SHIFT HAPPENS! by Anthony ‘Nyce Moise

SHIFT HAPPENS!  by Anthony ‘Nyce Moise

Shalom People of the Most High God.  It is Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement; the most sacred day of the Biblical year.  The long awaited verdict is in. You have been sentenced to Life and that more abundantly.  You are no longer a part of this crumbling world system and from here on, you will never fit in.  This Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is most different from any other, as the consciousness of humanity is being forced to Shift.  You are no longer free to do your own thing, live your own life, go your own ways and frustrate the grace of God, by excusing yourself.  Shift is happening and you want to be walking in truth.   The message below is from my brother Anthony ‘Nyce Moise – in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Receive & Experience it.


Beloved the SPIRIT REALM is very real n actually MORE real than our 3D reality (Scientifically proven for you skeptics being that we only see 3% the universe i.e. Dark Matter)

And the SHIFT is about to HIT the preverbal cooling unit 23 SEP 2015. Portals around the world are being activated as those whose EYE is open will sense or SEE this time of visitation from higher beings in preparation for a lot of SHIFT. For the next 7 days you may feel a pull to go deeper into spirituality. Allow the magnetic energy to pull your consciousness away from this fleshly 3D limited mind into unlimited spiritual realities. RELAX and BREATHE!!!

For the Muslims it is Eid-Al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) for the Jews it is Yom Kippur (Day of At-ONE-ment). A-Braham (meaning BREATH or RA Sun God) the Father of Isaac & Ishmael the fathers of these two religions. Also while this being the time of transition into LIBRA you will have to put your LIFE on the scale. Can you sacrifice your FLESH to be At-ONE-d with SPIRIT?

This also a time of the balance between DAY and NIGHT i.e. Light and Darkness Autumn or ATUM! (Atom/Adam/ autumn) In Egyptian/Khmet 23 September is a festival called “Honors or Atum” The God who came from nothing who created the first gods. Atum/Atom was depicted as the setting SUN or as an obelisk. (Funny on 23/24 September the POPE will speak at the Washington monument an “Obelisk” on the time the Sun will be at autumn equinox depicting the God ATUM???)


All these events of course lead up to the climax on the 28th with the Blood Moon and total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Aries, which also happens to be the first sign of the Zodiac and represents beginnings and a new direction.

September 23, 2015 is the projected date for the cosmic crossing. It is when Earth crosses the exact spot where asteroid 101955, known as ‘Bennu’ is crossing. Also, Bennu or Benu is related to the verb, weben (wbn), meaning “to rise”, “rise in brilliance” or “shine,” and describes a bird connected with Atum and Ra much like the Phoenix. As an aspect of Atum, the Benu bird is said to have flown over the waters of Nun before the original creation the SPIRIT that moved above the WATERS. (SEE GENESIS 1:3)


Similar to birth when the waters break. There are 266 Days in conception and 23 Sep 2015 is the 266 day of the year.

September 23, 2015 in numerology is 9+2+3+2+1+5 = 22 = 4. 4 is a door or a gate. 4 winds. 4 corners of the earth. (Rev 4:1 “A door opened in heaven and a voice saying “COME UP HERE”).




Thanks Bro. Anthony for sharing with us.  His ministry is Born Identity Ministries –

Order of Melchizedek

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