviate various situations. It’s time.

      • Unfortunately true. That’s why the so called “church” is powerless and have little discernment.

  2. Interesting that the coronation of King Charles is May 6th.


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